History of Rock 120 Intro

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How does Jackie Brenston’s "Rocket ’88’ " break with standard blues practices?

by not repeating the lyrics of the first phrase in the second phrase

The "doo-wop progression" consists of a

series of four chords

covers up certain imperfections in tone


creates a room sound through electronic means


the tone color of an instrument


adjusting the timbre for each instrument or voice


the "space" between stereo speakers

sonic landscape

EQ, ambience/volume, and stereo placement

mixing board

one speaker for playback

monophonic sound

adjustment of ambience, EQ, stereo placement, and volume of the tracks for the final version

mix down

term used in recording to designate a recorded part


keeps instrumental parts distinct


Which of the following best describes the relationship between the guitar and bass parts in the first verse of "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple?

they are playing almost the same part

Which instrument rounds out harmony by playing full chords?

rhythm guitar

Prior to the early 1960s, the bass guitar usually:

was an upright bass that could be amplified if necessary

The study of musical form includes

how sections are organized to create a larger structure

Buddy Holly’s "That’ll Be the Day" is an example of

contrasting verse-chorus

All of the following songs use the 12-bar blues format EXCEPT

"Can the Circle Be Unbroken"

The most common musical form found in Tin Pan Alley songs is

AABA form

the 12-bar blues form consists of

three groups of four phrases

A simple verse structure has

no chorus

A chord is a

combination of notes played together

refers to the organized pattering of the dimensions in music


a series of notes that repeats throughout the song


two or more notes played at the same time


verse after verse

Simple Verse

When recording music with the snapshot approach, which element is necessary in a space to re-create the live sound?

good acoustical balance

All of the following are used by a drummer except the


The job of the bass is typically to

connect rhythmically with the drummer and provide harmony

A chord is a

combination of notes played together

Which instrument round out harmony by playing full chords

rhythm guitar

The doop-wop progression consists of a

combination of four phases

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