Exploring Exercises for Muscular Fitness- Quiz

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Weight training requires that individuals add supplemental protein to their diet.


Isometric exercise strengthens muscles without __________.

B. changing muscle length

What distinguishes push-ups from other chest exercises such as the bench press and dumbbell flies?

C. Push-ups do not require any weights or machines.

Plyometrics is an isometric exercise technique.


A one-repetition maximum is most important in developing muscle __________.

A. strength

Well-designed weight-training programs only target two or three body areas.


Which of the following is TRUE about protein and supplements in diets?

C. It is uncertain whether many dietary supplements are effective.

In calisthenics, the resistance is ultimately provided by __________.

C. gravity

Which of the following is a myth about weight lifting?

B. Women who lift weights will develop large, bulky muscles

Why is it a myth that muscle turns into fat when someone stops working out?

A. Muscle and fat are two different kinds of tissue

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