interpersonal communication ch.5

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When a speaker uses powerful speech pattern he/she

may undermine relational goals to accomplish short term goals

"We" language

all of these choices are correct

The Sapir-Wolf hypothesis is the best known declaration of

linguistic relativism

In a low-context language culture, you will notice

self-expression valued.

Succinctness in language is most extreme in cultures where

silence is valued

All of the following statements about gender and language are true except which one?

Women interrupt men more in mixed-sex conversations

When we study semantic rules, we learn that

understanding occurs as a result of users agreeing on the same meanings for words.

In cultures that stress formality in language

language use defines social position

Equivocal words

have more than one commonly accepted definition

Which of the following is the least abstract definition of a successful college experience?

completion of the requirements listed on page 24 of the college catalog with a grade-point average of 2.0 or higher

A speaker’s willingness to take responsibility for his/her thoughts or feelings can be indicated by the use of

"I" language

"People from the East Coast are rude." Which of the following abstraction problems is illustrated by this statement?


Which of the following is a way to avoid the abstraction in the statement "I’ve got to be a better student"?

"I’m going to spend two hours a day studying"

A behavioral description should include

all of these choice are correct (who is involved, in what circumstances the behavior occurs, the specific behaviors)

If I say "here the drink bring," I have violated a ______ rule of our language


Syntactic rules of language govern

the grammar of language

Making an inference is a reasonable thing to do relationally as long as

you first describe the observable behavior that led to the inference

Which of the following statements best illustrates a fact?

I heard you tell Tim you weren’t interested

If you take an "easy" class your friend recommended and find it "hard", you have had semantic problems due to

relative words

Convergent speech patterns

demonstrate affiliation with one another

A friend told you there was a "good chance" that he would come to your party. When he didn’t show up you were upset. The semantic problem you experienced was due to

relative language

A culture is unavoidably shaped and reflected by the language its members speak. This concept is

linguistic relativism

"Frank is lazy" is an example of which semantic problem?

static evaluation

You think Angelique’s behavior is "arrogant." Your friend describes the same behavior as "self-confidence." An argument over who is right would revolve around

emotive language

Misunderstandings that revolve around equivocal and relative language can all be clarified by

replacing abstract terms with concrete ones

You can tell a friend "I wish you’d be direct instead of hinting around," but your friend responds by denying that he/she hints. One way to help resolve this issue is to

specifically describe the friend’s hinting behavior when it occurs

How could you increase the power of the statement "I, uh, think I’d be a little happier if you could make it on time. Okay?"?

none of the above increases the power of the statement

Communication researchers call the process of adapting one’s speech style to match that of others


Of the following statements, which is not characteristic of powerful speech?

It is always preferred over less powerful forms of speech.

Saying "You’re a fantastic person" rather than "You spent your whole weekend helping me move" is an example of

higher-level abstraction

Highly abstract language can lead to which of the following problems?

all of these choices are correct

What type of misunderstanding occurs when people assign different meanings to the same words?


The grammar of a language is governed by

syntactic rules

of the following, which is not characteristic of pragmatic rules?

They are almost always stated

A female employee may rely on ______ to interpret her older male boss’s statement, "You look very nice in that sweater."

pragmatic rules

Communicators who want to show affiliation with one another adapt their speech through

all of the above

Statements that basically cancel the thought that proceeds them are

"but" statements

Language styles vary across cultures

all of these choice are correct (in elaborateness or succinctness, in directness, in formality or informality)

The Star Wars character, Yoda, is following a different set of ______ rules when he says things like "the dark side are they"


Which of the following is an accurate statement from the "Swearing at Work" reading?

all of the above are accurate statements

Which of the following statements is most concrete and measurable?

"It’s a 9 on a scale of 1-10"

The chapter reading titled "Finding the Words to Talk About Disability" noted that

both b and c above(words used to describe disabilities matter. words become reality, and the words we use to discuss disabilities can enable us to see beyond the disability)

In the "Looking at Diversity" reading in Chapter 5, Pilar Bernal de Pheils encourages health care workers to "speak the patient’s language." What she means by this is that

thinking we understand the patient can be just as dangerous as not understanding

In one study, participants’ physiological responses were much stronger when hearing actual swear words than euphemisms for those words. Researchers say this is an example of

linguistic relativity

To avoid fact-inference confusion, the authors advice you to use the skill of

perception checking

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