Homework Chapter 14- The Autonomic Nervous System

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Which pathways compose the autonomic nervous system?

Terminus of a sympathetic postganglionic neuron

Which of the following releases the neurotransmitter norepinephrine?


None of the listed responses is correct.

Which of the following is a way in which the somatic and autonomic nervous systems are similar? Both systems share common effectors. Both systems have ganglia in their motor pathways. Both systems share common efferent pathways. Both systems elicit the same target organ responses to their neurotransmitters. None of the listed responses is correct.

resting and digesting

Which of these activities is most likely driven by parasympathetic innervation?

stretch reflex

Which reflex requires gamma motor neurons to set the length of the muscle?

emergency action

Which of the following is NOT associated with the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? resting energy conservation digesting emergency action

thoracic and lumbar

Outflow of the sympathetic division occurs from which regions of the CNS?


Which of the letters in the figure indicates the vagus nerve?

white rami communicantes

The group of fibers indicated by E represents which of the following?

D indicates fibers that bypass collateral ganglia and terminate within the adrenal gland.

Which of the following statements is true of the group of fibers indicated by the letter D?


Which of the following is responsible for the overall integration of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?


Which division of the nervous system has long preganglionic neurons?

A two-neuron motor pathway

What differentiates an autonomic reflex from a somatic reflex?


The craniosacral division is another name for the parasympathetic division. (True/False)

inferior hypogastric plexus

Which plexus does NOT receive innervation from the vagus nerve? abdominal aortic plexus inferior hypogastric plexus pulmonary plexuses cardiac plexuses

The axon can course back into the spinal cord to synapse with preganglionic neurons in a different spinal segment.

Once a preganglionic axon reaches a trunk ganglion, one of three things can happen to the axon. Which of the following is NOT one of these three things?

Adrenal Medulla

Which target organ is NOT affected by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? liver lungs heart adrenal medulla

Beta 1

Which of the following adrenergic neurotransmitter receptors plays the major role in heart activity?


Emotions influence autonomic reactions primarily through integration in the ________.

is characterized by exaggerated vasoconstriction in the extremities

Raynaud’s disease ________.

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