History Final Chapters 27-29

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The first sustained bombing of North Vietnam by the United States was called

Operation Rolling Thunder

The name of Kennedy’s domestic policy was

New Frontier

In his Republican nomination speech, Richard Nixon appealed to a group called

the silent majority

The defining moment for baby boomers was

The Vietnam War

The most important issue of President Kennedy’s administration was

civil rights

President Lyndon Johnson declared a war on


Dismissed by the Kennedy brothers as a buffoon, he would succeed President Kennedy after his assassination.

Lyndon Johnson

The United States ship that was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin was

USS Maddox

This group’s convention experienced a riot in 1968


President Kennedy approved an attack on Cuba by CIA-trained ex-Cubans at

Bay of Pigs

The black power movement is best associated with

Malcolm X

This document gave President Lyndon Johnson the authority to prevent further aggression in Vietnam toward the United States.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

This was a training program introduced by President Lyndon Johnson that was aimed at inner-city youths ages sixteen to twenty-one.

Job Corps

One of the first pieces of legislation signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson, it lowered the tax rate by 20 percent.

Revenue Act

Because of President Lyndon Johnson’s decision to not seek another term, the Democrats nominated ______, his vice president.

Hubert Humphrey

Who wrote "Letter from Birmingham City Jail" while incarcerated for participating in a civil rights demonstration?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Which of the following was not part of Kennedy’s domestic program?

Abolishing welfare

What did President Kennedy do after his disastrous performance at the Vienna Summit?

He called up National Guard units to protect West Berlin.

To prevent racial integration from occurring at the University of Alabama, Governor ___________ blocked the door to the institution

George Wallace

Who won the presidential election of 1968?

Richard Nixon

How did the Soviet Union react to the failed Vienna Summit in 1961?

They built a wall around West Berlin

Even though this case ruled segregation illegal, it was still occurring during the Kennedy Administration

Brown v. Board of Education

In 1962, US spy planes discovered what appeared to be a Soviet missile sites in


It could be argued that the modern civil rights movement gained prominence at a lunch counter at a


During the civil rights movement, peaceful protests at a white-only establishments were called


Thanks to the Freedom Riders

the Interstate Commerce Commission ordered all interstate transportation integrated.

President Lyndon Johnson’s greatest presidential achievement could be the

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned racial segregation everywhere except


President Lyndon Johnson’s domestic program in his second term was known as

the great society

President Lyndon’s Johnson’s plan to provide health insurance for the elderly is known as

American Medical Association

Who was the first president to be involved in preventing a communist takeover of vietnam?

Harry S. Truman

The United States involvement in Vietnam grew from an earlier policy of


Because of the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson

chose not to run for re-election

Because of President Lyndon Johnson’s decision to not seek another term, the Democrats nominated _______________, his vice president.

Hubert Humphrey

This Presidential candidate in the late 1960’s campaigned on restoring social harmony to the United States.

Richard Nixon

What was George Wallace’s goal in entering the presidential race of 1968?

Throw the election into the House of Representatives

The end of Richard Nixon’s presidency came when

he resigned from office

This organization was created to assist Native Americans during the 1960s.

American Indian Movement

The statement that the United States "cannot—and will not—conceive of all the plans, design all the programs, execute all the decisions, and undertake all the defense of the free nations of the world" is known as the

Nixon Doctrine

In 1962, Tom Hayden and Al Haber created this, the first campus organization based on the tactics employed during the civil rights.

Students for a Democratic Society

According to Tom Hayden, during the 1960s, most rebellious young Americans were not political, they were just

interested in changing lifestyles.

What helped the sexual revolution grow in the 1960s?

The birth control pill was approved by the FDA.

When the special prosecutor assigned to the Watergate case took Nixon to court,

Nixon fired him.

President Nixon’s most successful political appointee was

Henry Kissinger

In the 1960s this group was characterized by long hair, beards on men, no makeup for women, casual sex, and communal living arrangements.


In 1973 this landmark case was decided by the Supreme Court striking down state laws on abortion.

Roe v. Wade

Nixon’s plan for winning the presidency was known as

the southern strategy

Thanks to this section of the Educational Amendments of 1972, discrimination on the basis of gender was forbidden at institutions that received federal funding.

Title IX

President Nixon’s New Federalism plan promoted

sending federal monies to the states to spend as they saw fit.

What increased the anti-war protests in the fall of 1969?

Nixon’s increased air war

One alternative to the SDS and the New Left were the


Which of the following was not passed during President Nixon’s administration?

Equal Rights Amendment

This book is credited with launching the women’s movement of the 1960s.

The Feminine Mystique

President Nixon’s nickname was

Tricky Dick

Founded in the 1960s, this group worked to promote the advancement of women


This organization was created to represent Mexican American migrant workers.

United Farm Workers

Cesar Chavez is best associated with which group?


What is the government program that provides preferential treatment to minorities and women to atone for past injustices?

Affirmative Action

Richard Nixon secured what famous country singer to promote his presidential campaign

Merle Haggard

In the 1960’s, this group was characterized as being unorganized, and more focused on cultural radicalism rather than political activism.


Which of the following made a man more likely to not be drafted to fight in Vietnam?

college student

The student free-speech movement was created by

Mario Savio

The computer company Microsoft is best associated with

Bill Gates

The purchase, destruction, and rebuilding of poor neighborhoods into upscale condominiums is known as


President Reagan’s plan to contain the Soviet Union was called

Reagan Doctrine

This term was used to describe the economic plan of President Reagan.

Supply-side economics

What was an early success of President Carter’s?

he reduced the White House staff by a third.

The biggest problem facing George H. W. Bush when he became president was

the rise of terrorism

In the 1984 election, the first female vice-presidential candidate was nominated. Who was she?

Geraldine Ferraro

Which of the following was not part of Ronald Reagan’s campaign platform in 1980?

Increase social welfare programs

During President George H. W. Bush’s administration, Nicolae Ceausescu was overthrown as dictator of


During the 1980s, this epidemic ran rampant among gay men and intravenous drug users.


What was not a failure of the Carter presidency?

Bombing of a Marine barracks in Libya

Which of the following did not have a higher rate of production than the United States in the 1980s?


Which organization was embraced by Ronald Reagan in the 1980 election?

Moral Majority

When President Carter cut federal spending and federal taxes to save the economy, he inadvertently

caused inflation to occur.

Which of the following was not a problem for Reagan when he was elected the first time?

Attacks on American soil by Libyan terrorists

Which statement best describes the 1980 election?

It was a landslide for Reagan.

During the 1980s,

americans spent more than they made

Why did President Reagan approve selling arms to Iran?

In the hopes that Iran would help free U.S. hostages held in Lebanon

President Reagan employed the ______ to train anti-communist forces in Nicaragua.


The worst Wall Street Crash since the Depression occurred on a day known as

Black Monday.

President Reagan’s anti-missile defense system involved missile-killing


What landmark piece of President Carter’s administration was referred to as being "nibbled to death by ducks"?

National Energy Act

President Reagan appointed the first female to the Supreme Court. Her name is

Sandra Day O’Connor

Which statement best describes the problems with President Carter’s leadership?


Before becoming president, Ronald Reagan was governor of which state?


In the Soviet Union, Communist hardliners saw this man as the reason for the collapse of their government.

Mikhail Gorbachev

During the collapse of the Soviet Union, which of the following did President George H. W. Bush not do?

Launch a pre-emptive strike into Russia to destroy their nuclear capability

Heading toward the 1984 election, what term was used to describe President Reagan’s first administration?

Reagan Revolution

What was a major reason that Jimmy Carter won the presidency in 1976?

He convinced voters he was incorruptible.

What was the outcome of the Camp David Accords?

Egypt recognized Israel’s right to exist

the major breakthrough in the computing industry in the 1970s was the invention of


President Reagan planned on beating the Russians in the cold war by

overwhelming them both financially and militarily.

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