Indian Independence

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Which of the following occurred as a result of India’s partition in 1947? Select all that apply.

Gandhi was assassinated. Citizens began to riot.

If the United States was to be partitioned in the same way India was, the partition would be based on

religious groupings.

Why was the Salt March a turning point in India’s struggle for independence?

A foreign journalist gave the story an international audience.

Ten million people became _____ after India was partitioned.


One of Jawaharlal Nehru’s first duties as India’s Prime Minister was to

improve living standards for Indians.

The refugee crisis that occurred in India after its partition was a result of

too many people trying to relocate at one time.

Who made the following statement regarding the partitioning of India?

"Those who demand separation would, in the end, suffer most for it . . . "

Jawarharlal Nehru

Gandhi was trained to be a


Which of the following events would most likely cause an increase in Indian nationalism?

Numerous Indian citizens are hurt when an office building is attacked by the British.

Why is Gandhi considered one of the most influential people of the twentieth century?

He inspired other leaders to be non-violent.

Why did Gandhi encourage Indians to weave their own cloth?

Textiles were a major source of income for Britain.

Which of the following ended the post-partition fighting between Hindus and Muslims?

Gandhi’s protest hunger strike

The Salt March was in protest of

Britain’s requirement that India could only purchase salt from government sources.

Which of the following illustrates the concept of Satyagraha?

camping out by a "no loitering" sign to protest the law

In , the Indian National Congress adopted Gandhi’s strategy to boycott British goods.


Who made the following statement regarding the partitioning of India?
"Those who demand separation would, in the end, suffer most for it . . . "

Jawarharlal Nehru

During World War II, the Indian National Congress told citizens to

refuse to vote in elections.

Which of the following illustrates Jinnah’s strongest argument for India’s partition?

Maintaining a single country would cause minority groups to feel resentful and angry.

Which of the following is the best example of civil disobedience?

refusing to pay taxes because you disapprove of how the money is being used by the government

Gandhi’s nickname, Mahatma, means

Great soul

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