Fed Govt. Chpt 3

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The 10th Amendment states that the powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are

Reserved to the STATES, or the people.

Of the different ways of ordering relations between central governments and local units, the most popular method is

a UNITary system

Of about 200 countries in the world,

The most common political system is a UNITARY system.

What kind of Grant-in-aid allows the recipient of the grant the least independence in determining how the money will be spent?

Categorical grant

What event is most closely associated with the federal government assuming its greatest power?

The Great Depression

In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that the slaves were not citizens, but property, in the case,

Dred Scott v.Sandford

The era of dual federalism ended with the

Great Depression

In the 1930’s, the area of federal federalism cam to an end with the Great Depression. This crisis led to


During the early years of the ‘New Deal,’ the Supreme Court

Ruled many programs Unconstitutional

During the early years of the ‘New Deal,’ the attitude of the Supreme Court towards federal economic intervention could be characterized as


In response to the Supreme Court’s opposition to many New Deal programs, FDR suggested

Increases the number of justices from NINE to THIRTEEN

New Deal programs led to an era of federalism often referred to as _________ federalism.


Cooperative federalism is characterized by

a STRONGER, more influential national government.

The first true federal grant funded

land-grant colleges

Federal grant programs often have the effect of

Making it easier for the federal government to impose national GOALS on the states.

In 1964, the Johnson administration launched a broad attempt to combat social ills called

the Great Society

By 1970, federal grants accounted for ________ percent of all state and local spending.


Programs passed by Congress requiring state compliance that come with no appropriated funds are called

UnFUNDED Mandates

President Reagan preferred less restrictive funding to state and local governments called ________ grants.


Programs to channel federal monies to the states with ‘no strings attached’ are known as

BLOCK grants

In a country administered under a UNITARY STATE system of government

The national government has COMPLETE CONTROL over REGIONAL government

Federal courts created the doctrine of DUAL FEDERALISM in order to

Distinguish between the powers of the federal and state governments

In a federal political system, power is

Shared between the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT and constituent governments.

The concept of horizontal federalism deals with

Relationships between STATE GOVERNMENTS.

States may not

Make treaties with foreign nations

The privileges and immunities clause of the constitution means

A citizen of one state cannot be treated as an alien in another state.

A league of independent states in which the central government handles only those matters of common concern EXPRESSLY delegated to it is referred to as a

Confederal System

The state of Maryland imposed a tax on the Bank of the United States because

it feared an extension of centralized political power.

Unitary Systems:

Do not have independent state governments.

The purpose of federal grants are to


The implied powers of the national government

give elasticity to our constitutional system

What is the constitutional basis for Congress’s implied powers?

The necessary and proper clause

This is NOT the state power according to the 10th amendment:

Making Treaties

To which government does eminent domain apply?

BOTH Federal and State

Which amendments to the U.S Constitution limited State sovereignty?


Federal government obligations to states include all of the following EXCEPT:

Respect territorial integrity

Which of the following nations is governed by a unitary system of government?


The concept of dual federalism prevailed in the United States until the administration of

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which of the following is an example of a concurrent power?

The power to TAX

Which institution serves as an arbiter or umpire in questions of the state versus a national power?

The Supreme Court

In addition to the doctrine of implied powers, Chief Justice Marshall, in his decision to the Supreme Court case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), established the key concepts of

National supremacy

Much of the growth of big government and of federal social welfare programs took place during the New Deal in the 1930’s and during the administration of


The case of New Jersey v. New York (1999) is important because it

Illustrates the ORIGINAL JURISDICTION of the supreme court

The Framers created the federal system in order to

PREVENT tyranny by dividing the powers of government.

Federalism refers to a

Relationship between the NATIONAL and STATE governments

Under the Constitution, National and state governments are

Accountable to the people

The supremacy clause is found in

Article VI

The meaning of the supremacy clause has been

Continuously reinterpreted

In situations of conflict between state and national law, national law prevails due to

the supremacy clause

The new Constitution clearly established the Federal government’s right to tax in order to

AVOID the FINANCIAL problems of the Articles of Confederation

Suffrage rights are constitutionally voted by

STATE governments

Among the concurrent powers of the U.S system are


Article I, Section 8 gives congress the power to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out its enumerated power. This clause is also known as

ELAstiC Clause

The constitution has a long list of federal powers, but few powers are listed for the states. This is because

States had all the power at the WRITING of the constitution and a list was deemed UNNECESSARY.

The Tenth Amendment provides for

states’ reserve or POLICE POWER.

In addition to granting certain powers to state and national government, Article I also denies some power to those governments, for example,


A law declaring an act illegal without a judicial trial is called a(n)

Bill of Attainder

The clause that ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another is called the ________ clause.

FULL FAITH and credit clause.

The first major federalism decision by the Marshal Court was

McCulloch v. Maryland

In McCulloch c. Maryland (1824) the Supreme Court ruled that

Congress had the POWER to charter a BANK due to the necessary and proper clause

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) addressed the important question of


The doctrine, applied by the Taney Court, that the national government should not exceed its enumerated powers is called

DUAL federalism

During the Taney Court, the Court articulated the notion of

ConCURRENT powers

The Supreme Court ruled in Plessy C. Ferguson (1896) that

Racial Segregation was UNCONSTITUTIONAL

The nature of federalism was changed forever by


"Dual Federalism" is the practice of

Allowing the STATES and FEDERAL government to separately EXERCISE power in areas of legitimate concern to them

In a confederal political system the central governing unit

Has NO ABILITY to make laws directly applicable to individuals without authority of STATE GOVERNMENTS

The term ENUMERATED POWERS refers to


The term IMPLIED POWERS refers to

The power of the federal government to MAKE LAWS to implement stated policies

The Supremacy Clause of the constitution means

States cannot use their reserved or CONCURRENT powers to THWART national policies.

An example of IMPLIED POWER is the federal governments right to:

CREATE a national bank.

The states are obligated constitutionally by all but:


Federal systems include:


The goal of new federalism is to

REDUCE the RESTRICTIONS attached to federal grants

A major reason for the idea of full faith and credit clause is

To insure that rights established in CONTRACTS in one state will be HONORED by other states.

In the case McCulloch v. Maryland the Supreme Court held

that only when acts of congress are FORBIDDEN by the constitution are they UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

In the United States, citizens live under:

BOTH the U.S and a State constitution

The federalism of the Constitution

CONFERRED more substantial powers on the national government, at the expense of state powers

The federal government has compelled the states to raise their drinking age by


The basic premise of federalism is that

TWO or MORE governments SHARE power over the same land and people.

The first president to reduce intergovernmental grant expidenditures was

Jimmy Carter

The president who was elected to office, at least in part, due to a promise to return to power in the states was

Ronald Reagan

The effect of Reagan’s new federalism was

State DEPENDENCY on Federal aid.

State and local governments often hire lobbyists today due to the

Intense competition for federal FUNDS

The pressure group or groups that are created when state and local governments hire lobbyists to lobby that national government are called the _______ lobby.

INTERgovernmental lobby

in 1998, President Clinton issued an executive order on federalism that


Contrary to what Alexander Hamilton thought, many people today argue that the federal-state relationship has become one of


The method by which the federal government can override state or local actions is called


Republicans, in 1994, ran for election on a campaign pledge to force a national debate on the role of the national and state governments under the rubric of


National laws that direct states or local governments to comply with federal rules and regulations are called


Many states in the 1990’s were unhappy with their position in the federal system due to

UNFUNDED mandates.

Although education is usually considered a state function, the federal government became actively involved in ending state mandated segregation through the case of

Brown v. Board of EDUCATION of Topeka, Kansas

During the 1960’s, in an effort to end segregation, the federal government began encroaching on one of the most sacred areas of state regulation in the federal system,

the CONDUCT of elections

One of the rationales for federal intervention in state and local governments affairs is the


-New Jersey sued New York over the ownership of Ellis Island under the original jurisdiction of the supreme court.-


-There are almost 90,000 state and local governments in the United States.-


-The challenge for the U.S has always been to preserve the independence and rights of the state while establishing an effective national government.-


-The Framers divided the power between state and national governments in order to create a confederal system.-


-The word "federal" is used in the Constitution to describe the system of divided powers.-


-The philosophy that describes the relationship between the state and national governments created by the Framers is called Federalism.-


-The Supremacy Clause (16th) of the constitution mandates that state laws supersede national laws.-


-The necessary and proper clause is the root of Congress’ implied powers.-


-Implied powers are derived from constitutionally enumerated powers.-


-Suffrage rights are left to the states to decide in the U.S constitution.-


-The federal governments’ right to tax was left vague in the constitution-


-The Constitution specifically enumerates powers to the state and national governments.-


-Police powers are federal in nature according to the Tenth Amendment.-


-Taxation is a concurrent power in the U.S federal system.-


-The Constitution guarantees that Congress would not limit the Slave trade before 1808.-


-Throughout our history, the nature of federalism has been fairly constant.-


-Many people today are calling for a return of power to the states.-


-In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the Supreme Court ruled that the commerce clause could not be used to reduce state powers.-


-The Civil War and the Great Depression were two of the historical incidents that tended to consolidate national powers at the expense of state powers.-


-During the late 1880’s and 1990’s, the Supreme Court consistently ruled to enlarge the scope of federal powers.-


-The New Deal was a package of policies introduced by the Roosevelt administration to remedy the Great Depression through federal action.-


-The Supreme Court was generally supportive of FDR’s attempts to deal with the Great Depression.-


-Federal grants have been used since the Civil War to allocate federal funds to the states.-


-Block grants are federal monies given to the states with few strings attached.-


-Preemption is one way for states to prevent federal usurpation of their power.-


-One of the original reasons for federal grants was to counteract the perceived over representation of rural interests in state legislatures.-


-Despite several large grant programs and other national interventions, education is primarily a state responsibility.-


-In 1995, the Supreme Court reasserted state control over suffrage and elections in U.S Term Limits v. Thornton-


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