Intro to Computers Chapter 4

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2. Which kind of software can be distributed by anyone to others at no cost?


3. Which of the following (with examples such as the bold, italic, and underline shown in the accompanying figure) adds emphasis to a font?

Font style

4. Which of the following (with examples such as Cambria and Calibri shown in the accompanying figure) is a name assigned to a specific design of characters?


5. In the accompanying figure, 12 point and 28 point are measurements of which of the following?

Font size

6. A single point as shown in the accompanying figure is about what fraction of an inch in height?


9. Which of the following kinds of software allows users to create visual aids for presentations to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a group?


10. When using spreadsheet software like the kind in the accompanying figure, what are the rows and columns collectively called?


11. Many worksheet cells like those in the accompanying figure contain a number that can be used in a calculation. What is the name for this?


12. Which of the following performs calculations on the data in a worksheet like the one in the accompanying figure and displays the resulting value in a cell?


20. Which of the following programs allow designers to rotate designs of 3-D objects to view them from any angle?


21. Which of the following kinds of software is software that enables professional designers to create sophisticated documents that contain text, graphics, and many colors?


22. Which of the following kinds of software is a sophisticated type of application software that assists a professional user in creating engineering, architectural, and scientific designs?


23. Designers and graphic artists can print finished publications on a color printer, take them to a professional printer, or post them on the web in a format that can be viewed by those without what kind of software?


31. What kind of software allows users to combine text, graphics, audio, video, and animation into an interactive application?

Multimedia authoring

32. What kind of software helps users of all skill levels create web pages that include graphics, video, audio, animation, and other special effects?

Website authoring

40. Which of the following kinds of programs displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window on webpages, email, or other Internet service?


41. Which of the following kinds of malware is a malicious mobile app that uses a variety of fraudulent schemes to charge unsuspecting users for premium messaging services?

Toll fraud

46. Which of the following is a utility that allows users to display, copy, and print the contents of a graphics file?

Image viewer

47. Which of the following is a utility that removes a program, as well as any associated entries in the system files?

Un installer

50. In the event a backup file is used, which kind of program reverses the process and returns backed up files to their original form?


53. Which type of software has no restrictions from the copyright holder regarding modifications of the software’s internal instructions and its redistribution?

Open source software

58. You are working for a book publisher and devising the height of the pages that will be required to print a given book. The text for the book is about 10 points. What will be the approximate height of each character in the book?

One-sixth of an inch

59. When a document contains text displayed in 10-point Cambria, to what does the 10-point refer?

The font size

60. If someone you know is purchasing word processing software, what features can she expect to find in the software?

Wordwrap, spell checker, clip art

61. In a spreadsheet program, how is data organized?

In rows and columns collectively called a worksheet

62. You have a new word processing program. Which of the following is least likely to be a feature in the program’s spelling checker?

The capability to Check the arithmetic in a table of calculation

63. Your friend has been assigned the task of creating visual aids to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a sales group. What type of software should she use to complete this task?

Presentation software

64. When data in a spreadsheet program is changed, what occurs?

All calculations can be recalculated

74. Which of the following types of software do engineers, architects and scientists use to create designs?

Computer-aided design software (CAD)

79. Who can effectively use web page authoring software?

Users of all skill levels

80. If you follow the advice of your instructor and use CBT to learn about programming languages, how would you learn?

Typically you would employ self-paced instruction to use and complete exercises presented on your computer.

81. Which of the following features is offered by WBT?

Self-directed, self-paced instruction

90. Antivirus programs look for a specific pattern of virus code. What is this pattern called?

Virus signature

91. A program has been placed on your smartphone without your knowledge and it is collecting personal information about you. What kind of application is this?


100. You are experiencing some problems with your operating system on your desktop and want to repair some problems with your hard disk. Which of the following will you use?

PC maintenance tool

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