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what was the main cause of the 14th century famines?

a little ice age inducing bad weather with heavy rains

the magna carta was drawn up in


the primary effect of the 13th century european visits to china was

the exposure of euopeans to chinese learning

which of the following proved most devastating for northern europe?

the great famine

which of the following happened during the great famine?

peasant leaders resisted heavy taxes imposed by leaders

the conditions prevalent in the 14th century that unleashed and exacerbated the catastrophe known as the black death did not include which of the following?

the building of the medieval city walls

which of the following initially caused the hundred years war?

philip VI confiscated gascony, a fief of the english king edward III

texts like marco polo’s "description of the world"

were a mix of facts and fiction

long distance trade in the thirteenth century usually occurred

through series of interlocking trade networks

in the 12th century, genghis khan quickly built up a large military force by

incorporating the warriors of defeated tribes into his own army

why did the pax mongolica come to an end?

conflict between rival trading groups increased and violence broke out

increasing european interest in african gold was driven by

increasing demand for luxury good

the first european colonies established outside of europe geographically were in the

atlantic ocean

the norse colony in greenland ceased to exist during the fourteenth century because

the climate had cooled considerably and farming was no longer possible

time became standardized in the fourteenth century due to

the invention and proliferation of mechanical clocks

dante’s divine comedy depicts the poet’s mythical journey through

hell, purgatory, and heaven

dante’s choice to weite much of ha work in italian

revolutionized vernacular literature in italy

as the power of the papacy weakened after 1250, popular piety

found its most creative forms of expression

although louis IX’s attempts at crusading were failures, they cemented his reputation as a

protector of the church

philip IV’s decision to suppress the knights templar and exile jews from france was driven by

financial concerns — both groups were extremely wealthy, and philip was in debt.

the stone of destiny was taken to westminster abbey by edward I

to demonstrate england’s power over scotland

in the fourteenth century, edward II argued that he was the legitimate heir of france based on a closer relationship to philip IV of france than that of the new Valois king because

he was married to philip IV’s daughter

the seven years famine occured because

europe had reached the limit of its ability to supply food for its population and the climate cooled by approximately two degrees centigrade

aside from starvation, the most devastating effect of the great famine was the

compromised immune system of those who survived

the black death probably eliminated almost ____ precent of europe’s population


marco polo

– author of "description of the world" – an adventurer (1254-1324) – traveled to asia then back to italy for 20 years

mongol hordes

people who were ruled under genghis khan. they were herdsmen whose daily lives and wealth depended on sheep that provided shelter, clothes, milk, and meat.

black death

deadly plague that was brought upon from china that killed 1/3-1/2 population

fresco painting

– fresh wet plaster – pigments mixed with water and natural gums – naturalism mostly

genghis khan

leader of the mongols back in 1200s. the name means universal ruler.

pax mongolica

a term used back then. it also means "peace mongola"


any of the Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th-11th centuries.

dante’s divine comedy

dante wrote a book after he was kicked out telling people how he went through hell and then found heaven

pope boniface VIII

the pope that argued with king philip IV of france over power and statues

king philip IV of france

he through the bishop in prison and did not have the popes back since it was illegal.

william of ockham

– philosopher – an english member of the franciscan order, denied that human reason could prove fundamental theological truths such as the existence of god. – argued that god can reveal whatever he is through only scriptures.

giotto di bondone

– artist – makes life like art


supreme power or authority


conversion of elements, for example the blood and body of christ is represented as the wine and bread


a theory that nothing in reality can prove (william of ockham)

pope clement V

declared the next pope after boniface death. works under philip IV


since pope clement became pope, the king of france thanked him by moving him into the palace of avignon

babylonian captivity

the period when the papacy remained in avignon (1303-1378)

knights templar

mostly christians, had a bad reputation. very unfortunate on friday the 13th (thats where we started the bad luck chain)

great famine

The Great Famine of 1315-1317 (occasionally dated 1315-1322) was the first of a series of large scale crises that struck Europe early in the fourteenth century. Most of continental Europe (extending east to Russia and south to Italy) and Great Britain were affected.

louis IX of france

known as a saint. – risk his life in service of the church. – he governed his kingdom very well. – he was looked as the protector of the church and christ on earth.

edward I of england

– built his sovereignty from scratch. – his father is henry the third – became king in 1272 – went to welsh to also be king of wales.

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