Fitness Concepts Quizzes

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What term is defined as the ability of the body to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate to high levels of intensity?

Cardiorespiratory Endurance

T/F: The wellness concept defines health as the absence of disease.


Which dimension of wellness includes self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-acceptance?

Emotional Wellness

Which activity best describes emotional wellness?

Taking time to explore your thoughts and feelings

How has the average life expectancy changed in the past 100 years?

Life expectancy has nearly doubled in length

Which type of condition is defined as a disease that develops and continues over a long period?

Chronic Disease

T/F: Regular exercise is a crucial factor in preventing chronic disease.


What is a good strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight?

Regular Exercise

Which identifies the precontemplation stage in the "stages of change" model?

Belief that there is no need for change

T/F: People in the contemplation stage of change plan to take action within a month.


The body adapting to a gradual increase in the amount of exercise is the definition of which stage of exercising?

Progressive Overload

Which is NOT a health related component of fitness?


T/F: The current health recommendation for moderate intensity aerobic exercise is 75 min/week.


During physical activity, more vigorous activities can be performed for a ________ duration while less vigorous activites should be performed for _______ durations.

Shorter, Longer

FITT stands for?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

What does the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) achieve?

Determine exercise safety

T/F: "Exercise" and "physical activity" are synonyms.


T/F: Muscular strength is the ability to sustain a given level of muscular tension for a long period of time or to contract a muscle repeatedly.


Which organ is part of the cardiorespiratory system?


Which circulation does the left side of the heart provide blood to?


Which blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?


A typical resting heart rate in healthy individual is _______ bpm.


During intense exercise heart rate may be up to _____ bpm.


Systolic blood pressure _________ during exercise.


T/F: The basic energy source used in cells is called ATP.


Cardiorespiratory endurance activities primarily utilize the _______ energy system.


Which is NOT an effect of cardiorespiratory endurance training?

Increased resting blood pressure

Which response occurs immediately when one exercises?

Increased heart rate

Which is NOT an assessment of cardiorespiratory endurance?

1 RM test

You can estimate your max heart rate using


Moderate intensity cardiorespiratory endurance exercise should be completed ______ days per week for a total of _____ minutes per week.

3-5, 150

The RICE treatment for injuries to muscle and joints stands for

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

T/F: Darker colored urine generally means that you are well hydrated.


How is muscular strength assessed?

By measuring the most force a muscle can produce in one effort.

What makes up a motor unit?

One motor nerve connected to muscle fibers

A tendon connects ________ to ___________.

Muscle, Bone

What describes a muscle fiber?

An individual muscle cell

The basic contractile unit of the muscle fiber is the _____.


Muscle fibers undergo hypertrophy to increase the overall size of a muscle. What is hypertrophy?

An increase in muscle fiber size

What characterizes fast twitch muscle fibers?

Rapid contraction

Which activities predominantly use fast-twitch muscle fibers?


How is metabolic rate affected by strength training?


How does strength training help prevent and manage chronic disease?

Improving glucose metabolism

What is the best description for isometric?

Applying force without a change in the length of the muscle

What is the best classification of an exercise that includes muscular force exerted as a muscle shortens?


Which type of exercise is an individual performing when s/he jumps from a platform to the ground and then jumps back up on the platform?


Which is true when comparing free weights and weight machines?

Free weights adapt to real life motion

What do stability ball exercises improve?

"core" endurance and strength

What is the ACSM recommended MINIMUM number of training days per week for gaining strength?


What is the recommended amount of resistance and number of repetitions for improving muscular endurance?

40-60% RM; 15 to 20 repetitions

What is the best way to build individual muscle strength and muscle size?

Use heavy resistance with few repetitions for multiple sets

In weight training, what is the definition of a set?

Group of repetitions followed by a rest period

Which exercise program is an example of a weight-training program focused on building muscular strength?

3 sets, 3-5 repetitions, 80% of 1 RM

Which approach is recommended for strength training safety with free weights?

Use a spotter

T/F: Exercises involving small muscles should be done before exercises using large muscle groups.


Which is an example of a body weight exercise?

Air squat

What determines training intensity for weight training?

Amount of weight lifted

What is NOT the role of a spotter?

Walk around and talk with other people while their partner is lifting

Which describes a joint capsule?

Semi-elastic structures that surround major joints

What are the yellow fibers that make connective tissue flexible?


Which activity would dynamic flexibility least affect?

Holding a split

Upon which does flexibility NOT depend?


Which is an outcome of good flexibility?

Lower risk of sport injurt

This stretching technique takes advantage of the nervous system regulation of flexibility through proprioreceptors.


According to The American College of Sports Medicine, how many days a week should one perform stretching exercises?


T/F: The sit and reach test is an excellent measure of general flexibility throughout the whole body.

False: it primarily tests the lower back and hamstrings

T/F: When applying a stretch, it should be done quickly and to the point of pain.


How long should a stretch be held for?

10-30 seconds

Which stretching program BEST conforms to ACSM recommendations?

3 days per week, 20 seconds per stretch, 4 repetitions of each stretch

Why are ballistic stretches considered dangerous?

They may stimulate a muscular contraction during a stretch.

Which stretching technique is most commonly associated with injury?

Ballistic stretching

What type of stretching features contracting a muscle prior to stretching?


What is the focus of dynamic stretching?

Functionally based movements

When should a person perform static stretching exercises?

After a warm-up or workout

What are the regions of the spine?

Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx

What is the most common site of back pain?

Lumbar area

T/F: Intervertebral disks maintain the spaces between vertebrae.


T/F: Exercise can help prevent and manage low-back pain.


T/F: Poor flexibility may decrease the risk of injuries.


What type of stretching features contracting the opposing muscle during the stretch?


Which muscle is NOT responsible for aiding in the stabilization of the spine?

Rectus Femoris

The human body is divided into ___ and ___ mass.

Fat, Fat-free

What is one possible explanation for the increase in obesity among Americans over the past 40 years?

Increased portion sizes

Which is a symptom of metabolic syndrome?

Resistance to the effects of insulin

Which is true for type 2 diabetes?

It is best prevented through a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

What level of body fat in a man may signal muscle wasting (i.e. essential fat content too low)?


What makes up the condition called the "female athlete triad"?

Abnormal eating patterns, premature osteoporosis, and amenorrhea

What BMI range is considered healthy according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Between 18.5 and 24.9

Ross is 6’1" tall and weighs 200. What is his BMI?


Ross is 6’1" tall and weighs 200. What is his BMI classification?


Which technique assess the body fat percentage based on subcutaneous fat at different places on the body?


Which association is accurate for people with a waist-to-hip ratio above 1.0?

Associated with a significantly increased risk of disease

T/F: Men have a higher percentage of essential fat than women.


Which is an example of a specific short-term fitness goal?

Jogging 2 miles in 19 minutes by January 31st

Which activities develop cardiorespiratory endurance?

Activities that involve continuous rhythmic movements of large-muscle groups

What is an appropriate frequency for a cardiorespiratory endurance program?

3-5 times per week

How do mini goals help a physical fitness program?

By keeping a program on track

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