FINAL Exam 273

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true or false: Naso- and Rhino- mean horn. (Nas/al; Rhino/plasty)

false, they mean nose

true or false: Lacero- means to tear or accidental cut. (Lacer/ation; Lacer/ate)


true or false: Dolo- means swelling. (Dolor; Dolori/meter)

false, it means pain

True or False: Pan- means total, all, or complete. (Pan/demic; Pan/creas)


True or False: Masto- and Mammo- mean chest. (Mast/itis; Mammo/gram)

false, they mean breast

Sagitto- means arrow or arrow-like. (Sagitt/al Plane; Sagittal/is)


True or False: Adeno- means gland. (Aden/itis; Aden/oma)


The sphincter (that which binds together) muscle at the end of the digestive tract is the ___.


True or False: An- means without or lack of.


The suffix -ician or in Phys/ician (is natural/________) literally means:

one who

True or False: Pharmac/o- means drug. (Pharmac/ology; Pharmaco/mania)


True or False: Malac/o- means hard. (Osteo/malacia; Chrondo/malacia)

false, it means soft

True or False: Spiro- means breathe or breathing. (Spiro/meter; Spiro/metry)


True or False: Avuls/i- means to tear or tear away. (Avuls/ion; Avulsi/oplasty)


True or False: -crine means to secrete. (Endo/crine; Holo/crine; Exo/crine)


True or False: Entero- means intestine or small intestine. (Enter/itis; Dys/enter/y)


True or False: Palpebro- means ear. (Palpebr/itis; Palpebro/ptosis)

false, it means eyelid

True or False: Balano- means glans clitoris or glans penis. (Balan/itis; Balan/orrhagia)


True or False: -esis and -osis mean condition or disease. (Hematopoi/e/sis; Hidr/osis)


The disease of Crypto/cocc/o/sis is a ____ that can infect the lungs, skin, brain (CNS), bones, and urinary tract causing death.

yeast like budding fungus "no spores"

The medical term that means containing both mucus and pus is ___.


True or False: Com- and Con- mean together. (Com/press/ion; Con/junctivia)


True or False: Uvea- and Staphylo- mean grape. (Uve/oma; Staphylo/coccus)


True or False: cicatrix- means scar or normal scar. (Cicatr/ization; Dermo/cicatrix)


True or False: Alveoli- or Alveolo- mean hollow or cavity. (Alveol/itis; Alveolo/plasty)


Hormone means to stimulate or change. (Hormon/al; Hormono/poiesis)

false, it means to urge on

The diagnostic term Myx/oma means a tumor or swelling of ___.


True or False: Irid-, Irid/o- and Iro- mean rainbow. (Irid/itis; Irido/rrhexis)


The anatomical terms Sym/physis Pubis literally mean ___.

growing together : at the private parts

The phrase, refers to or pertains to, is a generalized ____ meaning (not a ___ meaning) used for the suffixes -a, -ia, -iac, -al, -ar, -ic, -is, -on, -os, -us, -ium, and -um.

actual, literal

True or False: Chiro- and Mano- mean hand. (Chiro/practor & Sphygmo/mano/meter)


True or False: Audi- means to hear. (Audi/olog/y; Audi/ogram)


Scolio- means swayback. (Scoli/osis; Scolio/meter)

false, it means twisted or crooked spine

Scolio means ___.

twisted or crooked spine

The diagnostic term Hirsut/ism literally means ___.

the state of being hairy

The myeloid tissue in cancellous bone is semi-liquid and produces most RBCs, WBCs, and Platelets is usually referred to as ___.

bone marrow or red marrow

True or False: TID means – two times per day


True or False: Herpet/o- means to creep. (Herpes; Herpet/ic; Herpet/iform)


True or False: Meno- and Menstro- mean weekly. (Meno/pause, Menstr/ation)

False, they mean menstration

True or False: Ortho- means large or huge. (Ortho/pnea; Ortho/dontic)

False, it means straight or erect

The TIA refers to a ___.

transient ischemic attack

The Eye Chart that measures visual acuity is the ___.


A Pulmonary Infarction (lung: to stuff into) actually means ___.

lung blood flow blockage

calor means ___.


tumor means ___.


rubor means ___.


naso means ___.


rhino means ___.


True or False: Cataracto- means waterfall or cloudy. (Cataract/ectomy; Cataracto/genic)


The small organs that produce and drain tears from the eye are the ___.

lacrimal glands and ducts

The medical term that refers to extremity blood vessels is ___.

peripheral vascular

True or False: Amphi- literally means across. (Amphi/centric; Amphi/arthrosis)

false, it means around or on both sides

True or False: Bi- and Bin- means two. (Bi/lateral; Bin/ocular)


True or False: Ascari- means worm or nematode.


The medical term Huntington Chorea is characterized by ___.

shaking or bizarre involuntary movements with de/mentia "away/mind"

True or False: Pneumo- and Pulmono- mean lung. (Pneumon/ia; Pulmon/ary)


True or False: Bruxi- means to grind. (Brux/ism; Dura/brux/ism)


The visual examination of the abdominal cavity through the belly wall is called ___.


True or False: Sino- and Sinus means cavity or hollow. (Sin/us; Sinus/itis)


True or False: Kelo- means raised red hard scar. (Kel/oid; Keloid/ectomy)


True or False: Phyto- and Lichen mean plant. (Phyto/dermitis; Lichen/ification)


True or False: Dermato-, Corio-, Cutio- mean skin. (Dermat/itis; Cori/um; Cut/icle)


True or False: Myelo- means spinal cord or bone marrow. (Myelo/gram; Multiple Myel/oma)


The suffix "-orrhea" means ___.

flow or discharge

True or False: Pod- and Podo- mean child. (Pod/iatry; and Podo/dynia)

false, they mean foot

True or False: Nucleo- and Karyo- mean nut or nucleus. (Nucle/ar; Karyo/kinesis)


Immediately after the filtrate passes through the Bowman’s capsule it enters the ___.

Renal Collecting Tubule

True or False: Oligo- means scanty, slight, or few.


True or False: Semi- and Hemi- mean whole. (Semi/membraneous; Hemi/sphere)

False, they mean half

True or False: Meta- means change or beyond. (Meta/bolism; Meta/carpal)


True or False: Ana- means to combine. (Ana/tom/y; Ana/phase)

false, it means up, apart or backward

True or False: Pyelo- means pelvis (of kidney or organ).


The term Ascariasis refers to parasitic ____ that migrate
through the lungs in the larval stage primarily to the ____. The eggs are passed on to the next individual through contact with the ___ (hands, water, or food).

worms, intestines, feces

True or False: Colpo- means penis. (Colp/itis; Colpo/scopy)

False, it means vagina

True or False: Ech/o- and Son/o- mean to X-ray. (Ech/ogram or Son/ogram)

false, they mean sound

mast/o means ___.


The term stomatogastric is defined as pertaining to the ___.

mouth and stomach

___ of or relating to the production of very low temperatures.


-metry means ___.

process of measuring

myc/o means ___.


cyesis means ___.


PH stands for ___.

past history

-graph/y means ___.

the procedure of using a machine, instrument, or device to record.

Ceru-, Cera-, and Cerumeno- mean fat. (Ceru/men; Cerumeno/lysis)


Ceco- means blind pouch. (Ceco/ptosis; Cec/ostomy)


Both food and air travel through the ___.

mouth and pharynx (aka: throat)

____ is the study of the production and behaviour of materials at very low temperatures.


The surgical term for cutting of certain branches of the vagus nerve is ___.


Hidr/o- and Suder/i- mean oil. (Hidr/osis; Suderi/ferous)

false, they mean sweat

The opening through which food passes into the alimentary (to nourish) canal is the ___.


True or False: Cheilo- means lip.


True or False: Myx/o- and Blenno- mean mucus.


True or False: Myco- and Tinea means fungus.


Tinea Corporis is a ___.


The procedural term for X-ray of the veins after an injection of contrast medium dye is ___.


True or False: Crypto- means cold.

false, it means hidden

The combining form cec/o- means ___.

blind pouch

True or False: Brady- means short. (Brady/cardia; Brady/kinesia)

false, it means SLOW

___ is the stage of mitosis and meiosis in which the chromosomes move toward opposite ends of the nuclear spindle.


cerumen means ___.


true or false: -scopy means using an instrument to examine or view.


true or false: Actino- means heat.

false, it means radiation

Actino/therap/y aka: ___

radiotherapy, using UV rays

___ is the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance.


The medical term that means pertaining to below the rib is ___.


___ means pertaining to below the rib.


true or false: Etio- means eating.

false, it means the cause of a disease

true or false: os- means mouth or mouth-like opening.


true or false: Cryo- means hidden.

false, it means cold

The blood vessel that carries blood containing oxygen and nutrients away from the heart to the body tissues (except the lungs)
is the ___.


The pelvic floor (anus to vagina or scrotum) in both males and females is called the ___.


true or false: Athero- means porridge or yellow fat.


true or false: Phlebo- means artery.

false, it means vein

true or false: Psycho- and -noia mean mind.


true or false: Cranio- means head.

false, it means skull or cranium

true or false: Somo- and Corpo- mean total.

false, they mean body

true or false: Galacto- and Lacto- mean sugar.

false, they mean milk

true or false: Litho- and Petro- mean hard.

false, they mean stone

The muscle term fascia means ___.

band that separates

true or false: Sym- and Syn- mean together.


true or false: Colo- means big intestine or large intestine.


true or false: -gnosis means knowledge.


true or false: The suffixes -algia and -dynia mean pain.


true or false: Procto- means to probe.

false, it means anus or rectum

true or false: Iatro- means treatment or cure.


true or false: Post- means after or behind.


True or False: -lapse and -ptosis means fall, slip, or droop.


The diagnostic term for a congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is ___.


true or false: Helminth/o- and Vermi- mean worm.


True or False: Tele-, Telo-, and Tel- mean end.


True or False: Onycho- and Unguino- mean skin.

False, they mean the nails

True or False: Feto- means early.

false, it means young

True or False: Rhytido- means wrinkles.


The medical term Stomato/gastric actually means ___.

pertains to the mouth and stomach

Proctology is the study of the ___.

anus or rectum

The medical term Concussion means ___.

to shake violently causing brain bleeding

True or False: Meningo- and Meningio- mean membrane.


True or False: -asthenia means strength.

false, it means without strength OR weakness

The diagnostic term Ex/ost/osis means:

condition of bone growing outward through muscles and other tissues

My/asthenia literally means ___.

muscle/without strength or muscle/weakness

sthenos means ___.


The ring of muscles that guards the opening between the stomach and the duodenum is the ___.

Pyloric sphincter

The second portion of the small intestine is the ___.


The small pouch attached to the cecum is the ___.


The combining form celi/o is defined as ___.


True or False: Hallux means thumb.

false, it means big toe

The ____ is top portion of the skull, which protects the brain.


the literal meaning of Micro/hallex is ___.

small/big toe

____ is a condition in which the big toe is bent outward so that it overlaps the second toe.

Hallux Valgus

The diagnostic term for an increase amount of spinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain is ___.


The name of the structure that contains arteries, veins, lymphatics, nerves, ductus deferens, and suspends the testes in the scrotum is the ___.

spermatic cord

The muscle term peroneus means ___.


True or False: -centesis means a surgical puncture to drain fluid.


A(n) "_______" is a noninvasive roentgeno/graph/y diagnostic technique.

Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT-Scan)

True or False: Retino- means eye or eyeball.

false, it means pertaining to the retina

___ is a delicate, multilayered, light-sensitive membrane lining the inner eyeball and connected by the optic nerve to the brain.


Mal- means bad.


True or False: -y, -ation, and -ing mean procedure of or process of.


____ is an injection of an intravenous medication to dissolve blood clots in coronary (blood) vessels.

intracoronary thrombolytic therapy

____ is the medical term meaning the use of drugs to dissolve blood clots (___).

Thrombolysis, Thrombolytics

True or False: Dipso- means to thirst.


True or False: Kypho- means laterally crooked.

false, it means humped

True or False: Edema- means bad or harmful.

false, it means swelling caused by excess fluid

True or False: Pep- and Peps/o- mean digestion.


True or False: Xero- means dry.


The largest lymphatic organ in the body is the ___.


True or False: Ergo- and Dynamo- mean work.


True or False: -oid means faulty or false material.

false, it means like

True or False: Sphygmo- means pulse.


True or False: E- means out or outward.


___ is the surgical term that means surgical excision of the thickened interior of an artery.


A Chiropractor specializes in the repositioning of bones with adjustments in order to relieve nerve and tissue pressure caused by bone ______.


___ is the general term for the surgical removal of plaque from an artery that has become narrowed or blocked.


True or False: Steno- and Stricto- mean to close.

false, they mean to narrow

___ means to bleed from the nose.


True or False: -cytosis means a decrease (in cells).

false, it means an increase in cells

True or False: Onco- means cancer.

false, it means tumor or mass

True or False: VO means – Verbal Order.


The inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs is called ___.

congenital heart disease

The word part -iatro- in iatro/genic or ger/iatric/ means ___.

treatment or cure

ger/iatric actually means ____.

related to old people’s health care

Omo- means shoulder.


True or False: Sebo- means sweat.

false, it means sebum

Photo- means green.

false, it means light

The term that means pertaining to the flow force of urine within the urinary tract is ___.

uro/dynamics – urine/work

The combining form phas/o- means ___.


Presbyo- means new.

false, it means old age or elderly

The diagnostic term A/dactyl/ia means ___.

refers to missing toes, fingers, or digits

The term "hyperplasia" means ___.

increase in growth or development

Sarco- means fleshy.


A ankle sprain is often characterized by _____.

hematoma formation, torn tissues, and it is worse than an ankle strain

rhinoplasia literally means ___.

nose/growth or development

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