Hamlet, Part 6- Applying Literary Criticism

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This exchange reflects Shakespeare’s time because

sponges were new and popular in Elizabethan society.
scientists in the 1600s were studying the human body.
rulers gained power by surrounding themselves with loyal officers.
common people felt that they were ignored by their royal leaders.


Repeated references to ears and hearing in Hamlet are an example of a literary



Feminist criticism focuses on

power dynamics

Which factors are to be considered when using historical criticism to analyze a text? Check all that apply.

political events of the time
applying themes to modern day
the original audience
common beliefs of the period
the language structure


Formalist criticism focuses upon a text’s



Which fact about Hamlet would be most important to a student analyzing the play through a historical lens?

It was written during a time when kings and queens had absolute power.
It was written at a time when people were very interested in philosophy.
It was written to be performed on a stage outdoors.
It was written to entertain a large audience consisting of all types of people.


Both historical and feminist criticisms

look for repeated words and ideas.
are concerned with language and form.
seek to understand the role of gender in a text.
connect literature to the society it was written in.


Feminist criticism is most interested in

form and structure.
symbolism and motif.
gender and stereotypes.
culture and history.


Which line would most likely be written by a reader analyzing Hamlet through a formalist lens?

The female characters in the play are defined by their relationships.
The male characters in the play are defined by their power.
The play includes repeated references to death and decay.
The play highlights political issues common in Shakespeare’s time.


How do his words reflect politics in Shakespeare’s day?

Royal leaders were respectful to ordinary people.
Royal leaders were concerned with their public image.
Common people were showing opposition to the queen.
Common people were afraid to speak out against leaders.


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