Imperial China

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What was an accomplishment by the Tang Dynasty of China?

The Tang rulers established a system of coinage.

Who was the first ruler of the Tang Dynasty?


Why did the Tang Dynasty face difficulties toward the end of its reign?

The economy struggled as China became unable to protect its long-distance trade routes.

How did the Song Dynasty compare to the Tang Dynasty?

The Song Dynasty was smaller than the Tang Dynasty but lasted for a slightly longer period of time

Who defeated the last Song emperor of China?

Kublai Khan

To expand his empire, Tang Taizong primarily

relied on his military skills.

The Grand Canal was built to connect

the Huang He River and the Yangtze River.

What was an accomplishment by the Song Dynasty of China?

The Song rulers created the first paper currency in history.

Which list states events of Chinese dynasties in the correct chronological order?

i. The Tang Dynasty came to an end. ii. Emperor Taizu took the throne. iii. The last Song emperor fell. iv. Mongol rule ended in China.

What was one of Wu Zhao’s accomplishments as ruler of the Tang Dynasty?

She oversaw the conquest of Korea.

The Tang Dynasty ruled China beginning in

the 600s CE

How were officials chosen for government positions within the Tang Dynasty?

Civil service exams helped identify skilled workers.

Which dynasty began about 50 years after the Tang Dynasty fell?

the Song Dynasty

What was one notable invention during the Song Dynasty?

moveable type

The Song Dynasty succeeded in

reunifying several kingdoms.

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