H&R Block Budget Challenge QUIZ

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Select the most likely consequence of making payments late to a card that has an introductory rate

Fees and paying the default interest rate on the balance

Zach is an authorized user on his parents’ credit card. What may happen if Zach doesn’t use the card in a responsible way?

Zach and Zach’s parents’ credit may be damaged

If the typical balance on Lucy’s credit card is is $650 and the interest rate (APR) on her credit card is 18%, how much in interest would you expect Lucy to be changed in a typical month?

About $9.75

Suppose you have two credit cards. The first has a balance of $410 and a credit limit of $1,000. The second has a balance of $510 and a credit limit of $1,000. What is your overall credit utilization?


Jerry lost her credit card and instead of reporting it right away, she decides to continue looking for it for a couple of days. On the second day, she makes the call and reports the card lost/stolen to the credit card company. She then logs into the account activity page of her credit card and sees a recent $500 purchase that was made by someone else. How much of this $500 charge will Jerry have to pay?


Which of the following are fast ways of improving your credit score (within 60 days)?

All answers except cancelling credit cards can quickly improve credit score

After your loan application is submitted, who decides if you get approved for the loan?

Loan Underwriter

People with a lower credit score typically pay — interest rates when borrowing money which — the cost of borrowing.

Higher, increases

Whose responsibility is it to identify credit report errors?

It is your responsibility to identify mistakes and report them

Select the scenario most likely to build your credit (improve your credit score).

Borrow 10%-30% of the credit limit on a credit card and pay the full balance on time every month.

What is important for an internet user to know about https:// ?

It should be contained in the website URL if you’ll be providing any personal information

Which one of the following account login credentials (username and password) is most important to keep secure?

Primary Email account

Which of the following is a small piece of data ( a text file) sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing?


Jakob is stuck in the airport on a long layover while traveling for work. He sees two WiFi’s he can log onto: one says Airport WiFi and the other says Free Airport WiFi. He needs to sign on and pay some bills. Which WI-Fi option should he chose?

Neither until he verifies that it is the official Wi-Fi offered by the Airport and he makes sure he is using SSL and an up-to- date firewall.

Fraudsters who are successful in their phishing scam may be able to:

All answers are possible

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