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How many chamber does the heart have?


Which Chamber is located on the top left of the heart?

Right Atrium

Which chamber is located on the top right of the heart?

Left Atrium

Which chamber is located on the bottom right of the heart?

Left ventricle

Which chamber is located on the bottom left of the heart?

Right ventricle

What are Valves

Keep blood from flowing backwards

A heart Beat goes "Lub-Dub". Which chambers contract during "Lub"?

Left and Right atrium

A heart Beat goes "Lub-Dub". Which chambers contract during "Dub"?

Left and Right ventricle

Which order does blood flow through your body?

Right Atrium, Right ventricle, Left atrium, Left ventricle

Where does blood from the right ventricle go?


Where does blood from the left ventricle go?

Through the body

What happens in the lungs?

the lungs add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

what do arteries do?

They carry blood away from the heart

What do capillaries do?

They carry blood to body cells

What do veins do?

They carry blood to the heart.

Which type of blood vessel usually carries oxygen-rich blood?


Which type of blood vessel usually carries oxygen-poor blood?


In which type of blood vessel is oxygen released into body cells?


Where does the pulmonary artery carry blood from and to?

It carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs

Where does the pulmonary vein carry blood from and to?

It carries blood from the lungs back to the left atrium

Is the Pulmonary vein or artery low in oxygen?

Pulmonary vein

What do red blood cells do?

carry oxygen

What do white blood cells do?

fight diseases

What do the platelets do?

help stop bleeding when you are cut.

Where does sugar enter the body?


Where does sugar leave the body?


Where does urea enter the body?


Where does urea leave the body?


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