History final chapter 13

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Who was elected president in 1852?

Franklin Pierce

The president of the United States at the time both Oregon and California were officially acquired was

James K. Polk.

Which of the following statements regarding the state of South Carolina is incorrect?

South Carolina was willing to work with President Lincoln.

What party split in the presidential election of 1860

The Democrats

The political party most in favor of war with Mexico was the

Democrat Party

According to your textbook "Bleeding Kansas" was

a rehearsal for civil war.

President James K. Polk stated that the immediate cause of the Mexican-American War was

Mexico’s invasion of American territory.

Manifest destiny was based on the notion that the United States would naturally expand


President James K. Polk stated that the immediate cause of the Mexican-American War was

Mexico’s invasion of American territory.

The Mexican-American War was opposed by all of the following except?

Zachary Taylor

The final version of the Compromise of 1850 included all of the following except which?

Slavery was allowed in new territory out west

_______________________ coined the term manifest destiny.

John L. O’Sullivan

As a result of the Mexican-American War the United States acquired all of the following future states except

North Dakota

The United States army under __________________ captured Mexico City in March 1847.

Winfield Scott

Which of the following statements regarding the Mexican-American War is most accurate?

The Mexican-American War was a war for territory.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

repealed the Missouri Compromise.

Which statement regarding the presidency of James Buchanan is incorrect?

James Buchanan did not believe in westward expansion.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

could be used to punish those who helped runaway slaves.

The majority of those who chose to emigrate to Texas in the first half of the 19th century were

southerners and their slaves.

All of the following groups suffered as a result of manifest destiny except

the French.

_____________________ is the notion that citizens of a territory should regulate the existence of slavery just like the citizens of a state

Popular sovereignty

Which of the following statements regarding the Wilmot Proviso is untrue?

The proviso passed the Senate.

When he won the presidency, Abraham Lincoln carried ___________ slave states in the Electoral College.


John Brown’s Raid was an attack on Harper’s Ferry, Virginia in _____________.


The Free-Soil coalition believed

slavery should be excluded from the western territories

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