History of Rock 120 UTK Chapter 1

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All of the following were independent labels in the late 1940s and early 1950s EXCEPT:

Mercury Records

Big Joe Turner’s "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" is an example of

hokum blues

n addition to lyrics, Bill Haley’s version of "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" changes the

rhythmic feel

The Grand Ole Opry broadcast from

WSM in Nashville

What did the Acuff-Rose publishing firm rely on for sales of its music?

songs recorded and performed by country artists

One reason rock and roll was able to attain quick and broad attention at the national level was because of

the corporate transition from radio to television

Frank Sinatra began his musical career as a

singer in big bands

Ralph Peer made early recordings of which type of music

hillbilly music

The term "doo-wop" refers to

the nonsense syllables singers would use in song arrangements

The music of Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five is an example of:

jump blues

The development of bluegrass can be primarily traced to

Bill Monroe and His Blue Grass Boys

Most rhythm and blues performers learned to sing

in church

All of the following are true about Tin Pan Alley EXCEPT it

was developed as a regional style of music

The role of the Tin Pan Alley publisher was to

pitch songs to artists who might consider performing them

All of the following are examples of Chicago blues musicians EXCEPT:

Robert Johnson

standard format for Tin Pan Alley songs

32-bar sectional chorus

nickname for Jimmie Rodgers

The Singing Brakeman

Robert Johnson

rural blues musician

nstrumentalist during the big band era

Glenn Miller

established a model for future pop singers

Frank Sinatra

an inoffensive example of early 1950s pop

"How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?"

geographic center for country and western music


example of doo-wop


Atlantic Records singer

Ruth Brown

songwriters of "Hound Dog"

Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller

Memphis was an important music scene for blues due to the:

migration of rural blacks to urban centers

Jimmie Rodgers’s performance style was noted for his trademark


from british , story telling style of music


BIng Crosby

wrote many song most popular was White Christmas

rhythm somewhere other than the down beat


they create tension which create emotion

Blues scales

most important part to the lead up to rock pairing electic blues with the swing band beat


R&B _ threat

many white teens started lesioning to it

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