Ethics Ch. 4

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All of the following are used to evaluate ethical egoism except
a. Effectiveness in satisfying individual interest.
b. Conformity to commonsense morality.
c. Grounding in Psychological egoism.
d. Consistency and coherence.

Effectiveness in satisfying individual interest.

Which of the following is NOT an example of ethical egoism?
a. We should treat others well because we want to be treated well in return.
b. We should work hard because a "job well done is its own reward."
c. We should work hard because doing so is a good model for our children.
d. We should treat others well so they will treat others well.

We should treat others well so they will treat others well.

The counsels in Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac were examples of how practicing certain virtues was in a person’s own best interest.


One form of psychological egoism asserts that we always try do what we think is in our own best interest.


One reason that people don’t always do what is best for them is weakness of will


Ayn Rand held a negative view of altruism.


What does Glaucon want to demonstrate by giving two people rings?

Even "good" people will do evil if they can act without consequence.

For psychological egoism to be valid, we must show people

Act with an aim of achieving self-satisfaction.

The story of Mr. Lincoln was supposed to illustrate the truth of ethical egoism.


According to individual ethical egoism one should

Do what is in one’s self interest

To say that something is a normative theory is to say that it tells us what we ought to do.


Psychological egoism is a descriptive theory and ethical egoism is a normative theory.


In the story questioning Lincoln’s ability to be selfless, Lincoln

Rescued a pig.

The rings of Gyges can best be described as which of the following?

A ring that cam make the wearer invisible.

According to W.D. Falk, one would be given a good moral education if one were taught to be prudent.


According to psychological egoism people

Act in the way they perceive to be best for them

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