Hamlet Act II Questions

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Where does Polonius send Reynaldo?

to Paris to spy on Laertes and to take him money and messages

why does Polonius think Hamlet is mad?

he thinks Ophelia’s rejections have been too much for Hamlet, that Hamlet is lovesick

why have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come to the castle?

they have come to find out why Hamlet is acting so strangly and to report their findings to the King

what is Polonius’ plan for testing his theory about Hamlet’s madness?

he wants to have Hamlet meet Ophelia. He will hide and eavesdrop on the conversation

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern finally meet with Hamlet and he discovers they were sent for by the King. How does Hamlet describe his personal problems to them?

he tells them he used to think the world was wonderful, but now he finds differently, and he had so delight in man or woman

What arrangement does Hamlet make with Player 1?

he arranges to have several of his own lines put into the play

after rosencrantz and guildenstern leave hamlet, what does he basically say in his soliloquy?

he thinks himself a coward for not getting right to the revenge

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