Ethnic & Religious Conflict

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Which is a serious problem for South Sudan?

Transporting oil through sudan

The ethnic nationalist movement in which region is also a unification movement?


Which country is dealing with an independence movement totally based upon language?


Descendants of a group of former slaves live on their own island and speak their own language. What describes these people?

A nation

Which is part of ethnic nationalism and separatism?

A desire to split away from a country, a goal of forming a new country, a minority group in a single country, an attempt by a group to gain control over a state

Ethnic unification occurs when an ethnic group

hopes to join together in a new country.

Ethnic separatism can be defined as the desire by a group of people to form their own country

Based upon a commonality

War erupted in Yugoslavia, because the country was a

multinational state.

The conflict and unrest in Chechnya are caused by different


A combination of ethnicity and nationalism can cause ethnic


A nation state can be defined as a political unit

With a majority of similar people living under a government

Which choice is an example of ethnicity?

an organization of Cajun dancers

Ethnicity is a social construct based on which of the following?

Beliefs, culture, language, religion

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