Health & Wellness Ch. 7

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The first step in developing a personal fitness plan is to
a. select activities.
b. set target intensity of exercise.
c. set target time (duration) of exercise.
d. set goals.


An example of a general long term fitness goal would be
a. doing 15 push ups.
b. lowering your BMI to 24.
c. lowering your risk for heart disease.
d. increasing the number of laps you can swim.


An example of a specific short term fitness goal would be
a. increasing strength.
b. jogging 2 miles in 19 minutes.
c. having more energy.
d. improving posture.


Which of the following is true regarding selecting activities for a complete fitness program?
a. Cardiorespiratory endurance activities are the most important.
b. Muscular strength activities are the most important.
c. Flexibility activities are the most important.
d. It is best to include exercises for each component.


Cardiorespiratory endurance is developed by doing activities that
a. move the body against resistance.
b. involve continuous rhythmic movements of large-muscle groups.
c. involve continuous rhythmic movements of small-muscle groups.
d. stretch the major muscle groups.


Healthy body composition is NOT obtained with the help of
a. stretching the major muscle groups.
b. eating a sensible diet.
c. performing cardiorespiratory exercise.
d. performing strength training exercises.


Which of the following is NOT something to consider when selecting an activity?
a. past popularity of the activity
b. fun and interest
c. your current skill and fitness level
d. time and convenience


The recommended total duration for cardiorespiratory endurance training is __________ minutes.
a. 10-20
b. 20-60
c. 60-120
d. 100-150


An appropriate frequency for a cardiorespiratory endurance program is _________ times per week.
a. 1-2
b. 2-3
c. 3-5
d. 5-7


A general strength training program includes
a. 1 set of 3-6 repetitions of 6 exercises.
b. 1 set of 8-12 repetitions of 8-10 exercises.
c. 3 sets of 3-6 repetitions of 6 exercises.
d. 3 sets of 3-6 repetitions of 8-10 exercises.


Stretching should be done
a. to a point of slight muscular tension.
b. when muscles are cool.
c. with only 1 repetition.
d. for no more than 10 seconds per repetition.


Mini goals help a physical fitness program by
a. adding variety to a fitness program.
b. keeping a program on track.
c. identifying new exercises.
d. providing help in the beginning.


The final step in physical fitness program planning is
a. making a commitment.
b. monitoring your pre-program activity habits.
c. establishing mini goals.
d. including physical activities.


What is one benefit of starting an exercise program slowly?
a. It allows your body to adjust to exercising.
b. It increases risk of injury and soreness.
c. It allows you to work quickly towards a goal.
d. It helps you keep track of your program.


Varying your activities will NOT help with
a. the development of balanced, total body fitness.
b. the reduction of injuries and overtraining.
c. increasing the enjoyment of exercising.
d. increasing your skill level.


Varying your activities in order to develop balanced, total-body fitness is called
a. interval training.
b. continuous training.
c. cross-training.
d. weight training.


Participating in a step aerobics class on Monday, a spinning class on Wednesday, and lap swimming on Friday is an example of what training technique for endurance?
a. interval training.
b. periodization.
c. cross-training.
d. cycle training.


Cycling the duration and intensity of your workouts is referred to as
a. cross-training.
b. periodization.
c. interval training.
d. weight training


Which of the following strategies will NOT help maintain an exercise program?
a. adapt to changing circumstances
b. reward yourself
c. exercise to exhaustion
d. keep an exercise journal


Guidelines to keep in mind when working with children and their physical activities include
a. stressing excellence in competitive sports.
b. increasing their skill complexity quickly.
c. providing opportunities to be active only on the weekends.
d. ensuring proper hydration and clothing.


Exercise for children under 12 years of age should focus on
a. competitive sports.
b. strength training.
c. stretching.
d. skill development.


Exercise for women who are pregnant should include
a. vigorous activities.
b. plenty of fluids to avoid heat stress.
c. weight-bearing activities.
d. extended exercise in the supine position.


Which of the following is an appropriate exercise guideline for older adults?
a. Skip warm-up and cool-down sessions.
b. Focus mainly on strength training.
c. Include resistance, endurance, and flexibility training.
d. Limit fluid intake to avoid frequent bathroom stops.


Increasing VO2max by 10% is an example of a general fitness goal.


Physical fitness assessment tests can help you decide which types of exercise to emphasize in an exercise program.


Current fitness level does not affect the selection of appropriate exercise activities.


Health experts have found that simple motivators such as using a pedometer, walking a dog, or training for a "fun run" helped people stay with their walking programs.


Stability balls add variety and challenge to a workout and can help you target certain muscle groups more effectively.


For flexibility training, stretches should be held for 5-15 seconds.


Frequency for strength training should be 5-6 days a week.


Reaching mini-goals is not as satisfying as working towards larger goals.


Normal daily physical activity is an important way to increase your overall wellness.


An exercise buddy should share the same fitness goals and fitness level.


Varying the activities in an exercise program will decrease your chances of staying with the program.


A person should expect some lapses with her or his exercise program.


New evidence has emerged showing that most bottled waters are no better for you than regular tap water.


While you are exercising, it is important to stay hydrated with sugary juices or sodas.


A goal of 60 minutes of moderate activity per day is appropriate for children and teens.


Non-weight bearing exercises such as swimming are safe for pregnant women.


Exercise in the supine position is safe for pregnant women after the first trimester.


For older adults, a weight training program that includes fewer repetitions with a slightly heavier weight than that recommended for young adults is appropriate.


SMART goals =

specific, measurable, accurate, realistic, time


frequency, intensity, time, type

what to do to lose fat?

cardio, oxidative system burns fat


delayed onset muscle soreness

how to create a successful fitness plan

start slowly and then increase slowly


to the point of slight tension

what does flexibility improve

quality of life

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