History Midterm- (30-60)

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Which colony was intended as a haven for Catholics in the seventeenth century?


Why was France able to hold onto its vast North American domain against Spanish and English expansion?

They maintained stable relations with the Native Americans.

Why did Puritans decide they needed to leave Great Britain?

Charles I ended his predecessor’s practice of tolerating Puritans

Which statement concerning those accused of witchcraft in the Salem trials is true?

They included both low-status individuals and prominent citizens.

What became South Carolina’s staple crop in the 1600s


Besides Great Britain, France, and Spain, what other countries established colonies in North America in the 1600s?

Sweden and the Netherlands

What was the main purpose of France’s North American empire?

to provide furs and agricultural surpluses for the West Indies and timber for the French navy.

Who dissented from the Puritans and followed Roger Williams to Rhode Island?

Anne Hutchinson

What happened to tobacco prices around 1660?

They plunged below the break even point for what was needed for a family to survive.

What did Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay colony advocate?

He supported distinct roles for the different classes

Why was Harvard College founded?

to train ministers.

Which statement accurately describes eighteenth-century European immigrants to the British North American colonies?

They included large numbers of Irish and Germans and declining proportions of English.

What was the environmental impact of the rapid expansion of English settlement east of the Appalachians?


What did Deists argue?

they believed in a God who had created a perfect universe and then allowed it to operate according to natural laws.

How was eighteenth-century colonial settlement affected by the Native American populations?

Through the depopulation and dislocation of Native Americans, European colonial settlements were able to expand rapidly.

Why did Great Britain become more powerful in North America than either France or Spain in the first half of the 18th century?

Great Britain’s population in North America more than quadrupled.

Which of the following correctly suggests the conditions of landownership among farm families in well-settled areas?

The great majority of landowners could not provide their children with land when they married.

Which of the following was not a typical condition in eighteenth-century American cities?

Declining population because of out-migration to regions beyond the mountains where land was available

Which statement does not accurately describe George Whitefield?

He challenged the movement of Protestantism away from its roots in the teachings of Martin Luther.

What happened as a result of the Stono Rebellion?

The South Carolina legislature established a harsh new code to keep slaves under constant surveillance and ensure that masters disciplined their slaves.

What did the Navigation Acts do?

They required most colonial trade to go through England and be transported on English ships.

Who limited towns to a single annual meeting each year, enforced the Navigation Acts, and suppressed the colonial legislature in Massachusetts?

Edmund Andros

What did most eighteenth-century American intellectuals think about science?

They believed that science explained the laws of nature.

What was the typical qualification for holding office in eighteenth-century English colonies, outside of New England?

Significant property ownership

What was the Great Awakening?

It was a revival movement that emphasized the sinfulness of human beings and the need for immediate repentance.

Why was John Peter Zenger’s acquittal significant?

It helped set the precedent that the jury could decide what was libel or not and established truth as a defense against a charge of libel.

How did William Pitt plan to encourage the Americans to assume the military burden in the Seven Years’ War in America?

He promised that if the colonies raised the necessary men, Parliament would bear the financial burden.

What did the 1773 the Tea Act do?

It eliminated all remaining import duties on tea and, as a result, significantly lowered the price of tea in the colonies.

What did Virginia governor Lord Dunmore promise slaves in 1775?

If they were able-bodied and helped in restoring royal authority they would be granted freedom.

Which of the following men was a British prime minister during the reign of George III?

Correct! Lord Frederick North

Which of the following statements represents the conception most American colonists held of parliamentary power in the 1760s?

Parliament had limited powers of legislation that included authority to regulate imperial trade but excluded the authority to tax the colonists.

What were the greatest killers in Virginia during the 1600s?

Epidemic diseases like typhoid fever and malaria

Which of the following reduced the Native American population in New England?

all of these choices

Why was the Act for Religious Toleration of 1649 significant?

It protected Catholics in Maryland from religious persecution.

What of the following was not a characteristic of the government in Pennsylvania under William Penn?

Discrimination against non-Quakers

Which of the following facts characterized life in the Chesapeake region in the early seventeenth century?

Women had a somewhat greater status because of their scarcity.

What qualification allowed a man to vote for governor and members of the General Court in seventeenth-century Massachusetts?

church membership

New Light preachers like Gilbert Tennent shook the foundations of the social order by sowing seeds of doubt about


What was mercantilism?

a government policy aimed at achieving national economic self-sufficiency

Who founded the first colony in Georgia?

James Oglethorpe

Which branch of government was most likely to defend the interests of colonists?

The lower house of the legislature

Which of the following colonies remained outside the Dominion of New England?


What did the Townshend Duties do?

They set moderate tax rates that did not price goods out of the colonial market.

Which of the following was a result of the Pequot War?

Connecticut seized Pequot land and gave it to its colonists.

Which statement accurately describes the role of religion in the Chesapeake region in the seventeenth century?

It confronted a chronic shortage of clergymen.

Who bore the bloodiest fighting in the course of King William’s War?

The Iroquois

How did planters in the French West Indies defy their government’s mercantilist policies?

They refined their own sugar rather than sending it directly to France.

What was one of the results of King George’s War?

The English captured and then returned the French fort that guarded the entrance to the St. Lawrence River.

What did the English do after 1660?

They renewed efforts to expand and control colonial trade.

Who wrote Essay Concerning Human Understanding

John Locke

Who led the group in Parliament who opposed the domestic and foreign policies of George III?

John Wilkes

How did the colonists attempt to reconcile with England in 1775?

They presented the Olive Branch Petition to King George III to show their concerns.

Which statement accurately describes the county court system in Virginia?

all of these choices

How did Bacon’s Rebellion transform labor systems in Virginia?

it influenced planters to abandon indentured servants in favor of slaves.

Why did class tensions in the Chesapeake region lessen after 1690?

Poor whites shared a common interest with upper-class whites in maintaining social control over blacks.

Why did Charles I restore the Virginia assembly?

He needed tobacco revenues and the support of Virginia’s planters.

What was the main reason the population of the British North American colonies increased in the eighteenth century?

settlers had a big birth rate

Which of the following statements about Georgia is not correct?

It was populated by large numbers of shiftless debtors who otherwise would have had to rot in jail.

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