History II Final Exam Part 4

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By 1960-1961, a number of students had become inspired to become social reform activists by:

the example of the civil rights movement

At Columbia University in 1968:

a student strike shut down the campus

By 1971, the New Left:

had split into factions and largely self-destructed

The hippie movement ultimately:

succumbed to commercialism

The feminist movement suffered a setback with the:

failure of the states to ratify the equal-rights amendment

The most important factor behind the sexual revolution of the 1960s was the:

development of birth-control pills

By 2006, Hispanics:

had become the country’s largest minority

One major impetus behind the rise of a Native American rights movement was the:

terrible levels of poverty that persisted in the Indian population

Indian activists ultimately discovered that their most effective tactic for bringing about change was:

taking legal action to force the government to adhere to old treaties

Nixon’s policy of "Vietnamization" involved:

gradually reducing the number of American troops in Vietnam

Shocking events at Kent State University involved:

the killing of four students by the National Guard

The figure who most influenced Nixon’s foreign policy was:

Henry Kissinger

Nixon’s "southern strategy" involved winning southern support by:

slowing down progress on civil rights

In the early 1970s, angry protests began to erupt in cities outside the South over:


The energy crisis of the early 1970s increased support for:


The Nixon Doctrine implied a foreign policy that was shaped more by:

realism and American interests

Nixon’s new relationship with China was made possible by:

China’s growing fear of the Soviet Union

The burglars arrested at the Watergate apartment complex:

had connections to the CIA and the Nixon campaign

Essential to breaking the Watergate case was the testimony before the Ervin committee of White House legal counsel:

John Dean

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