Excel Module 3

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The ___ category of Excel function returns (true-false) values.


Which of the following is a Statistical function?


Which of the following is a Math & Trig function?


=ROUND(AVERAGE(A1:A100),2) is an example of a(n) ____ function.


After you describe a function in the Search for a function box in the Insert Function dialog box, click ____.


The numbers, text, or cell references used by the function to return a value are called ____.


Which of the following is NOT a comparison operator?

The formula returns the text "RESTART".

In the following formula: =IF(A1="YES", "DONE", "RESTART"), what happens if A1= "NO"?


Which of the following is NOT a date function?


The ___ function returns the maximum value in the range.


One of the great advantages of ____ references is that you can quickly generate row and column totals without having to worry about revising the formulas as you copy them to new locations.


Absolute references are marked with a ___.

Does not change

When you copy a formula that contains an absolute reference to a new location, the reference ____.


Use ___ references when you want different formulas to refer to the same cell.


Another name for the middle value is the ___ value.


____ arguments may provide more control over the returned value.

The general syntax of all functions

FUNCTION(argument1, argument2, …) is ____.


If an optional argument is not included, Excel assumes a ___ value for it.


Excel functions are organized into ___ categories.


Which of the following is not an Excel function category?


Which function counts how many cells in a range contain numbers, where value1, value2, and so forth are text, numbers, or cell references?

Cell references

In "SUM(number1 [, number2, number3, …])", number 1, number 2, and number 3 may be numbers or ____.


Which category of Excel functions returns information about the format, location, or contents of worksheet cells?

The average of the values in the range A1:A100 is calculated.

In the formula =INT(AVERAGE(A1:A100)), which would occur first?

The same number of left and right parentheses

When you nest functions, you should have ____.

Function Library

The Insert Function button is in the ___ group.


The Insert Function dialog box has a ___ option.

Contents and formats

The fill handle copies ___.


Using the AutoFill Options button, the Fill Without Formatting option copies the ____ but not the formatting.

Feb, Mar, Apr

Using AutoFill, what would be the extended series of the initial entry Jan?

True or False

A logical function is a function that works with values that are either ____.

A1 does not equal B1

In the formula =IF(A1=B1, C1, C2), the result will be C2 if ____.


____ references are seldom used other than when creating tables of calculated values such as a multiplication table in which the values of the formula or function can be found in the initial rows and columns of the table.

a blank cell

=IF(G22="x", SUM(H22:J22), " ") with display ______ if G22 is not equal to "x".


___ functions find values in tables of data and insert them in another location in the worksheet such as cells or in formulas.


If the VLOOKUP function cannot find the lookup value, the _________ error value is displayed in the cell.

What-if analysis

One way to perform a _________ is by changing one or more of the input values to see how they affect the calculated results.

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