Film Chapter 8 Quiz

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A match cut helps create a sense of continuity between shots by matching shot A and shot B in terms of action, graphic content, or eyelines. Which clip provides an example of a match cut?

Two Cars, One Night

An editor’s control of _____________ can determine the pace or rhythm of a movie.


French film theorist André Bazin defines this term as "the creation of a sense or meaning not proper to the images themselves but derived exclusively from their juxtaposition." Since 1930s Hollywood, this term designates a sequence of shots, often with superimpositions and optical effects, that shows a condensed series of events.


Montage is an editing technique that condenses a series of events into a sequence of shots. Which clip illustrates montage?

Death to the Tinman

The editing technique of joining together two shots is called


The effect of perceiving spatial continuity between two shots, even with two shots filmed at different times in different places, is called

the Kuleshov effect.

The master shot orients the viewer in preparation for the shots that follow. Which clip illustrates a series of shots that includes a master shot?


The most common manipulation of time through editing is an ellipsis, which is an omission of time that separates one shot from another. Which clip represents an ellipsis?

Bartholomew’s Song

The tendency for movie viewers to interpret shots in relation to surrounding shots is the most fundamental assumption behind all film editing. How does editing take advantage of this psychological tendency?

All of these are correct

The two major approaches to editing are continuity editing and discontinuity editing. Which clip represents discontinuity editing?


1 out of 1 points

What editing transition does this clip from Snapshot illustrate?



What is the difference between an iris-in and an iris-out?

An iris-in begins with a small circle that expands, while an iris-out gradually closes an image.

What is the process of selecting, arranging, and assembling the essential components of a movie (visual, sound, and special effects) to tell a story in a unique way?


Which clip includes the editing strategy known as shot/reverse shot?


Which type of cut joins a point-of-view shot of a person looking offscreen with a shot of the object of their gaze, as found in this clip from Spam-ku?


eyeline match cut

Why is the axis of action also called the 180-degree system?

There are 180 degrees of space on the chosen side of the axis of action in which the camera may be placed to preserve screen direction.

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