Imperialism in East Asia-Pre-Test

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What was the significance of the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842?

Europeans forced the Chinese to sign it, ending the first Opium War.

Who did John Hay negotiate with to establish the Open Door policy?

China and the countries with spheres of influence

A rising sense of nationalism in China was a reaction to

the strong foreign influence in China.

What were Dowager Empress Cixi’s accomplishments during her reign? Check all that apply.

She served as the regent for her five-year-old son. She controlled the Qing Dynasty for forty-seven years. She modernized the Chinese military.

What steps did Chinese emperors take to reduce foreign influence in China? Check all that apply.

They had no interest in European manufactured goods. They pursued a policy of isolationism. They limited trade to one port.

These are the Spheres of Influence in China.
Which country had the second largest sphere of influence in China?


In China, food shortages, corruption in government, and high rates of opium addiction led to

the Taiping Rebellion.

Chinese emperors pursued a policy of "isolationism," or sealing off the empire to reduce foreign influences that they thought were negative.

• They had no interest in European manufactured goods. • They limited trade to just one port along the along the coast. • While European countries, in the midst of the scientific and Industrial revolutions, grew powerful in military and economic might, China stagnated or declined.

China was divided into areas of foreign economic control which were known as

spheres of influence.

Many Chinese were not happy about the increasing Western influence so they

rose up in the Boxer Rebellion.

What did China agree to do once the Treaty of Nanjing was signed? Check all that apply.

-create a "fair and reasonable" tariff -allow Britain to trade at five ports -surrender the territory of Hong Kong

The group of Chinese peasants who resented foreign influence were called the


What steps did Chinese emperors take to reduce foreign influence in China? Check all that apply.

-They had no interest in European manufactured goods. -They pursued a policy of isolationism. -They limited trade to one port.

Which country had the second largest sphere of influence in China?


What product did Britain continue to export despite objections by the Chinese government?


What was the most significant result of the Opium Wars?

They increased Britain’s influence in China.

In China, food shortages, corruption in government, and high rates of opium addiction led to

the Taiping Rebellion.

Which is a true statement about the effect of the Taiping Rebellion?

The number of lives lost was over twenty million.

China was easily defeated by the British in the first Opium War because

China’s navy was no match for Britain’s advanced weaponry.

A rising sense of nationalism in China was a reaction to

the strong foreign influence in China.

What is Lin Zexu’s goal in writing the letter to Britain’s Queen Victoria?

to appeal to her integrity and ask her to stop harming the Chinese people

The US Secretary of State who established the Open Door policy was John


During the Taiping Rebellion, who rebelled?

the peasants

A rising sense of nationalism in China was a reaction to

the strong foreign influence in China.

What were Dowager Empress Cixi’s accomplishments during her reign? Check all that apply.

She served as the regent for her five-year-old son. She controlled the Qing Dynasty for forty-seven years. She modernized the Chinese military.

Who did John Hay negotiate with to establish the Open Door policy?

China and the countries with spheres of influence

Which is a true statement about the effect of the Taiping Rebellion?

The number of lives lost was over twenty million.

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