History 1302

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The South emerged from the Civil War with a strong, diversified economy.


The Fifteenth Amendment freed the slaves.


Waving "the bloody shirt" meant referring to the Civil War and the southern rebellion in order to discredit political opponents.


In the North, the Civil War especially elevated the power of:

business leaders

Emancipation had what impact on the South?

It left the South’s labor system in disarray

At the end of the Civil War, the newly freed slaves were given:

medical and legal assistance from the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands

On what basis did President Lincoln claim the right to direct Reconstruction?

Lincoln claimed constitutional provisions pertaining to presidential power gave him the authority.

Why did Congressional Republicans write the "Wade-Davis Manifesto"?

to protest Lincoln’s veto of the Wade-Davis Bill and accuse Lincoln of exceeding his constitutional authority

Johnson’s Proclamation of Amnesty excluded the people he blamed for leading the South into secession. They were:

the wealthy planters, merchants, and bankers

Southern efforts to recreate a society that looked similar to the Confederacy had what political impact?

Moderate Republicans moved to support Radical Republicans’ Reconstruction policies.

The Radical Republicans understood that essential to maintaining Republican control of the federal government was:

the right of ex-slaves to vote

The main issue that caused the dispute between Congress and President Johnson was:

a growing conflict of opinion over Reconstruction policy

Andrew Johnson was:

impeached by the House but not convicted by the Senate

All of the following statements about the Fifteenth Amendment are true EXCEPT:

it ended slavery

Why did service in the Union army or navy benefit many freedmen?

It provided training in leadership and alerted them to new opportunities in economic advancement and civic leadership.

During Reconstruction, all of the following are true about African American involvement in the political arena during Reconstruction EXCEPT:

several African Americans were elected as governors

Northern voters supported Grant mainly because of his

military record

Why was the 1876 Supreme Court decision in United States v. Cruikshank (which pertained to the Colfax Massacre) significant?

It decided that states’ rights trumped federal authority when it came to protecting freed blacks from white terrorists.

All of the following are reasons why Republicans lost control in the South EXCEPT:

black voters switched to support the Democrats

What happened after the end of Reconstruction?

The protections of black civil rights crumbled under the pressure of restored white rule and unfavorable Supreme Court decisions.

What was the most significant enduring legacy of Reconstruction?

The passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.

Hamilton Fish

Grant’s secretary of state

Horace Greeley

opposed Grant in 1872 presidential election

Andrew Johnson

treason must be made infamous and traitors must be improvrished

Pinckney B. S. Pinchback

elected lieutenant governor of Louisina

Hiram Revels

black Mississippi native elected to senate

Edwin M. Stanton

secretary of war under Johnson until 1867

Alexander H. Stephens

former vice president of the confederacy elected to US Senate representing Georgia in 1865

Henry Ward Beecher

prominent northern minister who preached sectional reconciliation

Charles Sumner

senator from Massachusetts, leading Radical Republican

Samuel J. Tilden

was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1876

Power sources (such as water, coal, wood, electricity, and oil) were more expensive in the United States than in other nations around the world.


The number of inventions registered at the U.S. Patent Office remained fairly constant through the nineteenth century.


Most Americans experienced a rising standard of living in the late nineteenth century.


By the 1880s, most states had outlawed child labor.


Interconnected transportation and communications networks were essential to the origins of the Second Industrial Revolution in the United States because:

they facilitated the emergence of a national and even international markets for American goods and services

Crédit Mobilier is indicative of the type of shady big business financial practices that occurred during the Gilded Age because it:

bribed officials and grossly overcharged for its services

The work of Cornelius Vanderbilt helps emphasize that:

business consolidation put the control of railroads in few hands

What was one main reason electric motors were significant to the industrialization of the late nineteenth century?

They freed factories to locate wherever they wished and not just by waterfalls and coal deposits.

During the Gilded Age, the rich were getting richer and:

many other people were at least better off

For industrial workers in Gilded Age America:

working and living conditions remained precarious

All of the following statements are reasons why child labor was problematic EXCEPT:

child laborers took well-paying jobs from legal immigrants

Why was there a growth of craft unions during the Civil War?

The war sparked an increased demand for skilled labor.

How did the AFL differ from the Knights of Labor?

The AFL was a federation of national organizations, each of which retained a large degree of its autonomy, while the Knights organization was more centralized.

Marxism, one strain of socialism, was imported to the United States mainly by:


Andrew Carnegie

wrote The Gospel of Wealth

Eugene V. Debs

presidential candidate of the Socialist party of America

Henry Clay Frick

president of the Homestead Steelworks

Jay Gould

prince of railroad robber barrons

Joe Hill

labor organizer executed for murder

Dennis Kearney

organized Workingman’s party of California

J. Pierpont Morgan

consolidated steel industry into the United States Steel Corporation

Terrence V. Powderly

led the Knights of Labor

John D. Rockefeller

founded Standard OIl

Alvah Roebuck

founded a mail-order business

Under the Bourbons, there was a well-planned and effective effort to disenfranchise African American voters.


In the 1880s, southern politics remained surprisingly open and democratic.


The frontier Indian wars began with the closing of the frontier in 1890.


The Homestead Act of 1862 encouraged the development of thriving western farms.


The New South gospel emphasized all the following EXCEPT:

women’s rights

In the late 1800s, the South experienced major increases in the production in all of the following areas EXCEPT:


King Cotton survived the Civil War and expanded over new acreage:

because traditional overplanting of the crop continued

Why did tenant farmers have no incentive to take care of the farmland that they were on?

They did not own the land on which they farmed.


was a term used to refer to the New South political leadership meant to depict that leadership as reactionary

Perhaps the ultimate paradox of the Bourbons’ rule was that their paragons of white supremacy tolerated:

a lingering black voice in politics

The very poor generally did not migrate to the West because:

they generally could not afford the expense of transportation, land, and supplies

All of the following groups were prominent in the West during the late nineteenth century EXCEPT:


Buffalo soldiers were:

black soldiers who served in the West

Six states were created from the western territories in the years 1889-1890. These states were not admitted before 1889 because:

Democrats in Congress were reluctant to create states out of territories that were heavily Republican

Following the 1867 "Report on the Condition of the Indian Tribes," Congress decided that the best way to end the Indian wars was:

to persuade the Indians to live on out-of-the-way reservations

The conventional explanation that the buffalo disappeared from the plains due to overhunting by whites in the West is incomplete because:

it does not account for environmental factors, such as changes in climate and competition for forage with other animals

Why was Helen Hunt Jackson’s book A Century of Dishonor so influential?

It affected American attitudes toward Indians in a way similar to how Uncle Tom’s Cabin mobilized the abolitionist movement a generation earlier.

Which of the following statements about the cowboys’ frontier is NOT true?

Blacks were generally not permitted to be cowboys.

"Cowtown" refers to:

towns that grew up in the West as a result of the expanding cattle industry

Why was the expansion of railroads significant to the growth of the cattle industry?

As the railroads increased the ability to ship huge numbers of western cattle, more "cowtowns" were established in the West.

Range wars erupted by the late nineteenth century because of:

conflicts over land and water rights between ranchers and farmers

The fight for survival in the trans-Mississippi West made men and women:

more equal partners than were their eastern counterparts

J. M. Chivington

led massacre of 200 Indians at Sand Creek

Benjamin Pap Singleton

foremost promoter of black immigration to the West

James Buchanan Duke

founded American tobacco company

Joseph Glidden

promoter of barbed-wire

Henry Grady

editor of the Atlanta Constitution

Helen Hunt Jackson

author of A Century of Dishoner

James Oliver

made improved plows for Plains farmers

Rutherford B. Hayes

the Indian wars were broken promises by Americans

Joseph McCoy

livestock dealer that helped establish Abilene, Kansas as the first successful cowtown

Frederick Jackson Turner

wrote the Frontier had shaped American National charater

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