History of Rock Chp 12

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The Rolling Stones first visited the United States in:


Which Rolling Stones album was the first to feature entirely new material and no covers?


The Rolling Stones recorded songs that had been written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.


Who served as the manager of the Rolling Stones beginning in 1963?

Andrew Loog Oldham

"I Can’t Get No Satisfaction" features


What was the first Rolling Stones album to be recorded entirely in the United States?


Who wrote most of the music that the Rolling Stones recorded during the early 1960s?

The songs were covers of American blues music.

Which song features a sitar?

"Paint It, Black"

All of the following songs are covers EXCEPT:

"The Last Time"

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards frequently wrote songs in the 12-bar blues form.


Aftermath included all of these instruments EXCEPT:


Why was the Rolling Stones’ record deal with Decca unusual?

They retained the rights to all of their own songs

The Rolling Stones got their name from a song by what blues artist?

Muddy Waters

Which of the following guitarists did NOT get his start to their careers in the British blues scene?

Bo Diddley

British musicians were interested in revival the rural blues music of Blind Lemon Jefferson and Leadbelly.


Brian Jones drowned in:


The Rolling Stones were seen as the clean-cut alternative to the scruffy Beatles.


Brian Jones was the only member of the Rolling Stones who was never arrested for drug possession.


The Rolling Stones’ first trip to the United States was a huge commercial success.


"I Can’t Get No Satisfaction" addresses all of the following topics EXCEPT:

drug use

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