Impact of the Crusades

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In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, popes called for crusades against

any groups they thought threatened Catholicism.

What was an effect of the Crusades on the Muslim world?

The Crusades increased Muslims’ distrust of Europeans.

Which event took place during the Fourth Crusade?

The Crusaders attacked Constantinople.

Feudalism declined during the Crusades because

many knights lost their lives and fortunes in battle.

Which of these was a goal of the First Crusade?

to halt the spread of Muslim rule

After the Fourth Crusade, support among Europeans for the Crusades

began to decline.

The city of Jerusalem was significant to European Christians because it was

the place where Jesus was crucified.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, who took the lead in providing services to people throughout Europe?

the Roman Catholic Church

What compromise ended the Third Crusade?

Muslims continued to rule Jerusalem, but they allowed Christian pilgrims free access to the city.

Who was Saladin?

the Muslim general who ruled Jerusalem during the Third Crusade

The Crusaders considered the journey to Jerusalem to be a kind of pilgrimage because participants would

earn forgiveness for their sins.

The Crusades were military expeditions undertaken by

European Christians to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims.

The Catholic Church considered a heretic to be anyone who

held religious ideas rejected by Church authorities.

Which is the best description of the city of Constantinople at the time of the First Crusade?

Constantinople was a Christian city from which the Crusaders marched on Jerusalem.

What was the Reconquista?

the expulsion of Muslims and Jews from Spain

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