History of Rock 120 UTK Chapter 2

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The practice of payola involved

creating business friendships with disc jockeys by offering gifts

Which 1950s movie featured Bill Haley’s "(We’re Gonna) Rock around the Clock"?

Blackboard Jungle

Elvis Presley’s contract was bought by

RCA Records

Which song was the first million-selling single for Sun Records?

"Blue Suede Shoes"

Which Sun Records singer was dubbed the "female Elvis"?

Janis Martin

Two high-profile individuals associated with the payola scandal were

Alan Freed and Dick Clark

Early in his career, Elvis was marketed as a

country and western artist

The country and western chart was originally called:


All of the following are examples of crossover artists EXCEPT:

Big Joe Turner

Little Richard’s aggressive piano playing and "wild man" image were a direct contrast to

Fats Domino

That’ll Be the Day" was the first hit for:

Buddy Holly

All of the following were artists with Sun Records EXCEPT:

Buddy Holly

radio show hosted by Alan Freed

The Moondog Show

original marketing term for rhythm and blues

"race" records

Chuck Berry’s first hit on Chess Records


song originally performed by Big Joe Turner

"Shake, Rattle, and Roll"

Elvis Presley’s manager

Colonel Tom Parker

crossover success for Jerry Lee Lewis

"Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On"

female rockabilly singer

Brenda Lee

trademark of Buddy Holly

vocal hiccup

the American Society of Composers, Artists, and Performers


received coauthor credit for the song "Maybellene"

Alan Freed

Who started Sun Records in Memphis?

Sam Phillips

A crossover song is

a song or record appearing on multiple music charts

major labels

Columbia RCA Victor MGM Deka Capitol Mercury

Done all with vocals
cleanest form of black music
first to cross over to pop charts

Doo Wop

Sun Records signed who

Elvis Presley Jerry Lee Lewis Carl Perkins Johnny Cash

Chuck Berry

wrote to teens amazing guitar playing with bent notes was on chess records

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