History of Rock Chp 14

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The Monkees outsold the Rolling Stones and the Beatles in 1967.


The Monkees television show premiered in:


Louie Louie doesn’t include

obscene lyrics

Which song was written by the members of the Monkees?

The Girl I Knew Somewhere

The Monkees were the brainchild of Dick Clark.


The Monkees were created to emulate the Rolling Stones.


Don Kirshner oversaw the music for The Monkees television show.


All of these groups recorded "Louie Louie" EXCEPT:

Count Five

Last Train to Clarksville doesn’t include

mistakes that were left in the final recording

None of the members of the Monkees had ever sung before they were cast in the group.


Last Train to Clarksville was written by

Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart

Garage bands included all of the following EXCEPT:

mostly original music

Most members of garage bands were:

teenage boys

Paul Revere and the Raiders were the musical hosts of:

Where the Action Is

The songs "Sugar Sugar" and "Bang Shang a Lang" were recorded by Paul Revere and the Raiders.


Paul Revere and the Raiders wrote almost all of their own music.


Mickey Dolenz and Davy Jones both had professional acting backgrounds.


Which song was investigated by the FCC?

"Louie Louie"

Paul Revere and the Raiders wore replicas of United States Army uniforms from World War II.


All of these bands were one-hit wonders EXCEPT:

Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs

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