History Mid-Term- Chapter 2

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How did Spain establish territorial claims in North America?

Several explorers established Spanish territorial claims in North America. Ponce de León explored Florida. Francisco Coronado traveled as far north as the Great Plains in his search for seven cities of gold. All he found were seven little villages, or pueblos.

What types of permanent settlements did the Spanish establish in North America?

*Spanish soldiers established forts called presidios to protect Spanish lands. *Catholic priests, wanting to convert Native Americans to Catholicism, established missions.

What type of relationship existed between the Spanish and Native Americans living in North America?

The Native Americans and the Spanish learned many things from each other. Pueblo people learned how to use new tools, grow new foods, and raise sheep for wool. From the Indians, the Spanish learned new techniques for growing crops in the desert. Many converted to Catholicism. However, the Spanish treated the Native Americans harshly. Indians were made to work as slave labor. Their religious leaders who refused to convert to Christianity were whipped. **The Spanish brought diseases, which killed many Indians. In response to this treatment, Native Americans sometimes attacked the Spanish.

How did France establish territorial claims in North America?

Explorers established French claims in North America. Jacques Cartier claimed Canada. Samuel de Champlain established a trading post at Quebec. Father Marquette and Louis Joliet explored the Mississippi River. Robert de La Salle claimed Louisiana.

What was life like in French settlements in North America?

Fur trappers, or coureurs de bois, and missionaries came to New France. However, the colony failed to attract many settlers because of the harsh climate and the colony’s policy of granting the best land to nobility.

What type of relationship existed between the French and Native Americans living in North America?

The French made the Native Americans their *business partners. An especially friendly relationship was established between the French and the Huron, who were enemies of the Iroquois. *European diseases, however, killed many Indians.

How did England establish territorial claims in North America?

John Cabot’s brief landing on Newfoundland established English claims in North America. In 1607, a group of merchants formed the London Company, to start a money making colony. When they reached Virginia, they settled in a swampy peninsula and named it Jamestown.

What was life like in Jamestown?

Life was difficult for the settlers in Jamestown. Their settlement was located in a swamp where disease-carrying mosquitoes bred. Most settlers were unwilling or unable to provide for themselves. After Captain John Smith took over leadership, conditions improved. When Smith was forced to return to England, however, the settlers went through the Starving Time. Native Americans would not trade with the settlers.

What type of relationship existed between the British and the Native Americans living around Jamestown?

With the help of **Pocahontas, Captain John Smith became friends with the Native Americans. She helped the colonists avoid starvation. Although the Native Americans refused to trade with the settlers during the Starving Time, relations improved when John Rolfe married Pocahontas.

How did the Netherlands establish territorial claims in North America?

The explorations of Henry Hudson established the territorial claims of the Dutch in North America. Also, Peter Minuit bought the island of Manhattan from the Native Americans. Peter Stuyvesant, was the New Amsterdams, grouchy, often disliked Governor.

What was life like in New Netherland?

Early Dutch settlers were interested in fur trade. By 1660, nearly 8,000 people had settled in the colony. These included Europeans from many nations, African slaves, and Jews seeking religious freedom. The colony had a strong governor, Peter Stuyvesant. Eventually, the English drove the Dutch from the colony and renamed it **New York. He would eventually surrender New Amsterdam (York) to the British without a shot being fired.

What type of relationship existed between the Dutch and Native Americans living in New Netherland?

The Dutch established friendly relations with the Iroquois, whom they supplied with guns to fight the Huron.

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