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What did the abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass most associate freedom with?

Abolitionist followers of William Lloyd Garrison generally:

Opposed violence to achieve an end to slavery.

What helped tie the sections of the United States into a single national market?

Extensive development in transportation and communication.

How did Northern farmers fare in the decade of the 1850s?

They experienced an economic boom.

What trend developed in agricultural employment in the 1850s?

A lower percentage of farmers grew more food than before.

New immigrants usually found work as:

wage laborers in cities.

What most spurred economic growth in the North in the 1850s?

urbanization and industrialization

What had become the most profitable product of the south by 1850?


What was the effect of the sale of so many slaves from the Upper South to the Lower South?

The political influence of the Upper South was reduced.

What percentage of southern white families owned slaves in 1860?

25 percent

What had forced North and South into a final debate over the future of slavery by 1850?

The disposition of land acquired in the war with Mexico.

Beyond even racism, what motivated Southerners in their determination to expand slavery into the territories?

The defense of property rights and ability to move that property.

If adopted, the Wilmot Proviso would have:

banned slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

How did congress respond to the need for stable government in Utah and California after significant migrations of Americans there?

Congress did little because of sectional differences.

What argument regarding congress’ proposed restrictions on the expansion of slavery did John C. Calhoun advance?

Congress had no authority over property rights in territories.

What was the primary platform of the free soil party in the election of 1848?

Slavery should be banned from all territories

Who proposed the basic framework of the compromise of 1850?

Henry Clay of Kentucky

Under the original compromise proposal:

Slave trade was banned in Washington, DC.

The proposer of the Compromise of 1850 gathered all its elements into a single piece of legislation called:

the Omnibus bill.

What was the consequence of the Senate’s killing the original package of the Compromise of 1850?

A new generation of leaders took over congress.

Who took over leadership of the compromise of 1850 in the Congress?

Stephen A. Douglas

What strategy did the new leader employ to get the compromise proposals through congress?

He offered five separate bills, each designed to win separate majorities.

Who would have jurisdiction in fugitive slave cases following passage of the compromise of 1850?

federal commissioners

How was the fugitive slave law received in African American communities in the north?

With terror, as they believed every African American was subject to slavery

What novel illustrated northern anxiety over the fugitive slave law?

Uncle Toms Cabin

Why did the democratic party nominate franklin pierce for president in 1852?

He was a northern man who was thought to be sympathetic to the south.

Why were many Irish immigrants considered racists?

They competed with African Americans for jobs.

Why was the American Party also known as the Know-Nothing Party?

It began as a secret society.

Stephen A. Douglas first introduced a provision for popular sovereignty in the:

Kansas-Nebraska Act.

When Douglas divided Nebraska Territory into two territories, he expected popular sovereignty to:

Result in one slave state and one free state.

What was a major consequence of the introduction of the Kansas-Nebraska act?

It brought Abraham Lincoln back into politics.

The New England Immigrant Aid Company:

Sent settlers to Kansas to vote against slavery in the territory.

Why was the first popular sovereignty vote in Kansas so one-sided in favor of slavery?

Proslavery advocates from Missouri cast fraudulent votes in the election.

Where did violence erupt in Kansas over the competing constitutions that permitted and banned slavery?


Who was the first presidential candidate of the new Republican party?

John C. Fremont

What issue held the unwieldy Republican coalition together?

Opposition to slavery’s expansion in the western territories.

Why did the democratic party select James Buchanan as their presidential nominee in 1856?

He was a northern man with southern principles.

Why did democrats argue that their party should prevail in the election of 1856?

Only the democratic party could prevent the break-up of the union.

Southerners generally agreed that slavery was less efficient than free labor but believed slavery was the only way to

get work done in an unproductive climate.

Northerners generally agreed that

slavery would collapse if expansion was denied.

What was the most surprising outcome of the presidential election of 1856?

how close the Republican party came to victory.

What created the uproar in the northern reaction to Judge Roger Brooke Taney’s decision in the Dred Scott case?

Scott was not a citizen because he was black.

Justice Roger Taney ruled that congress had erred in the Missouri Compromise because that body:

had infringed on the property rights of southerners by banning slavery from the territory.

Why did Stephen A. Douglas believe that slavery would never exist in Kansas?

Southerners would not take slaves there until laws were passed to establish slavery.

For what office did Abraham Lincoln challenge Stephen Douglas in 1858?


Why did Stephen A. Douglas call Lincoln a "black republican"?

Abraham Lincoln lost the election of 1858, and his battle:

made Lincoln a leading spokesman for the Republican party.

Between 1858 and 1860

Both North and South rejected the sanctity of the union.

Many white southerners regarded John Brown as

a martyr.

What caused some delegates to walk out of the Democratic convention in Charleston SC?

Its nomination of Stephen A Douglas who was soft on slavery

How did Edmund Ruffin primarily use his fame as an agricultural reformer?

To spread his proslavery message.

When southerners talked about "states rights" to what did they really refer?

The right of individuals to hold property in slaves.

What policy regarding slavery did president Lincoln state in his inaugural address?

Leaving slavery alone in the south.

What did delegates to South Carolina’s secession convention cite as their reason for leaving the union?

A president who denied the right of property of slaves had been elected.

Who were the "cooperationists" during the secession crisis?

Residents of the Upper South who agreed to remain in the Union if the lincoln administration agreed to cooperate with remaining slave states.

What would have been the consequence of the Crittenden Compromise if passed?

Congress could not have barred slavery from the territories.

Once the Lower South had seceded, republicans concluded that:

any compromise amounted to northern surrender to southern blackmail.

By the spring of 1861, most Southerners had concluded that:

no additional compromise with the North would succeed.

Who did confederate president Jefferson Davis send to Charleston to seize fort sumter and defend the harbor?

General PGT Beauregard

President Abraham Lincoln has been accused of:

maneuvering the South into firing the first shot of the Civil War at Fort Sumter.

What was the consequence of President Lincoln’s call for volunteers?

Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina seceded.

Which confederate state experienced the greatest opposition to secession?


To what does the term "contraband" refer?

Runaway slaves in Union custody.

The first real test of Union and Confederate arms came in July 1861 at the:

Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas

Whose timely arrival with reinforcements saved the Confederates from defeat in the first battle of virginia?

General TJ "Stonewall" Jackson.

Who commanded all Union forces when the civil war began?

General George B. McClellan

What was the title of the Union’s plan to squeeze the confederacy into submission?

The anaconda plan.

During the Civil War:

Approximately 2.1 million men served in the Union Army.

How did president Lincoln want his generals to conduct the war?

By launching an offensive that would capture Richmond (?)

Who was to serve as president of the Confederate states of America?

Jefferson Davis

What was the most consistent source of tension in the Confederate government?

States’ rights.

Who were Joseph E. Brown and Zebulon Vance?

Southern governors more interested in States’ rights than Confederate victory.

What was the most striking aspect of internal politics in the confederacy?

absence of a two party system

What made CSS Virginia (the refitted Merrimac) effective on the first day of fighting at Hampton Roads?

Iron plating over wooden sides.

What kept the CSS Virginia from breaking the Union blockade?

Arrival of ‘the Monitor’, a union ironclad.

Which of the following was not a confederate advantage?

The confederate navy.

What was the south’s greatest military advantage?

Its defense of its own territory.

To win the Civil War, the North had to:

Defeat the armies of the confederacy.

How did England respond to the south’s expectation of assistance?

England refused to break the Union blockade or grant diplomatic recognition to the confederacy.

What motivated most confederate soldiers to serve in the army?

Defending property rights in slaves.

What motivated most northern men to serve in the union army?

Patriotism and the preservation of the union.

What enabled congress to pass significant legislation such as creating land-grant colleges in 1862?

the absence of Southern Democrats from congress

In what battle did General George McClellan’s army stop General Robert E. Lee’s first invasion of Maryland in 1862?

Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)

The Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) had what important political consequence in addition to its military significance?

It enabled Lincoln to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

Which statement about the Emancipation Proclamation is not correct?

It eliminated slavery in the United Statex

One result of the emancipation proc. was:

European nations no longer supported the Confederate states of america.

What was the immediate result of the emancipation proc:

Immediate freeing of all slaves in America.

Where did the Union Army build the contraband camp known as "Freedman’s village"?

Arlington, Virginia, by DC, on Robert E. Lee’s estate

African American soldiers constituted what percentage of the Union army?

10 percent

Medical practices during the Civil War were:


The New York City draft riots in the summer of 1863:

targeted african americans, well dressed man and the property of Republicans, and burned the Colored orphan asylum.

The result of General Grant’s victory at Vicksburg, Mississippi, was that:

Vicksburg was cut off from confederate supply lines, Vicksburg surrendered, Grants military abilities were recognized by president Lincoln.

At Gettysurg Battlefield, President Lincoln said that the civil war had become

A test of democracy and the principle of human equality.

Which statement does not describe Southerner’s attitudes about the last few months of the war?

Many were beginning to see the military advantages pay off.

After struggling to find a successful commander of the union troops in the west, President Lincoln chose:

General Grant

General Sherman’s troops liberated:


Where did general Robert E Lee surrender the army of Northern Virginia to General Ulysses S. Grant?

Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia.

By 1870, the north was ___ percent wealthier than the south.


Following the Civil War, the power of the slaveholder class was:


How many men are estimated to have died in the Civil War?


On the evening of April 14, 1865, Lincoln was:


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