Fire and Nature

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Which of the following statements about wildfires in deciduous forests is not true?

Deciduous forests are unaffected by wildfires.

A prescribed burn is _______.

a controlled fire used to manage forest ecosystems

Wildfires benefit forest ecosystems by _______.

all of the above

What is the effect of wildfires on biodiversity?

temporary decrease, but long-term increase

As a result of wildfires, _______ in grasslands.

grass growth increases

Historically, wildfires were viewed as detrimental to forest ecosystems.


How does wildfire help restore soil nutrients?

Wildfires break down organic material faster than decomposition, thus renewing soil nutrients more quickly.

Which of the following is not a benefit of wildfires to ecosystems?

habitat loss

Fire ecology is _______.

the study of how fire affects ecosystems

Why have forest fires in ponderosa pine forests become more damaging to that ecosystem than they were historically?

Following a policy of fire suppression in these forests makes fires burn hotter.

Which of the following statements about prescribed burns is true?

Prescribed burns can help maintain healthy ecosystems.

The first step in restoring pine woodlands is prescribed burning.


Prescribed burns are used to _______.

all of the above

How are the benefits of wildfires in grasslands and northern forests similar?

increased food production for grazers

How are the benefits of wildfires in deciduous and northern forests similar?

increased nutritional value of growth

Which of the following statements about wildfires is true?

Wildfires allow certain plant types to reproduce by cracking their seeds.

Wildfires open a new seedbed that can be used for new plant growth.


Soil _______ as a result of wildfires in grasslands.


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