History of Rock & Roll (Exam 1)

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Tin Pan Alley:

Was located in New York City, included a high concentration of songwriters, was a term that denoted a specific method of doing business in popular music

The role of the Tin Pan Alley publisher:

to pitch songs to artists who might consider performing them

Regional boundaries in popular culture began to diminish in the 1920s as a result of:

NBC radio broadcasting coast-to-coast with a national radio network

Amos ‘n’ Andy is an example of:

a popular comedy program broadcast on network radio

Ralph Peer made early recordings of which type of music?

hillbilly music

Western music is most often associated with the:

open prairie and cowboys

Jimmie Rodger’s performance style was noted for his trademark:


Memphis was an important music scene for blues due to the:

migration of rural blacks to urban centers

The music of Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five is an example of:

jump blues

One reason rock and roll was able to attain quick and broad attention at the national level:

the corporate transition from radio to television

What were the independent labels in the late 1940s and early 1950s?

Chess Records, King Records, Atlantic Records

Big band music emphasizes:

The band

Frank Sinatra began his musical career as a:

singer in big bands

In the early 1950s, mainstream pop was produced primarily for:

a family audience

The Grande Ole Opry broadcast from:

WSM in Nashville

The intermingling of soldiers from all regions of the United States helped spread the popularity of:

country and western

What did the Acuff-Rose publishing firm rely on for sales of its music?

songs recorded and performed by country artists

Most rhythm and blues performers learned to sing:

in church

Chicago blues musicians:

Bo Diddley, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters

Songs released by Atlantic Records often:

blended gospel, blues, and big band pop sounds


the nonsense syllables singers would use in song arrangements

The development of bluegrass can be primarily traced to:

Bill Monroe and His Blue Grass Boys

Which country and western artist has been referred to as "pure country"?

Hank Williams

The Stagger Lee myth refers to:

a stereotype of sexually driven black men

Big Joe Turner’s "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" is an example of:

hokum blues

In addition to lyrics, Bill Haley’s version of "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" changes the:

rhythmic feel

Which 1950s movie featured Bill Haley’s "(We’re Gonna) Rock around the Clock"?

Blackboard Jungle

Alan Freed began his career in:


The Rock and Roll Party was:

Alan Freed’s radio show in New York

The practice of payola involved:

creating business friendships with disc jockeys by offering gifts

The country and western chart was originally called:


A crossover song is:

a song or record appearing on multiple music charts

Cross over artists:

Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Little Richard

A song, "Roll Over Beethoven" celebrates:

teenagers listening to rhythm and blues

Little Richard’s aggressive piano playing and "wild man" image were a direct contrast to:

Fats Domino

The "whitening" of rhythm and blues was marked by:

lyrics changed to dance references instead of sexual innuendos

The success of crossover artists was significantly reduced by:

the practice of covering rhythm and blues songs

Who started Sun Records in Memphis?

Sam Phillips

Early in his career, Elvis was marketed as a:

country and western artist

Elvis Presley’s contract was bought by:

RCA Records

Elvis is often thought of as a song stylist because he:

did not write his own songs but chose which material he would record

Which song was the first million-selling single for Sun Records?

"Blue Suede Shoes"

Sun Records’ artists:

Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis

Gene Vincent and Eddie Cochran were particularly popular with:

audiences in England

Which Sun Records singer was dubbed the "female Elvis"?

Janis Martin

"That’ll Be the Day" was the first hit for:

Buddy Holly

These events affected the first wave of rock and roll:

Little Richard became an ordained minister, Elvis received his draft notice, Buddy Holly died in a plane crash

Who did ASCAP represent during the payola scandal?

traditional pop song writers

What was the focus of the congressional hearings regarding the payola scandal?

the radio stations that played rock and roll

Two high-profile individuals associated with the payola scandal were:

Alan Freed and Dick Clark

As a result of the payola scandal, Alan Freed:

was run out of the music business

Teen idols were marketed primarily as:

ideal boyfriends

Who was the first host of American Bandstand?

Bob Horn

The focus of American Bandstand was:

teenagers dancing to pop music

Which folk singer was a member of the Weavers?

Pete Seegar

Populist characteristics of the folk song movement:

the folk tunes were familiar to the audience, almost anyone could play folk music, the importance of song lyrics

Which song initiated the folk music revival in mainstream pop?

"Tom Dooley"

Which folk music group had a hit song with a cover of Bob Dylan’s "Blowin’ in the Wind"?

Peter, Paul, and Mary

The pop audience’s perception of the image and authenticity of folk music was the result of the:

effort of the music industry to market the movement

The role of the A&R man was to:

organize and coordinate the professionals involved in recording

A playlet is a:

short song telling a humorous story

Professional songwriters at the Brill Building:

King and Griffin, Sedaka and Greenfield, Weil and Mann

Girl Group examples:

the Ronnettes, the Crystals, the Dixie Cups

Who developed "the Wall of Sound"?

Phil Spector

"Be My Baby" was a hit for:

the Ronettes

Sam Cooke’s singing style is often referred to as:

sweet soul

Ben E. King had been a singer with:

the Drifters

Rockability pop musicians:

Roy Orbison, the Everly Brothers, Ricky Nelson

A distinctive vocal feature of the Everly Brothers was:

harmonies sung at the high end of the male vocal range

Musical influences on the Beach Boys include all of the following:

Phil Spector, doo-wop, Chuck Berry

An important component of the Beach Boys’ success was:

Brian Wilson’s production and writing

Dick Dale was known for:

his trademark fast tremolos on the guitar

Which event helped signal the end of the Brill Building?

Aldon Music being sold to Colombia Pictures/Screen Gems

Which aspects of "Leader of the Pack" indicate it is a playlet?

It contains a story line and an epilogue.

Examples of death disks:

"Teen Angel", "Leader of the Pack", "Dead Man’s Curve"

"Dead Man’s Curve" was a splatter-platter hit by:

Jan and Dean

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