Government 5.05 Quiz

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Why is campaign finance a concern in America?

The need to raise campaign funds may lead to post-election corruption

Which type of election is not matched with its description?

All types of elections are matched correctly with their descriptions

Which statement describes the Australian, or secret, ballot?

It is cast in private and is free from the outside influence

The number of electoral votes given to a state is based on which of the following?

Congressional representation

Which of the following do the state governments oversee?

The election process

Which of the following can happen because of the electoral college system?

A candidate who wins a majority of votes nationwide can lose the election

If you are away when an election is held, you may be able to do which of the following?

vote by absentee ballot

What is the term for a ballot question that, if approved, will change the state constitution?


In America, general elections are most often held on a Tuesday in which month or time period?


Low voter turnout is a feature of which of the following?

All elections across America

Which of the following causes concern about the American electoral process?

The potential for corruption between candidates and donors

Which type of election is not described correctly?

In a general election, the top two candidates run against each other

Voting in a booth is an example of what kind of ballot?


After people vote in their state, which of the following is used to determine the winner of the presidential race?

The electoral college

General elections are managed by which of the following?

The state governments

Which of the following is a result of the structure of the electoral college system?

A candidate can lose the popular vote but win the presidency

Soldiers who are stationed far from home can vote using which of the following?

an absentee ballot

What is the name for a ballot question that asks voters if they want to borrow money?

Bond issue

Ever since 1845, general elections for the president and the members of the House of Representatives have been held on which date or during which time period?

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November

Where has voter turnout historically been low?

Across the United States

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