History unit 6

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What was the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in helping Latin American countries?

offered loans to Latin American countires that encouraged free-market economies

What was the major challenge in Mexico in the early twenty-first century?

ongoing violence caused by Mexico’s drug cartels

Why didn’t Latin American nations develop an industrial base during the nineteenth century?

Their economies remained rooted in agriculture.

How did many Latin American leaders attempt to make their countries more self-sufficient after World War II?

by promoting the growth of industry

What is a developing nation?

a country with low levels of industry and commerce

How did poor people respond when Latin American governments encouraged industry?

Millions of poor people flocked to cities in hopes of finding well-paying jobs

Why did U.S. intervention in Latin America increase during the Cold War?

The U.S. government feared that the Soviets would spread communism in Latin America.

What effect did Salvador Allende’s policies have on Chile’s economy?

His policies ruined the Chilean economy

Which country remains the longest-lived communist dictatorship in Latin America?


Which leader instituted changes in Argentina to improve the lives of workers, including a minimum wage and an eight-hour workday?

Juan Perón

Which leader stepped down after holding and losing a plebiscite asking the Chilean people whether they wanted him to continue in power?

Augusto Pinochet

What action did the United States take when Castro’s government seized the property of U.S. companies?

instituted an embargo of Cuba, forbidding Americans to trade with the country

Which Central American nation has the most successful and longest-lived democracy in Latin America?

Costa Rica

Which international organization helped Latin American nations become more democratic by sending observers to member states to see that elections were conducted fairly?

Organization of American States

Which Latin American country was part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States and Canada?


Which remains one of the biggest problems facing Latin America?

illegal drug trade

In the 1960s and 1970s, some Catholic priests and nuns in Latin America practiced the belief that Christians should work on behalf of the poor and oppressed. What is this belief called?

liberation theology

What was the goal of Mao’s Great Leap Forward?

quickly modernize China

Which of the following statements is true about life in China today?

There are no free elections.

Which was an underlying cause for the partition of India by Great Britain in 1947?

India’s Hindus and Muslims had a history of conflict.

Which accurately describes India’s economic progress in the late twentieth century?

economic growth resulting in a large new middle class

The United States began sending large numbers of military advisers to South Vietnam after which had occurred?

Ho Chi Minh began supplying and supporting communists in the south.

The development of which industry helped revive Indonesia’s economy?


Which was an important event in the rise of the Communist Party in China?

Mao Zedong became the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party in the 1930s

What kept nearly an entire generation of Chinese students from receiving an education?

Cultural Revolution

How is life in China today the same as it was when Mao Zedong died?

People cannot vote in free elections.

Which was a result of Britain’s plan to decolonize India?

two new nationsa Hindu India and a Muslim Pakistan

Which accurately describes India’s economic progress in the late twentieth century?

economic growth resulting in a large new middle class

Which was the outcome of the Vietnam War?

a single communist state

Which best describes Vietnam’s economy today?

Market economy policies have led to a sizable middle class.

Which is a major cause of conflict in Indonesia today?

ethnic and religious differences

Which helped Japan rise to become an economic power after World War II?

the U.S. occupation and the Korean War

Which is true of North Korea’s economy?

The government controls the production of goods.

In which way did North Korea and South Korea differ the most in the decades following the Korean War?

economic development

Both North Korea and Vietnam are communist states, yet Vietnam’s economy is stronger than North Korea’s. What best explains this?

Vietnam liberalized its economy by adopting some free-market policies

What issue of concern is most often seen in countries with communist governments or military regimes?

human rights violations

What happened in both China and Vietnam when the government liberalized the economy by adopting free-market policies?

The economy improved, as did the standard of living.

Which describes South Africa’s policy of apartheid?

a systematic policy of racial discrimination

What took place in Rwanda that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?

The Hutu mounted a campaign of extermination against the Tutsi.

What marked the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

Israel defended itself from attack and then took Palestinian land.

What is the Palestine Liberation Organization?

a group with the goal of destroying the state of Israel

What happened after World War II that changed the economic and political makeup of the Middle East?

The discovery of oil made some Middle Eastern nations wealthy.

What was the outcome of the Iranian revolution in 1978?

An Islamic ruler established repressive rule and denounced Western values.

Why did some African nations transition smoothly to independence while others experienced conflict?

Nations in which different ethnic groups vied for power often experienced conflict

Who was Nelson Mandela?

a South African leader who worked to end apartheid

Which two groups were involved in the conflict in Darfur in Sudan?

Muslims and Christians

Which was a key cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

the founding of a Jewish state in Palestine

Who was Yasser Arafat?

a Palestinian leader of a terrorist group

What is OPEC?

a cartel of oil-producing nations whose goal was to fix oil prices and limit competition

Which was one cause of the revolution in Iran in 1978?

Some Iranians believed the government aligned too closely with Western values.

Why did Islamists believe that many Middle Eastern nations were in decline?

They thought that Middle Eastern nations were not following the moral teachings and laws of Islam.

What is one reason that the United States invaded Iraq after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001?

U.S. leaders believed that Iraq was harboring terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.

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