history final chapter14

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What did Lincoln promise to the South if they simply returned to the Union?

They would be allowed to keep their slaves.

To cover the expenses of the Civil War, the Union did all except

demand all payments in gold.

Which of the following provided a decisive advantage for the South over the North?

Better military leaders

"Find out where your enemy is, get to him as soon as you can, and strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on" best describes the war making policy of

Ulysses Grant.

The Emancipation Proclamation

abolished slavery in the conquered part of the South.

Why did Lincoln chose to abolish slavery in 1862?

Union defeats crushed morale and he wanted to use the issue to rebuild it.

Part of the success in prolonging the Civil War was the practice of

the South engaging only in defensive warfare 90 percent of the time.

What percentage of the Northern forces was foreign born during the Civil War?

25 percent

After the Battle of Vicksburg

the Union controlled the Mississippi.

Which of the following was not approved by Congress during the Civil War

Construction of a canal between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

African Americans after the Civil war tended to compare their trials with

the biblical Exodus.

To help keep the economy afloat while a vast percentage of Northern men were fighting the Civil War, the __________ was passed to encourage the hiring of immigrants.

Contract Labor Act

The general associated with the futile charge at Gettysburg was


Why did the North enact a blockade on the Confederacy during the Civil War

To deny them the imports they needed to survive

This person claimed that the Civil War advanced by 50 years the progress of women in gaining social and economic equality

Clara Barton

What was Grant’s goal in capturing Petersburg?

To capture the railroad hub located there

Received the Congressional Medal of Honor for her service in the Civil War as a result of being captured and imprisoned as a spy.

Mary Edwards Walker

Which of the following was not a goal of the Confederacy in the Civil War?

Conquer the South

Which of the following did not occur as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Large slave areas of Louisiana tried to secede from the Confederacy and join the Union.

The Civil War spurred the growth of all of the following except

civil rights for women

What was one area in which the South led the North during the Civil War?

Cotton production

Because of the economic distress of the Confederacy

rapid inflation occurred

The Battle of Gettysburg

was the last time the Confederacy would invade the North.

Because of the Battle of Antietam

Lincoln was able to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

Southerners during the Civil War liked to compare themselves to

those fighting the redcoats during the American Revolution.

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