Ethics Final

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The following is an example of normative ethics; capital punishment is wrong because it is wrong to directly take a human life


Ethical theory does which of the following

provides reasons for judging actions to be right or wrong

ethics is that branch of philosophy that seeks to discover what different moral beliefs different people do in fact have


the difference between teleological and deontological is that

deontological is focused of intention and teleological is focused on consequences

which of the following best describes ethics

a branch of philosophy that uses reason to support positions

euthyphro is about

the nature of goodness

metaethics is largely about studying

the meanings of ethical language

another name for a good argument is

a sound argument

a synonym for unethical is


ethics is that branch of philosophy that is concerned with how we ought to live, with the idea of the good, and with the meaning of such concepts as right and wrong


people may have basic moral agreement but arrive at different conclusions because

they have different factual agreements

according to Mary Migley, "moral isolationism"

is not forced upon us and makes no sense at all

according to individual ethical relativism, i cannot be objectively mistaken in my moral judgments


ethical relativism holds that

there is no objective right and wrong

a supervenient moral property may include all of the following except


isolating barriers

prevent us from truly examining our own cultures

according to the text, the essence of both descriptive and ethical relativism is the belief that people do differ fundamentally about what is right and wrong


which is not a reason for supporting ethical relativism

social cohesion

if people disagree about some moral matter, their disagreement will always be due to having different moral values


social or cultural relativism holds that what is right is whatever ones society or culture holds is right


for psychological egoism to be valid, we must show people

act with an aim of achieving self-satisfaction

what does glaucon want to demonstrate by giving two people rings

even good people will do evil if they can act without consequence

psychological egoism is descriptive theory and ethical egoism is a normative theory


to say that something is a normative theory is to say that it tells us what we ought to do


which of the following is not an example of ethical egoism

we should treat others well so they will treat others well

psychological egoism is a theory that holds that we each ought to do what is in our own best interest


the most reasonable form of psychological egoism holds that we always do what is in our own best interest


the counsels in ben franklin’s poor richards almanac were examples of how practicing certain virtues was in a persons own best interest


according to psychological egoism people

act in the way they perceive to be best for them

according to individual ethical egoism one should

do what is in ones self interest

according to utilitarianism, an act that makes some people happy and others unhappy can never be morally right


according to act utilitarianism, if it produces more net utility or pleasure to give money that i had promised to return to a friend to famine relief instead, then i ought to give it to the relief fund


both bentham and mill hold that some pleasures are better in kind than others


the cost benefit analysis is used by in all of the following circumstances excpet

deciding if one society is better than another

according to utilitarianism which of the following is an intrinsic good


which of the following is not necessary to act morally according to utilitarianism

to act as the majority wishes

the reason that Mill believes that pleasure is the only intrinsic good is because he believes that it is the only thing that everyone desires for its own sake


utilitarianism is a relativistic moral theory, for it recognizes that what is good in some circumstances is not always good in others


which of the following was not one of the founders of utilitarianism

rene descartes

according to utilitarianism which of the following is useful for evaluating the morality of an action

the result

act only on that maxim you can will to become universal law is known as which form of kants categorical imperative


according to kant an obligation or ought is categorical when it is something we ought to do in order to achieve some ends or goals that we have


according to kant we are morally responsible for which of the following

for our motive to do good or bad

according to kant the shopkeeper who charges an equal price of all her customers because she likes them is acting out of duty


hypothetical imperatives are

like suggesting we should use what works to arrive at a goal

kants first form of the categorical imperative is derived from the nature of moral obligation as universally binding


according to kant one can do what is right and that action still may not have moral worth


according to kant what has the highest intrinsic value


according to kant because persons are ends they ought not be used as means to ends


the illustration in the beginning of chapter five suggests using humans as guinea pigs was immoral because

the persons in the experiment had not consented to the study

natural law is the same as

moral law

according to natural law theory it would be wrong to deliberately kill oneself because this goes against out innate drive or inclination to life


according to Aristotle what is the unique element of human beings

the rational element

natural law is


john locke’s theory of basic rights stems from his belief that governments generally do recognize certain rights as basic


which of the following is not one of the articles in the aquinas reading

whether humans can know natural law

all of the following are true of natural rights except

they are not the foundations of most religious writings

according to natural theory, the good for human beings lies in the development of their natural human tendencies or inclinations


the nuremburg trials convicted people of crimes against


the natural law is one of the scientific laws of nature


virtues are positive traits of character


men’s sense of virtue is thought to emphasize

justice over relationship

virtue ethics emphasizes how we should determine what is the right thing to do


which of the following does the mackinnon include in the female ethical perspective

personal, partial, concrete

which virtue does Phillipa foot identify as benefiting community rather than self


impartiality is thought of as a stereotypical masculine trait


the virtue of courage should enable one to face danger


according to Phillipa foot a virtue is a perfection of


according to artistotle the good is

the end to which all things aim

the opposite of virtue is weakness


to suggest that sex is only acceptable between consenting adults would rely on

kantian ethics

the abstinence only education with teens in the US seems to have led to

increased sexually transmitted disease

whether or not sex is appropriate only within a married or committed relation according to a natural law perspective will depend on whether this is the most fitting of only fitting context given what we are like


which is an example of egoism

treating people with honor because maintaining a good reputation is important

given the nature of morality as a function of benefits and harms of treating persons with respect and disrespect, still sex is too personal to be a moral matter


a consequentialist approach to judging sexual morality will ask whether one is using anyone or whether the sexual relation is an open one


all moral theories will pose moral questions about sexual morality in the same way


which of the following is the best example of the categorical imperative

if everyone practiced homosexual sex, there would be no children

D.P. Verene’s essay, he argues sexuality is a moral issue because of

Judeo-Christian tradition

which of the following is not an example of utilitarian reasoning?

what people do privately is their business

when giving a consequentialist argument for affirmative action one need show only that these programs can have good consequences


if there are any group differences there will most probably be average differences


according to the principle of equality, a society that preferred women for the respected and highly paid position of financial adviser would be justified in doing so if it could be proven that women by nature were more talented in such matters than men


the principle of equality is a nonconsequentalist moral principle


affirmative action programs presume that past discrimination and its resulting present disadvantage are relevant reasons for differential treatment


according to this principle in order to treat people differently in ways that deny them significant social benefits one need only show that there are real differences between them


the US supreme court concluded in the Bakke decision that consideration of race in school admission was unconstitutional


arguments for affirmative action based on reasons of compensatory justice must show that compensation to members of certain groups is justified


in the defunis ruling on affirmative action at the university of washington school of law in the early 1970s it was argued that the state had a compelling state interest which justified this program


some types of affirmative action do not require preference to be given to members of minority groups or women


distributive justice has to do with

how goods are allocated among persons

all of the following are reasons an economy fails to embrace meritocracy except

scholarships tend to go the brightest people

rawls believes justice is to social institutions as

truth is to scientific systems

the people in the original position in choosing behind a veil of ignorance do not know any biasing things about themselves but do know that they would want what any person would want


rawls second principle of justice requires that an inequality in goods in society is just provided that the people have merited what they have


libertarians typically hold a process view of justice rather than an end state view


to suggest that allowing people to earn as much money as they can because doing so gives people incentive to be maximally productive comes under which form of reasoning


according to a process view of economic justice, a social distribution of wealth is just if and only if the disparities in wealth are due to differences in merit, achievement, or contribution


to suggest that tom has a right to the money that is earned as a result of his innovative idea comes under which form of ethical reasoning

natural law

an end state view of economic justice is one that is concerned about how things turn out in terms of distribution of wealth in society


ecocentrism relies on what form of moral reasoning

natural law

anthropocentrists value nature for its own sake


cost benefit analyses involve both assessments and evaluations


according to anthropocentrism, what has intrinsic value

humans only

the old native americans saying before you act consider the consequences on the next generation represents what kind of thinking


some ecofeminists believe that the source of our environmental problems lies in our being governed in our relation to nature by the male type of dominance over it


deep ecologists and ecofeminists share common views about the proper way to regard nature and the source of our environmental problems


to say that a wilderness has prima facie value means that it must be preserved no matter what the cost to do so


because human interests in a livable environment often complete with other human economic interests, many find cost-benefit analyses useful for judging, weighing and comparing benefits and costs


the article by william baxter utilized primarily ____ reasoning


the suggestion that using embroys from fertility clinics which would otherwise be destroyed or kept frozen is an ethical activity relies upon ____ reasoning


pharmacogenomics would be a form of personalized medicine using genetic engineering tecchiniques


the yuck factor argument to human cloning holds that we ought to trust our gut reactions to certain procedures as indicative of their moral nature


mammals have ever been cloned


one truth reproductive cloning is that

identical twins are clones

the playing god argument against cloning

in not necessarily a religious argument

cloning to make a human being is called therapeutic cloning


at present the cloning of animals is somewhat inefficient and risky


the argument that human personhood begins at conception and humans should be used for scientific research is founded in

categorical imperative

theraputic cloning refers to the process by which

a persons own stem cells are reproduced to facilitate healing

proportionality under jus and bellum is an example of


the principle of double effect used b the principle of discrimination holds that there is a difference between directly intending some end and foreseeing that ones actions might result in that end


all forms of pacifism hold that violence is always wrong


to be a pacifist is the same thing as to be a conscientious objector


the idea that killing is wrong, but my killing is okay violates which of our ethical theories

categorical imperative

to agree that the reduction of privacy rights to gain greater security is an example of _____ reasoning


what kind of reasoning is found in the just cause principle

categorical imperative

just war theory has an initial presumption against war that must overcome by the fulfillment of certain requirments


according to mackinnon what is the most immediate goal of terrorism

to create fear

a value neutral definition of terrorism is the use of force to destroy property or kill people who are not directly involved in the matters being protested


which of the following is not mentioned as a result of the world bank and the international monetary fund

led to international terrorism

one of the ways to evaluate ethically the policies of the IMF and the world bank is whether they have done more good than harm or the opposite


is it clear that globalization has contributed more to stability and peace than to dissention and conflict around the world


which of the following is not mentioned by herman daly as a consequence of globalization

increased educational development

among the indicators of economic development of a country are standard of living, life expectancy and literacy


according to peter singer, helping people in famine ridden countries and areas is a matter of charity not obligation or duty


one significant difference between matter of charity and matters of justice is that the former is more flexible or optional than the latter


self interest rationales for helping develop poorer countries include all the following except

creating opportunity for indigenous peoples

the world bank argues that reducing farm subsides to farmers in western countries would

allow millions of people worldwide to escape poverty

technological advancements are

increasing the economic disparity between rich and poor nations

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