Environmental Science Test 3 (CH 13-18)

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specific spots–such as a factory’s smokestacks–where large quantities of pollution are discharged

Point sources of air pollution are __________. (283) (a) specific spots–such as a factory’s smokestacks–where large quantities of pollution are discharged (b) all the hydrocarbons produced by trees in the Smoky Mountains (c) the release of pollution from many unidentifiable sources (d) the diffuse release of pollution from autos and homes into the atmosphere


Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is responsible for the weather that we experience on the surface of Earth? (281) (a) Troposphere (b) Stratosphere (c) Thermosphere (d) Tropopause

using solar energy to heat homes

What would do the most to reduce indoor air pollution in the developing world? (a) reducing inhalation of second-hand smoke (b) building new homes with radon-resistant features (c) using solar energy to heat homes (d) reducing the use of products in the home that contain VOCs

convective circulation

What process depends upon the cyclical, vertical movement of air currents: sinking cold, dense; and rising warm, less dense air masses?

sulfur and nitrogen oxides

The primary causes of acid deposition are ________.

It leaches out important minerals from soils and causes a loss of biodiversity.

Which of the following is a consequence of acidic deposition? (a) It is increasing the rate of global warming. (b) It increases the likelihood of low-lying ground fogs. (c) It creates rainwater that can damage skin cells or cause cancers. (d) It leaches out important minerals from soils and causes a loss of biodiversity. (e) It results in offshore eutrophication, damaging coral reefs.

chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants

What is largely responsible for the ozone hole?

components of "sick-building syndrome"

Bacteria and fungal spores can be included as ________.

radon and cigarette smoke

In developed countries, the two most deadly sources of indoor pollution are ________.

oxygen; chlorine

Fill in the blanks: ozone is made of __________ and is broken down by __________.

burning fuelwood

Most of the indoor air pollution in developing countries comes from __________.


Ozone in the ________ is important for absorbing and scattering much of the UV radiation coming into Earth’s atmosphere from the sun.

primary; secondary

A __________ pollutant interacts with a part of the atmosphere and becomes a __________ pollutant.

convective air currents

What drives long-term climate patterns, such as the Hadley Cells at the Equator, over large geographic scales?

vehicle exhaust

What releases NO and VOC into the atmosphere, initiating the formation of photochemical smog in cities like Los Angeles and Tehran?

carbon monoxide

Which of the following chemicals is NOT a VOC (volatile organic compound)? (a) cleaning solvents (b) terpenes from plants (c) evaporated gasoline (d) carbon monoxide

heat is released by absorption of UV radiation by oxygen and ozone

The reason that temperature increases with altitude through most of the stratosphere is ________. (a) greenhouse gases warm the air (b) water vapor levels are high and store heat (c) heat is relesed by absoption of UV radiation by oxygen and ozone (d) sunlight is more intense in the stratosphere (e) jet stream winds produce frictional heat


In which layer of the atmosphere is the "ozone layer" found?

increasing skin cancer in humans

One of the problems that occur as a consequence of CFC pollution is ________.

nitrogen oxides

The Acid Rain Program established under the Clean Air Act of 1990 has been successful in reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide and ________.

most life on Earth would cease to exist because of the amount of UV radiation penetrating the atmosphere

If all of the stratospheric ozone suddenly disappeared, ________. (a) Earth’s surface would warm considerably (b) there would be a dramatic decrease in skin cancers (c) most life on Earth would cease to exist because of the amount UV radiation penetrating the atmosphere (d) insects would be the only organisms to survive (e) plants would flourish

warmer and wetter; then it rises, expanding and cooling

Air near Earth’s surface tends to be ________. (a) warmer and wetter; then it rises, expanding and cooling (b) cooler and wetter; then it rises, is warmed by the sun, and sinks again (c) cooler and drier; it rises when it is displaced by sinking warm air (d) warmer; it rises when it is displaced by Coriolis forces (e) warmer and drier; then it rises, condensing and gathering moisture


Which of the following is an unhealthy mixture of pollutants that forms over cities? (a) the ozone layer (b) the thermosphere (c) smog (d) the stratosphere

temperature or thermal inversion

Occasionally, a layer of cool air forms under a layer of warmer air in the troposphere, which is different from the normal conditions. This change from the normal temperature profile in the troposphere is called a ________.

cigarette smoke and radon gas

Which two pollutants are the top two responsible for lung pollution in the United States? (a) cigarette smoke and VOCs (b) VOCs and radon gas (c) methane and carbon monoxide (d) cigarette smoke and radon gas

soil dust, wildfires, and volcanic dust

Natural sources of air pollution come from ________

burning fossil fuels

The most obvious cause of industrial smog is ________.


The largest portion of atmospheric gases is ________.


Which gas makes up 78% of the molecules in the atmosphere?

water, oxygen, and oxidants

What sorts of constituents do atmospheric pollutants (such as sulfates and nitrates) react with in order to initiate the process that results in acid deposition?

the Clean Air Act

Which piece of legislation set strict standards for air quality and pollution control in the United States?

Plants and soil organisms are harmed

What happens when acids from acid deposition hit topsoil? (a) Toxic metals are tied up by acids and become less available. (b) Plants and soil organisms are harmed. (c) Fish populations increase because of runoff from the soil. (d) Plants grow due to increased fertilizers from the acid.

Hadley cells

Near the equator, the patterns of convection currents are called ________. (282)

global wind patterns

The Coriolis effect contributes to ________.


Which of the following damaging pollutants is NOT closely tracked by the U.S. EPA? (a) mercury (b) nitrogen dioxide (c) carbon monoxide (d) carbon dioxide


Weather patterns are largely determined in the ________.


Typical patterns of atmospheric conditions in a specific location over years, decades, and longer time periods are described by ________.

carbon dioxide

Of the following, ________ is not yet regulated by the EPA. (a) sulfur and nitrogen oxides (b) carbon monoxide (c) carbon dioxide (d) ozone (e) lead

carbon monoxide

Which of the following is one of the EPA’s six criteria pollutants? (a) argon (b) carbon dioxide (c) carbon monoxide (d) volatile organic compounds

Temperature inversions can trap air pollution in one place for many days.

Which of the following statements properly describes the cause of a temperature inversion or its effects? (a) Temperature inversions typically happen in open places as weather fronts move through. (b) Temperature inversions are the main cause of cold fronts. (c) Temperature inversions can trap air pollution in one place for many days. (d) Temperature inversions are caused by the rising air of convection currents.

wet scrubbers

Water soluble sulfur and nitrogen oxides produced by burning fossil fuels can be removed from an industrial source by ________.


Which layer of the atmosphere extends to 500 km? (a) thermosphere (b) Tropopause (c) Stratosphere (d) Troposphere


Which of the following is an ozone-depleting chemical? (a) CFCs (b) tropospheric ozone (c) Nitrates (d) Carbon

improve transportation options, including carpool lanes, buses, and light rail

You have been hired by a rapidly growing small city to improve the air quality, which has deteriorated in the past 10 years. Your first suggestion is to ________. (a) decrease the amount of CFCs used locally (b) improve transportation options, including carpool lanes, buses, and light rail (c) investigate the large city downwind whose factories produce large amounts of pollution (d) remove the hydroelectric dam on the river (e) move or close the cattle feed lots near the river

causes central nervous system damage in humans

Lead enters the atmosphere as a particulate pollutant. This is a problem because it ________. (a) can become attached to radon (b) causes central nervous system damage in humans (c) is a precious metal, and it is being lost to the atmosphere (d) provides excess nutrients to waterways, resulting in eutrophication (e) will cause the ozone hole to increase

suffocation in mammals

What are the effects of carbon monoxide?

is formed only in the presence of sunlight

Photochemical smog differs from industrial smog in that it ________.

Total emissions of the six have declined by over 50% since 1970.

The EPA tracks six "criteria" air pollutants. Which of these is true of the criteria air pollutants? (a) Due to anti-pollution efforts, few Americans live in areas where any of the six pollutants build to levels higher than allowed by the EPA. (b) Efforts to control lead emissions have largely failed. (c) Total emissions of the six have declined by over 50% since 1970. (d) Particulate matter is the largest of the six in terms of amount produced.

industrial smog

When coal or oil are burned, some part of it is completely combusted, forming CO2; another part is partially combusted, forming CO (carbon monoxide); and some remains unburned and is released as soot. Along with sulfur dioxide, these are the main components of ________.

is caused by Earth’s rotational forces

The Coriolis effect ________. (a) results in ice and dark at the poles in winter (b) is caused by Earth’s rotational forces (c) is caused by the moon (d) keeps Earth from spinning too fast (e) keeps the wind circulating at constant speed around the planet

China; coal-fired electrical and industrial plants

Today, ________ has the worst acid deposition problem, primarily because of ________.

Economic incentives have encouraged polluters to invest in technologies such as scrubbers

How has the Clean Air Act’s emissions trading program addressed the issue of acid deposition in the United States? (a) Economic incentives have encouraged polluters to invest in technologies such as scrubbers. (b) The program’s economic costs outweigh its benefits. (c) Air quality has improved, but water quality has declined. (d) It has slightly increased sulfur dioxide emissions.


What describes the pattern of atmospheric conditions across larger geographic regions over years, decades, or centuries?

were the result of poor farming and grazing techniques

The huge dust storms that took place in the U.S. Midwest in the 1930s ________.

carpets, furniture, and laser printers

A great deal of indoor air pollution comes from ________.

may cause lung cancer when inhaled

Radon ________. (a) may cause lung cancer when inhaled (b) contributes to the breakdown of the ozone layer (c) in the atmosphere limits the availability of sunlight for plants (d) binds with hemoglobin, preventing binding with oxygen (e) is formed by the breakdown of the ozone layer


Which of the following convert or remove airborne pollutants from smokestacks? (a) atmospheric filters (b) mufflers (c) scrubbers (d) catalytic converters

thermal inversions

Which of the following can trap pollutants at ground level and cause dangerous smog? (a) thermal inversions (b) solar flares (c) the Ozone layer (d) vertical mixing

a pollutant that develops after a chemical reaction with chemicals normally present in the atmosphere

What is a secondary pollutant? (a) a pollutant that develops after a chemical reaction with chemicals normally present in the atmosphere (b) a pollutant emitted into the troposphere in a form that is directly harmful (c) a minor pollutant released by a factory

blocks oxygen transport in human blood

Carbon monoxide ________. (a) is a major component of the atmosphere (b) causes ozone depletion (c) blocks oxygen transport in human blood (d) is consumed by plants for photosynthesis (e) is produced by plants during photosynthesis


Which element, atoms of which are released from CFC molecules, is responsible for the cycle in which ozone is broken down? (a) Chlorine (b) Hydrogen (c) Oxygen (d) Carbon


Which of the following states experiences the lowest levels of acid rain? (a) New York (b) West Virginia (c) Wyoming (d) Pennsylvania

Objects made of stone, like marble headstones, are worn away

Which of the following results from acid deposition? (a) Objects made of stone, like marble headstones, are worn away. (b) Species diversity is increased. (c) CFCs are formed near the ground. (d) Food supply for birds is increased.

is produced through the interaction of heat and UV light, with nitrogen oxides and carbon-containing compounds

Tropospheric ozone ________. (a) is produced through the interaction of heat and UV light, with nitrogen oxides and carbon-containing compounds (b) is caused by poor farming techniques (c) is a primary pollutant (d) binds with hemoglobin, preventing binding with oxygen in red blood cells (e) protects Earth from most of the harmful UV radiation

warming; absorbing

Soot particles ("black carbon aerosols") generally cause ________ of Earth’s atmosphere by ________ solar energy.

Thirty percent of the sun’s energy is reflected off Earth and back into space.

Which of the following statements about the sun’s energy is true? (a) Thirty percent of the sun’s energy is reflected off Earth and back into space. (b) The only process on Earth that requires the sun’s energy is photosynthesis. (c) One hundred percent of the sun’s energy is absorbed by Earth. (d) The sun supplies 1/3 of the energy needed for Earth’s processes.


What is a system in which utilities and industries seek financial gain through competing to reduce emissions? (327)


Which of these countries increased its carbon emissions since the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol? (a) United Kingdom (b) Germany (c) Russia (d) Canada

Glaciers in many areas are melting

Why are over one-sixth of the world’s people at risk for running out of drinking water? (a) Glaciers in many areas are melting. (b) There is not enough surface water. (c) The oceans are drying up. (d) The world’s fresh water wells are drying up.

Weather occurs over hours and days, and climate occurs over seasons and years

What is the difference between weather and climate? (a) Weather occurs over hours and days, and climate occurs over seasons and years. (b) Weather occurs over seasons and years, while climate occurs over hours and days. (c) Weather occurs in the northern hemisphere, while climate occurs in the southern hemisphere. (d) Weather and climate are used interchangeably.

lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used to postpone measures to prevent major environmental degradation

In legislation, the precautionary principle applied to climate change states that ________. (a) all alternative sources of energy should be evaluated by the scientific community before marketing (b) lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used to postpone measures to prevent major environmental degradation (c) alterations to legislation must be done in a way that maximizes environmental protection at the urging of scientists without recourse from the voting public (d) permit trading should be undertaken with caution (e) caution should be used in handling hazardous wastes

cap-and-trade and carbon offsets

Of the following, ________ are market mechanisms for addressing climate change. (a) international treaties from global conferences (b) mitigation and adaptation (c) cap-and-trade and carbon offsets (d) carbon taxes and fee-and-dividend benefits (e) carbon neutrality and carbon aggression policies

it might hurt the economy

The U.S. Senate has so far opposed emissions reductions on the grounds that ________.

The United States is the only industrialized nation to refuse to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

What position did the United States take regarding the Kyoto Protocol? (a) The United States took leadership with the Kyoto Protocol and is at the forefront of greenhouse gas emission reduction. (b) The United States took responsibility for its role in the production of greenhouse gas emissions and pledged to reduce emissions by 75% by the year 1998. (c) The United States is the only industrialized nation to refuse to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. (d) The United States is participating in the resolutions set forth by the Kyoto Protocol but has refused to take leadership with the process

the Arctic and subarctic

According to the map, the area that will experience the greatest increase in temperatures is ________. (a) the Arctic and subarctic (b) desert areas (c) north temperate areas: Canada and Eurasia (d) the tropics (e) oceans


What is a situation in which NO net carbon is emitted?

Increased concentrations of carbon dioxide are being absorbed by the oceans.

How is global warming most significantly affecting coral reefs and sea life? (a) The amount of water in the ocean is and causing coral reefs to wash onto shore (b) Global warming is heating the ocean’s temperatures so that marine life is dying (c) Ozone in the water is killing marine life (d) Increased concentrations of carbon dioxide are being absorbed by the oceans

The oceans absorb less CO2.

What happens as ocean waters warm?

placement of colossal mirrors in key locations

Which of the following would be a possible geoengineering strategy that could be used to cool the planet? (a) carbon offsets (b) placement of colossal mirrors in key locations (c) use of community organisms as fuel (d) use of biofuels on a large scale rather than coal

carbon dioxide

The predominant greenhouse gas produced by human use of fossil fuels is __________.

Northwest–degrading forests

Which section of the United States will experience some significant impacts from global climate change that are NOT related to rising sea levels or the alteration of the world’s oceans? What are those impacts?


Of the following greenhouse gases, ________ concentrations have increased the most since 1750.

a warming of Earth’s atmosphere by greenhouse gases that trap reflected heat rather than allow it to escape into space

What is the greenhouse effect? (a) a change in Earth’s climate (b) an increase in Earth’s average surface temperature (c) an increase in the concentration of atmospheric gases (d) a warming of Earth’s atmosphere by greenhouse gases that trap reflected heat rather than allow it to escape

gas bubbles trapped in ice

Scientists evaluate concentrations of gases and other atmospheric constituents from the distant past by examining which of the following? (a) gas bubbles trapped in soil (b) gas bubbles trapped in the oceans (c) gas bubbles trapped in ice (d) gas bubbles trapped in rock

is changing as a result of natural and human processes

Earth’s climate ________. (a) has changed only once due to the evolution of green photosynthesizing plants (b) has been stable over the history of the planet (c) is changing as a result of natural and human processes (d) will stabilize over the next century, according to the predictions of most scientists (e) history is undeterminable because there is no method of studying climatic history of the planet

50 times more

The oceans hold ________ carbon than the atmosphere.

the 1992 U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change

What was the first document that called for voluntary reductions of greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000?

the main anthropogenic greenhouse gas produced in the United States

Carbon dioxide is ________. (a) the main anthropogenic greenhouse gas produced in the United States (b) the only greenhouse gas presently increasing in the atmosphere (c) the most abundant greenhouse gas (d) more potent (per molecule of gas) than methane (e) the most potent (per molecule of gas) of the greenhouse gases

reducing carbon emissions from cars and trucks

Hydrogen fuel cells, biodiesel, and long-term electric batteries are potential solutions to ________. (a) cap-and-trade emission control (b) reducing carbon emissions from cars and trucks (c) carbon sequestration (d) replacing coal as a major fuel for generating electricity (e) cutting back the carbon emissions from hydroelectric plants

making legislation to reduce our use of fossil fuels

Which of the following is an example of mitigation? (a) wearing cooler clothing (b) moving inland as sea levels rise (c) making legislation to reduce our use of fossil fuels (d) developing new strategies for predicting changing weather patterns

riding a bike

Which lifestyle choice would cause the greatest reduction in greenhouse emissions? (a) driving an electric car (plugged into the grid at night to be recharged) (b) driving a hybrid car (c) using public transportation (d) riding a bike

electricity generation and transportation

What two processes emit the most carbon in the United States?


Recent evidence from polar ice core analysis shows that, until now, carbon dioxide levels have never exceeded ________ ppm in the last several hundred thousand years.

molecules in the atmosphere are warmed by radiation from Earth and retain that heat

The atmosphere around Earth can cause global warming because ________. (a) plants absorb CO2 (b) warm air cannot escape as in a greenhouse (c) fossil fuels release heat (d) molecules in the atmosphere are warmed by radiation from Earth and retain that heat (e) plants release CO2


The majority of the United States will see temperature rises of ________°C.


Which greenhouse gas is produced by the raising of cattle?

aerosols (particularly sulfur compounds) and dusts

Which of the following contributes to atmospheric cooling? (a) methane from domestic livestock and swamps (b) carbon dioxide from automobiles (c) aerosols (particularly sulfur compounds) and dusts (d) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

greenhouse gases

Which of the following have the ability to absorb energy from Earth’s surface and then emit infrared radiation in all directions? (a) the mountains (b) greenhouse gases (c) the oceans (d) the sun

climate models

What are sophisticated computer programs that allow scientists to understand how climate systems function and to make predictions for the future?

is less than any of the anthropogenic factors affecting climate change

Recent research indicates that the variation in solar output ________. (a) will increase by a hundredfold over the next century (b) is less than any of the anthropogenic factors affecting climate change (c) is more than 20 watts/m^2 (d) is greater than all the anthropogenic factors affecting climate change (e) is the major factor driving temperature change

receding coastlines

All of the following will likely be impacts of global climate change on sea levels except ________. (a) salt water intrusion into aquifers (b) receding coastlines (c) coastal flooding (d) increasing beach erosion (e) greater storm surges

have been slowly sequestered over many millions of years

Carbon-based fuels from lithospheric reservoirs ________. (a) cannot be lost to the atmosphere by human processes once stabilized on Earth’s surface (b) have been slowly sequestered over many millions of years (c) are formed from the deposition, partial decay, and compression of inorganic matter (d) are readily lost from Earth’s surface in the absence of humans (e) will be lost before the end of the decade

are changes in Earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun that may trigger climate variation

Milankovitch cycles ________. (a) describe the timing of the northern lights in the thermosphere (b) describe the transpiration, evaporation, and precipitation of Earth’s water (c) refer to shifts in the temperature of surface water in the middle latitudes of the Pacific Ocean (d) are changes in Earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun that may trigger climate variation (e) describe upwelling and downwelling in the ocean

cities and states are setting their own programs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

In the wake of the U.S. failure to ratify the Kyoto Protocol ________ (a) the United States has shown that it is a leader in carbon emission reduction without having signed the Protocol (b) oil exporting nations have refused to sell to the United States (c) cities and states are setting their own programs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (d) many nations have severed diplomatic relations with the United States (e) dozens of other nations pulled out of the Protocol

Ice and snow reflect light, and as they melt, Earth absorbs more of the sun’s rays.

How are warming temperatures causing a vicious cycle (positive feedback) that is leading to enhanced warming? (a) Global warming increases the planet’s albedo, leading to more global warming. (b) Ice and snow reflect light, and as they melt, Earth absorbs more of the sun’s rays. (c) Global warming decreases the planet’s albedo, which releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (d) Ice and snow absorb light, and as they melt, Earth produces more carbon dioxide.


The most recent analyses of polar ice cores have given us the ability to profile global climate change back as far as ________ years.


Over ________% of the fuel you pump into your automobile does something other than move your vehicle down the road.

more than a century

How long have accurate measurements of Earth’s climate been recorded?

one of the best options for decreasing the use of fossil fuels for transportation

The use of public transportation is ________. (a) subsidized by the U.S. government (b) more expensive than driving a car (c) one of the best options for decreasing the use of fossil fuels for transportation (d) higher in the United States compared to Europe (e) increasing rapidly in the face of concerns over climate change

is an alternative to fossil fuels that produces fewer greenhouse gases

Hydroelectric power generation ________. (a) has no undesirable environmental effects (b) is an alternative to fossil fuels that produces fewer greenhouse gases (c) uses fuel cells to generate electricity (d) produces pollutants that contribute significantly to acid precipitation (e) produces high quanities of greenhouse gases


The greenhouse effect involves warming of Earth’s surface and the __________.


The Kyoto Protocol is to carbon dioxide as the Montreal Protocol is to ________.

thermal expansion

This is the main reason that sea levels have risen recently

electricity generation; transportation

The largest source of anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the United States is ________, followed by ________.

the sun, the atmosphere, and the ocean

Which three factors have the greatest effect on Earth’s climate?

building more solar panels to generate electricity instead of more coal-fired power plants

Which of the following is an example of mitigation rather than adaptation for global climate change? (a) building a sea wall in the Maldives to prevent flooding (b) building and maintaining preserves in endangered habitats to make sure they do not disappear (c) building more solar panels to generate electricity instead of more coal-fired power plants (d) digging deep wells to get access to more water for agriculture if rainfall in an area should drop off

nitrous oxide

Which greenhouse gas has a global warming potential that is approximately three times that of methane?

was intended to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases to levels lower than those of 1990

The Kyoto Protocol ________. (a) would have resulted in overall increases in greenhouse emissions (b) increased federal funding for controlling greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. power plants (c) was intended to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases to levels lower than those of 1990 (d) required increases in nuclear power generation (e) required equal concessions from all countries involved in greenhouse gas emission

greenhouse gases

The Kyoto Protocol was initiated as a response to what sorts of emissions?


Growing rice results in the release of ________ into the atmosphere.


________% of U.S. citizens live in coastal counties, thus vulnerable to rises in sea level.


All of the following are fossil fuels except ________. (a) coal (b) uranium (c) tar sands (d) oil (e) natural gas


What process is currently used to generate nuclear power?

thousands of years ago, by Native Americans (and other ancient cultures)

When did the use of coal for cooking, heating, and other purposes begin? (a) thousands of years ago, by Native Americans (and other ancient cultures) (b) in the 1700s, by people who needed cooking fuel sources (c) with the industrial revolution

1950s; 1970s and 1980s

First developed in the ________, nuclear power showed the most growth during the ________.


The process of __________ turns crude oil into the type of gases that can be used for cooking, in cars, and for other human purposes.

700 million years

What is the amount of time that it takes for the radiation in a sample of uranium-235 waste to be reduced by half?

falls far short of U.S. oil consumption

U.S. oil production ________. (a) is sufficient to meet national needs thanks to major conservation efforts (b) will peak out in 2100, requiring for the first time imports to meet growing demand (c) has to fit the quotas imposed by OPEC (d) falls far short of U.S. oil consumption (e) is now high enough for us to export nearly 50%

because coal is the most abundant of the fossil fuels in the United States

Why are we so eager to find clean coal technologies? (a) because coal is the most environmentally friendly of the fossil fuels (b) because the government is charging industry for the amount of coal emissions being produced (c) because coal is the most abundant of the fossil fuels in the United States (d) because coal in its natural form costs too much for us to use


Which of the following is a method to gain additional power from coal? (a) hydraulic fracturing (b) carbon storage (c) gasification (d) pyrolysis


U.S. domestic oil production peaked in the year ________.

fissioning uranium atoms by bombarding them with neutrons

Nuclear energy in power plants is created via ________. (a) fusion of electrons (b) extraction of energy from the nucleus of cells (c) bombarding radioactive elements with electrons (d) ionic transformation of atoms (e) fissioning uranium atoms by bombarding them with neutrons

made no improvement the past two decades

The average miles per gallon rating of U.S. vehicles has ________.

Is the worst oil spill in U.S. history, causing damage to marine and coastal ecosystems

The oil spill resulting from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster ________. (a) eclipsed all non-point oil spills by 500% (b) is the worst oil spill in U.S. history, causing damage to marine and coastal ecosystems (c) was quickly cleaned up preventing loss of wildlife and damage in fisheries (d) resulted in a permanent ban on all offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters (e) is considered a minor incident compared to other oil spills

energy conservation

The practice of reducing wasteful or unnecessary energy use is called ________.


Which of the following countries exports the most oil to the United States? (a) Canada (b) Kuwait (c) Saudi Arabia (d) Venezuela

raised the CAFE standard to 35mpg for vehicles by the year 2020

The energy bill passed by the U.S. Congress in 2007 ________. (a) mandates the rapid development of all remaining fossil fuel resources as quickly as possible (b) primarily focused on major new policies for conservation and for development of renewable energy sources (c) raised the CAFE standard to 35mpg for vehicles by the year 2020 (d) primarily focused on taxing polluters and those who profit from the fossil fuel industry (e) will, according to analysts, allow us to import only 25% of our oil instead of 60%

the greatest environmental impact is increased greenhouse gases

When we burn fossil fuels, ________. (a) the greatest environmental is the impact on the ozone layer (b) the greatest environmental impact is increased greenhouse gases (c) the resulting carbonic acid leads to acid rain (d) we liberate carbon back into the carbon cycle, increasing the amount available for plant growth (e) the greatest environmental impact is the local damage from extraction


Plant-based organic matter that is compressed under high pressure to form solid carbon structures is known as __________.


Efficiency of coal-fired power plants can be nearly doubled by ________.


Which of the following is a renewable energy source? (a) oil (b) hydropower (c) coal (d) natural gas by-products of the formation of coal and oil

wind energy

Solar radiation makes several other energy sources possible, including ________.

acid drainage

What occurs when coal mining exposes rock surfaces to weathering?

coal, natural gas, and crude oil

What are the three fossil fuels that are used today to meet society’s needs?


For the United States, the primary fuel that we use for our energy is ________.


Of the following, ________ is not a form of renewable energy. (a) tidal (b) wind (c) coal (d) geothermal (e) solar


The world’s most abundant fossil fuel is ________.


From which of the nations below did the United States import the most crude oil in 2012? (a) Saudi Arabia (b) Iraq (c) Canada (d) Kuwait (e) Iran

cogeneration in power plants, fuel efficient transportation, reengineered appliances

Energy can be conserved by ________. (a) repealing the Law of Entropy (b) cogeneration in automobiles, especially in SUVs (c) replacing compact fluorescent with tungsten bulbs (d) cogeneration in power plants, fuel efficient transportation, reengineered appliances (e) replacing mass transit with more and larger roads for cars and trucks

U.S. public opinion regarded nuclear power as unsafe after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

Which of the following is true regarding nuclear power plants? (1) U.S. public opinion regarded nuclear power as unsafe after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. (2) They do not produce much electricity for general use. (3) There is very little concern over their safety. (4) They cost very little to build and maintain.


Which of the fossil fuels is most abundant on Earth? (a) natural gas (b) coal (c) electricity (d) crude oil

it may take years or decades before the full impacts are known

Scientists currently assessing the environmental impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico report that _________. (a) the entire Gulf food web will eventually collapse (b) the damage was limited to the wildlife kills immediately after the spill (c) it may take years or decades before the full impacts are known (d) the coastal marshes of Louisiana suffered no measurable damage (e) Gulf productivity has already returned to normal an no further effects will be felt

energy efficiency

What term describes the ability to obtain a given result while using less energy?

Water in the containment vessel is kept under high pressure and heat from the fission reactions that heat it to well over boiling. This is then used to boil another loop of water, which turns a turbine that drives a generator and makes electricity.

How is the energy produced by nuclear fission used to produce electricity? (a) The fission process produces a strong magnetic field that moves electrons through loops of copper wire, thus making electricity. (b) The radiation is used to make plasma, which is harnessed directly for electricity. (c) Electrons from the fission are absorbed by spools of copper wire and generate electricity. (d) Water in the containment vessel is kept under high pressure and heat from the fission reactions that heat it to well over boiling. This is then used to boil another loop of water, which turns a turbine that drives a generator and makes electricity.


Where does the United States keep an emergency stockpile of oil?


Which fossil fuel is produced as a by-product that occurs when bacteria decompose organic material under anaerobic conditions?

methane hydrates

Which of the following fossil fuel sources is currently NOT being utilized due to several limiting factors? (a) oil shale (b) coal (c) tar sands (d) methane hydrates

a mix of hundreds of different types of hydrocarbon molecules

Essentially, what is crude oil? (a) mostly methane (b) a mix of hundreds of different types of hydrocarbon molecules (c) kerogen (d) any type of fossil fuel

safe disposal of nuclear wastes

All of the following are advantages of nuclear power except ________. (a) uranium generates far greater amounts of energy than coal by weight or volume (b) nuclear power plants generate no nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide (c) the power-generating process is emission-free (d) uranium mines cause less environmental damage than coal mines because less uranium is needed to generate power (e) safe disposal of nuclear wastes

the energy use per dollar of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

What is energy intensity? (a) the use of LED rather than incandescent light bulbs (b) a measure of the reduction of wasteful or unnecessary energy use (c) the energy use per dollar of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (d) the capturing of excess heat during electrical generation

a secondary

Electricity is __________ form of energy.

highly subsidized

Which of the following characterizes U.S. nuclear power plants? (a) largely unregulated (b) account for nearly half of domestic energy production (c) widely trusted and accepted by the public (d) highly subsidized (e) inexpensive to operate

the economy can be disrupted by the decisions made in fuel exporting nations

Many developed nations have their economies closely tied to imported fossil fuels. One important consideration is that ________. (a) the economy will only improve if the price of fossil fuels increases (b) the economy can be disrupted by the decisions made in fuel exporting nations (c) as supplies decrease, fossil fuels decline in price (d) if energy conservation is put into place, the cost of fossil fuels will decrease (e) if energy conservation is put into place, the cost of fossil fuels will increas

Burning coal releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

How does the burning of coal contribute to acid rain? (a) Burning coal releases sulfur and nitrogen acids (b) Burning coal increases the probability of rain (c) Acidic pollutants from coal burning destroy the ozone layer (d) Burning coal releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides

we encourage, with subsidies, tax rebates, and grants, the rapid development and widespread use of renewable alternative energy resources

Of the available policy options regarding eventual conversion to renewable energy sources, environmentalists would probably prefer that ________. (a) we pass laws immediately banning the exploration and development of further fossil fuel resources (b) we prepare for a gradual changeover by slowly increasing funding and putting alternative energy resources into place over the next 100 years (c) we plan for the switch to renewable energy sources, but not implement any plans until all fossil fuels have been depleted (d) we pass laws immediately banning the use of fossil fuels (e) we encourage, with subsidies, tax rebates, and grants, the rapid development and widespread use of renewable alternative energy resources

energy returned divided by energy invested

When assessing energy resources, it is helpful to use a measure called EROI, which is ________. (a) energy invested in extraction and processing minus money in sales (b) energy returned divided by energy invested (c) energy returned minus energy invested (d) energy returned plus energy invested (e) amount of energy invested minus heat released into the environment

often associated with coal and petroleum deposits

Natural gas is ________. (a) still much more expensive than other fossil fuels (b) often associated with coal and petroleum deposits (c) only produced by bacteria during decomposition (d) trapped over some cities for commercial use (e) more damaging to the environment than coal when extracted

Removing carbon content from coal before combustion

________ is NOT a part of the technology of "clean coal." (a) Removing carbon content from coal before combustion (b) Capturing and sequestering carbon emissions (c) Injecting captured carbon dioxide into rock formations deep underground (d) Converting coal to syngas (natural gas) (e) Removing sulfur oxides from the emissions

Fusion reactions require very high temperatures.

(a) Fusion would be a more advanced technology if governments had provided some money for research or if attempts to develop it were more than just a few years old. (b) Fusion reactions can fuse three isotopes of hydrogen into one helium. (c) Fusion reactions require very high temperatures. (d) Nuclear fusion occurs in Earth’s crust.

international companies move in to harvest the new deposit, and very little money or resource remains in the country

One of the problems with finding new fossil fuel deposits in developing countries is that ________. (a) their governments seldom allow extraction of the deposit without meeting expensive environmental regulations (b) international companies move in to harvest the new deposit, and very little money or resource remains in the country (c) it is very expensive to transport the deposit elsewhere (d) their governments seldom allow extraction of the deposit without imposing huge taxes to fund new social benefits for the country (e) those countries tend to keep the resource for themselves, not sharing with other countries

experienced the most growth during the 1970s and 1980s

Nuclear power plants ________. (a) produce more greenhouse gas emissions than burning fossil fuels (b) experienced the most growth during the 1970s and 1980s (c) supply most of U.S. electricity (d) are illegal in France and Lithuania (e) were first developed commercially in the early 1990s

radioactive waste

Which of the following is one of the biggest problems with nuclear power? (a) air pollution (b) greenhouse gas emissions (c) depletion of mineral deposits (d) radioactive waste

produces less greenhouse gases per energy unit than coal or oil

Natural gas ________. (a) will be depleted by 2030 at current usage rates (b) produces less greenhouse gases per energy unit than coal or oil (c) was discovered by Bunsen in 1885 (d) is transported primarily by truck and rail (e) has octane as its primary component

strip mining

Which of the following is one of the two methods for mining oil shale? (a) surface drilling (b) deep-sea drilling (c) fire treating (d) strip mining

uses solvents, water, or steam

Secondary extraction of petroleum ________.

fossil fuel energy

Of the following energy sources, ________ is considered nonrenewable. (a) sunlight (solar) energy (b) wind energy (c) fossil fuel energy (d) tidal energy (e) geothermal energy


What compound that results from hydraulic fracturing gives rise to air pollution?

the country has such large reserves of coal

Coal continues to be the main fuel used to generate electricity in the United States. This is partially because ________. (a) coal causes almost no air pollution when burned (b) coal deposits in the United States lie very close to the surface and are easily extracted (c) the quality of coal in the United States is very consistent from deposit to deposit (d) the country has such large reserves of coal (e) compared to natural gas and oil, coal contains very few impurities, such as sulfur

a tsunami

What disabled the emergency power generators at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan and led to the reactor meltdowns?


The United States and other industrialized nations devote the greatest proportion of their oil use to __________.

can be improved as individuals make conscious choices to reduce personal consumption

Energy conservation in the United States ________. (a) can be accomplished only through changes in environmental laws (b) can be improved as individuals make conscious choices to reduce personal consumption (c) will be a reality only if there is another major war (d) can be accomplished by changes in tax laws (e) is unlikely to ever occur

fractionated to separate the chemicals used for gasoline, lubricants, plastics and other products

Crude oil is ________. (a) formed in a wide range of temperature and pressure circumstances (b) usable in its raw form (c) formed less than 100 yards below the surface; in deeper places with more pressure, coal is formed (d) fractionated to separate the chemicals used for gasoline, lubricants, plastics and other products (e) composed of less than ten different hydrocarbon molecules


In the United States, which renewable energy source makes the largest contribution to electrical production?

Growing corn for ethanol requires substantial inputs of fossil fuel energy.

Which of the following statements about ethanol is true? (a) We can easily grow enough corn ethanol and supply the world’s food needs. (b) Corn-based ethanol has a high energy returned on investment (EROI) value. (c) We can supply all of the automotive fuel used in the United States if we just double ethanol production. (d) Growing corn for ethanol requires substantial inputs of fossil fuel energy

dependence on fossil fuels and climate change

What two major economic or global problems could be alleviated if we based our energy on hydrogen?

they are strongly encouraged in the United States by tax incentives and large development investment

All the following are true of using solar photocells, except ________. (a) with continued production, manufacturing costs of solar photocells are dropping (b) they are strongly encouraged in the United States by tax incentives and large development investment (c) many new "green collar" jobs being created by their increasing use (d) they are great for decentralized power production, away from power plants and grids (e) they have a very low carbon footprint


Wind turbines convert the wind’s __________ energy into electricity.


Worldwide, the most widely used renewable energy resource is ________.

the radioactive decay of elements deep within Earth

What is the ultimate source for geothermal energy? (a) magma that wells up from Earth’s core (b) rocks melting into magma due to geysers (c) the radioactive decay of elements deep within Earth (d) ignition due to crude oil and natural gas deposits

flooding, habitat destruction, alteration of river sediment deposition

Of the following, ________ are documented negative impacts of dams. (a) increased carbon monoxide emissions, decreased rainfall (b) alteration of river salinity (c) increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and CFCs (d) flooding, habitat destruction, alteration of river sediment deposition (e) acid deposition

hot water or steam

The form of energy delivered to an electrical generating turbine in a geothermal facility is in the form of ________.

Wind energy is the result of the sun’s producing wind

How is wind energy related to solar energy? (a) wind energy produces solar energy (b) wind energy is the result of the sun’s producing wind (c) solar energy heats windmills and allows them to conduct electricity (d) windmills turn to produce electricity that then increases the sun’s power

heat and cool houses and buildings more efficiently than conventional methods

Ground-source heat pumps ________. (a) heat and cool houses and buildings more efficiently than conventional methods (b) require nearby volcanic activity to be effective (c) produce pollution of groundwater (d) have been known to cause minor earthquakes (e) are an increasing source of small-scale electricity generation

by 10 billion gallons

In the United States, approximately how much did the production of ethanol increase between 2000 and 2010?

The cost of generating energy is much too high for OTEC to make economic sense

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is NOT being used for energy generation anywhere right now. Why not? (a) it is too polluting (b) the cost of generating energy is much too high for OTEC to make economic sense (c) it is not sustainable (d) the basic idea–that the ocean’s surface is warmer than the deep water–is wrong

Geothermal power generators are one of the true fully sustainable energy sources

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate regarding geothermal power? (a) Geothermal power generators are one of the true fully sustainable energy sources. (b) Geothermal energy can be used as heat exchangers for heat pumps for homes and businesses. (c) Geothermal power can deplete groundwater sources. (d) Geothermal power reduces but does not eliminate emissions.

wave energy

What sort of process converts the mechanized energy in the ocean into electricity?

Market costs are generally lower for fossil fuels than for their alternatives.

Which of these is a major reason that we have used fossil fuels rather than their alternatives? (a) Fossil fuels produce more air pollution. (b) Our supplies of fossil fuels are limited, and in most cases we may have only a few decades’ supply remaining. (c) Fossil fuels add carbon dioxide to the global carbon cycle, increasing greenhouse gases and contributing to global climate change. (d) Market costs are generally lower for fossil fuels than for their alternatives.

The volume of water released and the height of the fall

________ strongly influences the amount of energy generated from hydropower. (a) the volume of water released and the height of the fall (b) the phase of the moon (c) the temperature of reservoir water (d) the temperature of water in the boiler and turbine (e) latitude

tidal electrical generators

The only energy source(s) from ocean water so far put into commercial production are ________.

There are concerns that hydrogen gas could deplete the ozone layer.

For what reason would we apply the precautionary principle to switching to a hydrogen economy? (a) There are concerns that hydrogen gas could deplete the ozone layer. (b) There are few ways to generate hydrogen, so it may be limited in availability. (c) Like fossil fuels, below-ground hydrogen deposits are a limited resource. (d) While hydrogen can be burned, we have no way of converting it to electricity efficiently.


________ leads the world in percentage of its electricity derived from hydropower.

can be used in vehicles with diesel engines without engine modification

Biodiesel ________. (a) can be used in vehicles with diesel engines without engine modification (b) produces more pollution than petrodiesel (c) is twice as expensive as petrodiesel (d) is produced from sugarcane (e) is widely used in the United States

Not enough money has been invested in the science and technology behind solar power.

What is the reason that solar power provides for so little of our energy needs? (a) fusion products of the sun do not release energy (b) not enough money has been invested in the science and technology behind solar power (c) by the time the sun’s energy reaches Earth, it is not strong enough to provide for our energy needs (d) there is not enough surface area on Earth to harness significant power for our use

fossil fuels

Globally, more than 80% of all primary energy for today’s economies comes from ________.

differences in height between low and high tides are large

The best locations to install tidal electrical generating stations are places where ________. (a) differences in height between low and high tides are large (b) differences in height between low and high tides are small (c) there are forests along the coast (d) there is very little wind (e) the water is frozen for half of the year

This resource is intermittent in nature

Which of the following is one of the three current major drawbacks of solar energy? (a) Certain greenhouse gases are emitted with its use. (b) The resource is nonrenewable. (c) This resource is intermittent in nature. (d) It emits radiation

fossil fuels, nuclear, bioenergy, hydroelectric, new renewables

Of the following, ________ represent proper ranking of the U.S. total primary energy consumed from the greatest to least used. (a) bioenergy, fossil fuels, nuclear, hydroelectric, new renewables (b) fossil fuels, bioenergy, hydroelectric, nuclear, new renewables (c) fossil fuels, nuclear, bioenergy, hydroelectric, new renewables (d) fossil fuels, bioenergy, nuclear, hydroelectric, new renewables (e) fossil fuels, bioenergy, hydroelectric, new renewables, nuclear

Almost all rivers that can be dammed for power generation have been dammed already.

Why is there little to no growth expected for hydropower? (a) Hydropower uses a nonrenewable resource that is quickly being depleted. (b) Too much pollution is generated when the dams are in operation. (c) Almost all rivers that can be dammed for power generation have been dammed already. (d) The cost of generating power is much too high.

is an ethanol-gasoline mixture used in flexible-fuel vehicles

E-85 ________. (a) is an ethanol-gasoline mixture used in flexible-fuel vehicles (b) was an international summit of 85 nations that met to determine vehicle fuel efficiency standards (c) was an international summit of 85 nations that met to restrict CFC use (d) was an international summit of 85 nations that met to restrict greenhouse gas emissions (e) is an isotope of uranium used to generate electricity


Renewable energy produced about 12% of the electricity generated in the United States in 2012. Which of the following sources of renewable energy contributed the most to this total?

Some carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxide emissions occur with the production of geothermal energy, because these gases are present in magma and hydrothermal fluids.

Why does geothermal energy produce the most pollution of all of the renewable energy resources? (a) Methane occurs with the production of geothermal energy. (b) Acid drainage occurs when the hydrothermal fluids are piped out of the ground. (c) Some carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxide emissions occur with the production of geothermal energy, because these gases are present in magma and hydrothermal fluids. (d) The magma burns industrial components to turn turbines in the production of geothermal energy, the combustion of which causes air pollution.

sunlight through the process of photosynthesis, in which the chemical potential energy of biomass originates

What is the ultimate energy source for biomass (also known as biomass energy)? (a) sunlight through the process of photosynthesis, in which the chemical potential energy of biomass originates (b) the mass portion of biomass, which is placed upon scales that utilize the gravitational potential energy (c) the movement of organisms, which generates an enormous amount of kinetic energy (d) burning combustible plant matter

buildings designed and building materials chosen to maximize their direct absorption of sunlight

Passive solar energy collection includes which of the following technologies? (a) panels installed on roofs of houses (b) heating of water using solar panels (c) buildings designed and building materials chosen to maximize their direct absorption of sunlight (d) solar ovens

the splitting of water into component hydrogen and oxygen

What is electrolysis? (a) increasing the efficiency of wind turbines (b) the conversion of sunlight into electricity in a PV cell (c) the splitting of water into component hydrogen and oxygen (d) the generation of energy from wave motion

passive solar energy collection

Harnessing energy by designing buildings to maximize or minimize the absorption of incident solar radiation are ________.


When hydrogen is burned as a fuel, the primary waste product produced is ________.

split hydrogen atoms into hydrogen ions (H+) and electrons

The first stage in generating power from a hydrogen fuel cell is to ________. (a) convert water into a hydrocarbon (b) split hydrogen atoms into hydrogen ions (H+) and electrons (c) react water with CO2 (d) split methane (CH4) into hydrogen atoms and carbon (e) reduce water to hydrogen and oxygen gases

1930s to 1960s

U.S. hydropower dam construction was greatest during the ________.

solar; photosynthesis

Ultimately, all biofuels are ________, because they are the result of ________.

the corporate profits that would be made

Whether using a food crop as a source of biofuels is environmentally sustainable would have to consider all of the following, except ________. (a) the corporate profits that would be made (b) the amount of water and land necessary for the crops (c) the amount of fertilizers used and their impact on aquatic ecosystems (d) the impact on food supplies and prices (e) the amount of pesticides used and their impact on biodiversity and groundwater


Hydropower uses the __________ energy of water to generate electricity.

passive solar energy collection

Designing buildings to maximize absorption of sunlight during winter and to keep the interiors cool during summer is referred to as ________.

can be created by microbial action or burned directly as wood or dung

Biofuels ________. (a) requires fossil fuel input to produce (b) could not supply an alternative fuel to gasoline (c) can be created by microbial action or burned directly as wood or dung (d) produces no greenhouse gases when burned (e) is a form of fossil fuel

energies to bridge the time between fossil fuel depletion and new renewables

Biofuels and nuclear power may prove useful as ________. (a) pollution-free sustainable energies (b) inexpensive technologies for developing nations (c) energies to bridge the time between fossil fuel depletion and new renewables (d) replacement fuels for motor vehicles (e) stages in the development of fusion generators


________ built the first offshore wind farm in 1991.


More and more wind farms are being located ________ because winds are stronger there.

all of the above are drawbacks of corn-based ethanol production

Corn-based ethanol production has a number of drawbacks, including ________. (a) substantial inputs of fossil fuel energy (b) increased use of fertilizers (c) increased use of pesticides (d) depletion of fresh water (e) all of the above are drawbacks of corn-based ethanol production


Of the following renewable energy resources, which one has the highest life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions? (a) solar power (b) biomass (c) wind power (d) hydropower

Wind turbines take up large amounts of land that is then unsuitable for other purposes.

Which of these statements is NOT true of wind power? (a) Wind power has a better EROI ratio than do nuclear power, coal, or natural gas for electricity production. (b) Enough wind is present in the United States to provide all of the U.S. electricity needs. (c) Wind turbines take up large amounts of land that is then unsuitable for other purposes. (d) Wind speeds–and therefore power generation–are greater over water.

drives a generator inside the nacelle compartment to produce electricity

The rotational energy of the blades of a wind turbine ________. (a) is so expensive to produce that no commercial development has been possible (b) is used to generate hydrogen from water (c) will not occur unless electricity is provided to generate motion (d) drives a generator inside the nacelle compartment to produce electricity (e) generates as much greenhouse gases as burning natural gas

Flying creatures such as birds and bats are killed when they fly into wind turbine blades.

What sort of threat does wind energy pose to certain kinds of wildlife? (a) wires leading to the nacelle are often exposed, and this can shock creatures such as squirrels (b) the towers can topple during storms (c) the force of the wind emitted can divert the flight path of birds and other flying animals (d) flying creatures such as birds and bats are killed when they fly into wind turbine blades

soil erosion and desertification

Harvesting fuelwood at unsustainably high rates often leads to ________.

It is extremely energy-efficient

What is the basis for the use of hydrogen fuel cells? (a) It is an example of a renewable energy source in action. (b) It has not been demonstrated to work for powering vehicles. (c) It will result in the release of pollution to the atmosphere. (d) It is extremely energy-efficient.

It can be made from the nonfood portions of plants and from wood.

How is cellulosic ethanol different from traditional corn-based ethanol? (a) it is made from sustainably grown corn (b) it is made from wheat or rice grains instead of corn (c) it can be made from used grease and oil from restaurants (d) it can be made from the nonfood portions of plants and from wood

rely on the electrical current produced when silicon is struck by sunlight

Photovoltaic cells ________. (a) are increasingly costly produce which precludes major commercial application (b) are the major form of renewable energy produced in the United States (c) have small rotational generators built into every cell (d) require an outside source of electricity to generate electricity on their own (e) rely on the electrical current produced when silicon is struck by sunlight


Which of the following states has the greatest wind power capacity in megawatts? (a) Nevada (b) Ohio (c) Georgia (d) Texas

There is increasing concern over the environmental impacts of fossil fuel combustion.

Why is renewable energy use growing? (a) it is the trendy thing to do in larger cities (b) there is increasing concern over the environmental impacts of fossil fuel combustion (c) recent inventions have caused huge gains in the total amounts of energy generated (d) there is increasing U.S. governmental concern over environmental impacts of fossil fuel combustion


What is an example of an energy source that is renewable and has less environmental impact than fossil fuels? (a) bioenergy (b) crude oil (c) natural gas (d) coal

concentrated solar power (CSP) facilities

Solar power generating facilities that generate electricity at large centralized facilities and transmit that power to homes and businesses through the electric grid are called ________.

wind power

New renewables include ________.

starch; corn and sugar cane

Ethanol produced from bioenergy starts with ________ produced by ________.


Hydroelectric power accounts for approximately how much of the world’s electricity production?

diversion of a portion of a river’s flow through pipes

The run-of-river approach to hydropower describes ________. (a) the purchase of state-run dams by major corporations (b) diversion of a portion of a river’s flow through pipes (c) the most expensive type of dams to build and maintain (d) impounding water in reservoirs behind concrete dams (e) dams that are reliable but unsustainable

water and heat

What two waste products are produced by hydrogen fuel cells?

The sun releases energy through nuclear fusion, whereas our current nuclear power technology releases energy through nuclear fission.

How is the sun’s energy production different from the process in which energy is produced in current nuclear power plants? (a) Both the sun and nuclear power plants release energy through the chemical reaction of hydrogen and helium. (b) The sun releases energy through nuclear fusion, whereas our current nuclear power technology releases energy through nuclear fission. (c) The sun releases energy through nuclear fission, whereas our current nuclear power technology releases energy through nuclear fusion. (d) Both the sun and nuclear power plants release energy through the chemical reaction of uranium and hydrogen.

carrier; source

While hydrogen energy holds promise, the fact is that hydrogen is an energy __________, not a primary energy __________.

wind, nuclear, and solar

Which of the following energy sources do not generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions when used to generate electricity? Choose all that apply. (a) Wind (b) Natural gas (c) Coal (d) Nuclear (e) Solar

the use of recyclables by industry to manufacture new products

The second step in the recycling loop is ________. (a) the incineration of paper (b) the purchase by consumers of products made from recycled materials (c) the use of recyclables by industry to manufacture new products (d) the elimination of number 1 plastics (e) the collection and processing of recyclable materials

disposing of waste safely as well as effectively, minimizing the amount of waste generated, and increasing recovery

What are the goals of waste management? (a) disposing of waste safely as well as effectively, minimizing the amount of waste generated, and increasing recovery (b) developing management training for supervisors of disposal companies (c) developing technology for more efficient incineration (d) promoting mid-level managers to high-level managers to more effectively manage waste


Which of the following categories comprises the greatest proportion, by weight, of solid waste before recycling in the United States today? (a) Paper (b) Glass (c) Metal (d) Yard trimmings (e) Plastic

used to store and concentrate dilute liquid hazardous waste before it is moved to a permanent disposal option

Which of the following choices best describes a surface impoundment used for hazardous waste disposal? (a) a permanent disposal option for liquid hazardous wastes (b) any artificial lake created by a dam (c) used to store and concentrate dilute liquid hazardous waste before it is moved to a permanent disposal option (d) used for nuclear waste storage


What sort of waste is predominantly generated by U.S. industrial facilities?


Which of the following sectors produces the most hazardous waste? (a) grocery stores (b) small businesses (c) residential (d) industry

heavy and precious metals

E-wastes are a source of ________.

injects mostly liquid hazardous wastes into porous rock isolated by impervious clay deep beneath human water supplies

Deep-well injection ________. (a) is a method of disposing of hazardous wastes in deep aquifers (b) is the EPA-approved method of disposing of low-level radioactive wastes (c) has been banned as unsafe by the Dept. of the Interior (d) is a pool of strong acids on the land surface used for breaking down e-waste (e) injects mostly liquid hazardous wastes into porous rock isolated by impervious clay deep beneath human water supplies


________ is the conversion of organic waste into mulch or humus.

Superfund site

What is an abandoned waste site that poses a direct threat to health and the environment, designated to have U.S. government funds applied to its cleanup?


Recycling aluminum cans save ________% of the energy needed to make the same amount of aluminum from virgin bauxite.

by choosing minimally packaged goods

How can consumers decrease waste generation? (a) by choosing to purchase only imported goods (b) by choosing to buy locally made goods (c) by purchasing goods with the Energy Star label (d) by choosing minimally packaged goods

designed to cut down on litter

The first bottle bills were ________. (a) designed to provide incentives to industry (b) designed to cut down on litter (c) a consequence of landfill regulations (d) designed to provide glass for road construction (e) initiated in the 1990s


Deep inside landfills, bacteria decompose organic wastes in a low oxygen environment. This anaerobic decomposition results in a mix of gases called landfill gas, which consists of about 50% ________.

Leachate from old landfills can contaminate groundwater.

Which of the following conditions results from the operation and subsequent use of old landfills built before 1976? (a) Hydrogen gas is generated by the organic decomposition and can be sold as a by-product. (b) Leachate from old landfills can contaminate groundwater. (c) Modern sanitary landfills are lined with a porous material. (d) Decommissioned landfills cannot be used as locations for schools, industries, parks, or golf courses for 300 years after the closing of the landfill.

4.4 pounds

The average American produces how much trash per day?

We landfill half of our trash and recycle a third of it.

Which of the following statements about current U.S. waste disposal is true? (a) We incinerate 90% of our trash and landfill the rest. (b) We incinerate 50% of our trash and the rest is in open landfills. (c) We landfill half of our trash and recycle a third of it. (d) We landfill half of our trash and recycle the other half.

life-cycle analysis

Which type of analysis is performed by industrial ecologists when they examine a product from its beginning as a raw material until its disposal?

reduce the amount of material that enters the waste stream

The best solution to the solid waste problem is to ________. (a) increase the number of sanitary landfills (b) increase the number of oceanic burial sites (c) reduce the amount of material that enters the waste stream (d) increase the number of WTE facilities (e) subsidize WTE facilities

lands whose reuse or development is complicated by the presence of hazardous materials

The EPA is charged with cleaning up brownfields, which are ________. (a) lands whose reuse or development is complicated by the presence of hazardous materials (b) agricultural lands polluted by acid and heavy metals (c) desert regions used for unsafe nuclear waste disposal (d) coastal sea grass beds damaged by industrial dumping (e) urban areas contaminated by acid drainage from mining

regulate how hazardous waste is handled

RCRA is a U.S. law enacted in the 1970s to ________. (a) protect endangered species (b) reduce environmental levels of the 12 most toxic chemicals, called the "dirty dozen" (c) restrict use of off-road vehicles in national parks (d) regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants (e) regulate how hazardous waste is handled

paper napkins

Which of the following is an example of a product found in a "throwaway society," such as the United States? (a) paper napkins (b) fine silverware (c) reusable cloth diapers (d) reusable razor blades

E-waste contains toxic heavy metals that can leach into the environment

Which statement about e-waste is accurate? (a) E-waste is biodegradable. (b) E-waste contains toxic heavy metals that can leach into the environment. (c) There is no financial incentive to recycle e-waste. (d) Electronic devices die easily, so few of the devices thrown out in the United States could be reused


Which of the following represents the largest waste disposal practice in the United States? (a) composting (b) incineration (c) recycling (d) landfills

it has proportionally decreased

As recycling and composting efforts have grown, what has occurred with the annual amount of waste sent to landfills?

source reduction

What is the term that refers to the reduction of the amount of waste entering the waste stream?

In most cases, there is no financial incentive for becoming efficient

Why do industries tend to produce so much waste even though it is not the most efficient way to do business? (a) It is more profitable to be efficient with waste. (b) Most of industry is run by disorganized people. (c) In most cases, there is no financial incentive for becoming efficient. (d) Industry ecologists do not recommend streamlining industrial waste.

lined with plastic and clay

To safeguard against groundwater contamination, sanitary landfills are ________.

has become the responsibility of taxpayers since 2004

Funding for superfund toxic waste sites ________. (a) has become the responsibility of taxpayers since 2004 (b) is currently paid by polluting industries (c) has been eased because the costs of cleanup have diminished (d) is a portion of the EPA’s budget (e) is no longer necessary because by 2010 all sites had been cleaned and restored

50; 25

Approximately ________% of all U.S. residents are served by curbside recycling programs, and the part of the U.S. waste stream that is recycled is currently about ________%.


The conversion of organic waste to mulch or humus usable for enriching soil by encouraging natural biological processes of decomposition in a controlled manner is called __________.


Of the following, ________ produce(s) the largest amount of hazardous waste. (a) building demolitions (b) industry (c) households (d) agriculture (e) utilities

They are heavy metals.

What do chromium, mercury, copper, and tin have in common?

redesign industrial systems to minimize physical inefficiency and maximize economic efficiency

Industrial ecologists ________. (a) urge an emphasis on internal manufacturing costs rather than external costs (b) favor an economy that moves linearly rather than circularly (c) advocate for taxes on green industries (d) redesign industrial systems to minimize physical inefficiency and maximize economic efficiency (e) primarily analyze industrial inputs

More than three-fourths of the landfills in the United States have been closed since 1988.

Which of the following statements about U.S. landfills is true? (a) There are more active landfills in existence today than ever before. (b) It is against the law to build anything on an abandoned landfill. (c) More than three-fourths of the landfills in the United States have been closed since 1988. (d) Landfills should be kept as dry as possible to maintain high biodegradation levels.


While we rely on synthetic __________ compounds to resist bacterial, fungal, and insect activity, these compounds also resist decomposition.

higher rates of consumption

Why does the average U.S. citizen create more waste today than 50 years ago?

It is used to enrich soil

How is compost used?

the heat from waste combustion can be used to generate energy

How can solid waste incineration be of benefit? (a) it can be used to clean the air (b) the heat from waste combustion can be used to generate energy (c) the fly ash can be used as compost or mulch (d) it can generate methane

Well casings can corrode leaking hazardous waste into soil, rock, and gravel.

What is a potential, and likely, drawback to the deep-well injection of hazardous wastes? (a) The wells tend to catch fire. (b) It is hard to drill very deep into the ground. (c) Large buildings must be constructed to house these wells. (d) Well casings can corrode leaking hazardous waste into soil, rock, and gravel.

lead, mercury, cadmium

Of the following, ________ are classified as hazardous heavy metals. (a) lead, mercury, cadmium (b) aluminum, iron, silicon (c) carbon, hydrogen, oxygen (d) any non-biodegradable materials (e) nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium


__________ is the process of recovering organic waste through decomposition.

although recycling is improved, the rate of e-wastes going into landfills and incinerators is rising

The current state of e-wastes is that ________. (a) although recycling is improved, the rate of e-wastes going into landfills and incinerators is rising (b) because the EPA has classified e-wastes as toxic, more than 95% are being recycled (c) by EPA mandate, all metals in electronics have been replaced by biodegradable materials (d) only because of the actions of charitable organizations, the recycling rate is 5% (e) the recycling rate has dropped significantly between 1999 and 2010

bioaccumulate in animal tissues

Heavy metals ________. (a) become less hazardous over time as they degrade chemically (b) are unregulated by the U.S. government (c) become less hazardous after incineration (d) are not harmful unless they are directly ingested (e) bioaccumulate in animal tissues

bottle bills

What incentive for recycling guarantees a refund to consumers?

paper and paper products

What is the largest component of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream?


________ represent(s) the largest source of unregulated hazardous waste.


The earthworms, fungi, and bacteria in your compost pile will NOT be happy if you give them ________.

The cover keeps the landfill dry, which decreases the ability of bacteria to decompose trash.

How can an engineered cover on landfills reduce decomposition of the trash? (a) The cover keeps the landfill moist on the inside, preventing decomposition. (b) The cap prevents hawks and blue jays from decomposing the trash. (c) The cover causes paper to bond to plastic in the landfill. (d) The cover keeps the landfill dry, which decreases the ability of bacteria to decompose trash.

monitors the movement of trash items to improve efficiency of management processes

The Trash Track project ________. (a) allows cities to charge polluters who dump large volumes of trash (b) measures the volume of various categories of municipal waste in various cities (c) tells managers which items should be recycled (d) monitors the movement of trash items to improve efficiency of management processes (e) monitors the amount of hazardous items in municipal waste

site will be converted into a public park

The Fresh Kills Landfill ________. (a) is the United States’ first landfill conversion project (b) will remain open until late 2020 (c) site will be converted into a public park (d) was abandoned in the late 1970s (e) is New York’s first and only modern sanitary landfill

locating them at least 6 meters above the water table

What prevents the contamination of groundwater in landfills? (a) locating them in deserts (b) locating them in layers of impermeable rock (c) locating them at least 6 meters above the water table (d) locating them below the water table


Substances that degrade the metals that make up storage tanks or equipment are called __________.

Consumers and businesses must purchase products made from recycled materials.

Which of the following actions is required for the recycling loop to be successful? (a) Consumers must purchase only products made in the United States. (b) Genetically modified bacteria must be found to consume toxic components. (c) Corporations must make more products from virgin (raw) materials. (d) Consumers and businesses must purchase products made from recycled materials.

hazardous chemicals are often created and released into the atmosphere

What is one problem associated with the incineration of solid waste? (a) leachate the may contaminate groundwater (b) hazardous chemicals are often created and released into the atmosphere (c) the volume of waste increases (d) the waste is radioactive

ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic

Of the following, ________ represent criteria for classifying hazardous waste. (a) ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic (b) solid, liquid, gaseous (c) inorganic and organic (d) municipal, industrial and agricultural (e) non-biodegradable and biodegradable


All of the following are considered to define types of hazardous waste except ________. (a) corrosive (b) reactive (c) ignitable (d) toxic (e) inert


As of 2014, under the jurisdiction of the EPA, approximately ________% of hazardous sites identified under CERCLA as a national priority have been cleaned up.


Which of the following types of hazardous waste are unstable and pose dangers when in contact with other compounds? (a) reactive (b) corrosive (c) ignitable (d) toxic


Cities export __________.


Cities and towns are __________ for resources.

use renewable energy sources and recycle materials

People who seek to improve resource sustainability of our cities urge us to ________. (a) use zoning and taxation to promote livable cities (b) maintain a steady pattern of growth and development (c) oppose strict limits on growth (UGBs) (d) find a balance between imports and exports of resources (e) use renewable energy sources and recycle materials

much higher

The ecological footprint of a large city is ________ than/as the surrounding rural area.

all of these are benefits of green buildings

Of the following, the benefits of green buildings include ________. (a) pollution control (b) minimal adverse health effects on occupants (c) reduced use of energy and water (d) being built from sustainable materials (e) all of these are benefits of green buildings

Suburbanites take up many times as much space as city dwellers.

What is the greatest negative environmental impact that occurs when people live in suburbs instead of living in cities? (a) Suburbanites do not recycle. (b) Suburbanites take up many times as much space as city dwellers. (c) Suburbanites are not aware of resource use. (d) Suburbanites have higher rates of cardiovascular disease.

city planner

Which of the following occupations is tasked with designing cities in such a way as to maximize their efficiency, functionality, and beauty? (a) regional planner (b) ecologist (c) member of the zoning commission (d) city planner

farms surrounding the suburbs and from long distances away from the city

From where does the food that most city-dwellers consume originate? (a) farms within the city limits (b) farms surrounding the suburbs and from long distances away from the city (d) factories that produce food from plastic (e) technologically advanced underground farms

buildings constructed out of sustainable materials, which limit the use of energy and water, minimize health impacts, control pollution, and recycle waste

What are green buildings? (a) inexpensively constructed buildings that help save taxpayers a lot of money (b) buildings covered in vines and plant life that enable energy-efficient cooling and heating as well as providing food (c) buildings constructed out of sustainable materials, which limit the use of energy and water, minimize health impacts, control pollution, and recycle waste (d) buildings painted green to help reflect sunlight

optimal land use strategies for different areas of the city

A city planner needs to consider ________ as a first priority. (a) the amount of money investors have available for new business (b) local laws pertaining to property rights (c) the best use of sales tax money within the city proper (d) optimal land use strategies for different areas of the city (e) railroads, subway systems, and how much they charge riders

an area that produces almost none of the things that it needs

A resource sink is ________. (a) a resource that is desirable, such that different cities must compete to obtain enough of it for their citizens (b) an area that produces many things and needs to export them to a variety of places (c) an area that is able to trade for all of the things that it needs (d) an area that produces a single resource and can control the price of that commodity or service (e) an area that produces almost none of the things that it needs

provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas

Which of the following approaches best helps congested cities deal with the problems related to transportation? (a) provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas (b) build more roads (c) make the city transportation "bus only" (d) double-deck all roads and have more limited-access expressways

The fact that populations are unevenly distributed across the face of the Earth allows for areas that are basically empty to exist.

How does the existence of densely-packed cities help preserve wilderness and rural areas? (a) Cities tend to be separated from rural areas by roads and waterways. (b) The fact that populations are unevenly distributed across the face of the Earth allows for areas that are basically empty to exist. (c) The people of the wilderness form a barrier against urban dwellers and their ilk in a savage ongoing battle that spans time itself. (d) Pollution is largely an urban phenomenon, so it tends to occur only near large cities, not rural areas.


The practice of classifying areas for different types of development and land use is referred to as ________.

the urban heat island effect

Which of the following is a problem that occurs within cities because of the concentrated use of energy in buildings and vehicles and the large amount of dark surfaces that absorb solar energy? (a) global warming (b) light pollution (c) noise pollution (d) the urban heat island effect

urban; rural

Since 2009, for the first time ever, more people in the world are living in __________ areas than __________ areas.

the trend toward increasing land area per capita

One of the things that contribute to sprawl is ________. (a) the steadily increasing prices for gasoline (b) zoning (c) the steady state of human populations (d) the trend toward increasing land area per capita (e) developer’s fees

increased use of fossil fuels

Any consideration of the true costs of sprawl must include ________.


What practice classifies areas for different types of land use?

They usually encourage sprawl.

Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? (a) They usually encourage sustainability. (b) They usually encourage sprawl. (c) They have been outlawed in most cities. (d) They usually discourage sprawl.

left the cities for the suburbs

Over the past 50 years, most U.S. citizens who could afford to do so ________.


What are smaller communities that surround cities called?

desire to live in less stressful, more peaceful park-like conditions

The ________ drives the move to the suburbs from cities. (a) desire to have a garden (b) concern over demographic transitions (c) desire to live in less stressful, more peaceful park-like conditions (d) availability of more jobs in suburbs (e) desire for close-knit communities

provide a European style experience of the beauty and intimacy of formal landscapes

The original purpose of parks in eastern U.S. cities was to ________. (a) provide protected places for hunting foxes, birds, and deer (b) protect passenger pigeons, Carolina parakeets, and other rapidly declining species (c) provide a European style experience of the beauty and intimacy of formal landscapes (d) provide wildlife sanctuaries within cities (e) provide open places for picnics and games, such as football, cricket, and lawn tennis

live in less centralized communities

Air travel, the Internet, cheap fossil fuels and television all have allowed people to ________.

to create functional neighborhoods in which most of a family’s needs can be met close to home without the use of a car

What is the goal of "new urbanism"? (a) to provide modern urban attractions (high-speed Internet, cultural institutions, and so on) to rural areas so people will return to a rural lifestyle (b) to create functional neighborhoods in which most of a family’s needs can be met close to home without the use of a car (c) to improve quality of life by separating residential areas from all other types of development (d) to shift transportation planning away from SUV-sized vehicles to accommodate hybrid cars

Older cities were founded along waterways or rail hubs so that goods could be easily transported

What is true about the importance of location for cities that were founded over 100 years ago versus the cities that are rapidly growing today? (a) Older cities were founded in areas where the interstate highway system could easily connect them with other major cities. (b) Older cities were founded along waterways or rail hubs so that goods could be easily transported. (c) Modern growing cities are found in locations where there is space to contain their rapid expansion. (d) Modern cities are located in areas of abundant natural resources to meet the future needs of their growing populations.

People sought out the better public transportation options present in the suburbs.

From the 1950s-1990s, many cities experienced a loss in population as people left for the suburbs. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that led to this migration? (a) People sought out the better public transportation options present in the suburbs. (b) Government subsidies built highways, making commuting from the suburbs into the cities easier. (c) Cities experienced a rise in unemployment and crime. (d) People liked the room and privacy of the larger houses and lots in the suburbs.

constructing light rail and expanded bus systems

Of the following, ________ is a method that governments use to improve urban transportation. (a) constructing light rail and expanded bus systems (b) providing motorcycle lanes in the center of rail lines (c) making some public buildings and some communities accessible only by public transportation (d) giving tax rebates to people who use only public transportation (e) providing bicycle lanes on freeways

by limiting future growth into already urbanized areas

How does an urban growth boundary attempt to limit sprawl? (a) establishing "zones" where only certain kinds of development can occur (b) by setting limits on where growth can occur that can never be changed (c) setting a limit on the number of people that can live in the city (d) by limiting future growth into already urbanized areas

growing faster than the population as a whole

The world’s urban populations are ________. (a) growing at about the same rate as the rural populations (b) growing faster than the population as a whole (c) growing most rapidly in the developed nations (d) shrinking, compared to rural populations (e) shrinking in developed nations

noise pollution

While Kayla is driving along a busy highway just outside a major city, she suddenly comes to a standstill in traffic. For the first time ever, she notices that alongside the highway are stretches of forest and wetland. She hears the noise of frogs and insects and birds that she never would have noticed if not trapped in traffic. Why does Kayla never notice these natural wonders on her route?

greater availability of mass transit

All of the following factors have contributed to movement of people to suburbs except ________. (a) greater availability of mass transit (b) lower crime rates (c) more space (d) better economic opportunities (e) better schools

construction costs much less than for conventional buildings

LEED-certified buildings could be described by all of the following, except ________. (a) construction costs much less than for conventional buildings (b) limit pollution and recycle wastes (c) built with sustainable materials (d) reduce the ecological footprint of the building (e) energy efficient


Which of the following types of transportation consumes the most energy (in BTU per passenger mile)? (a) bus (b) commuter rail (c) automobiles (d) heavy rail

Cities give people places to live with smaller land use.

Which of the following is a positive effect that cities have on the environment? (a) Air pollution from the Midwest and "Rustbelt" states is exported to the northeastern United States and Canada. (b) Garbage from New York is distributed to Kentucky to fill up abandoned mines. (c) Concentrating people in cities contains water and air pollutants, which are removed by greenbelts. (d) Cities give people places to live with smaller land use.

that they spread environmental impact over a larger area

The greatest general problem with suburbs is ________. (a) lack of nearby shopping (b) lack of resources (c) high population density (d) that they spread environmental impact over a larger area (e) decreased water quality

heat-generating buildings and dark, heat-absorbing surfaces

The urban heat island effect is caused by ________. (a) street lighting and burning of wastes in landfills (b) heat-generating buildings and dark, heat-absorbing surfaces (c) nuclear power plants venting excess heat into the urban landscape (d) green buildings (e) air warmed over adjacent oceans blowing into urban areas


Which of the following consume the bulk of the electricity used in the United States? (a) street lights (b) buildings (c) tire production (d) automobiles

city planners

What type of specialists have the job of advising policy makers on development, transportation, and parks?

along rivers, oceans, roads, or train routes

Around the world, most major cities are situated ________. (a) in agricultural areas (b) along rivers, oceans, roads, or train routes (c) near mountains, usually in a valley (d) on the more northern continents (e) at elevations above 500 m

urban ecology

What field of study applies the characteristics of the natural world to urban settings?

having the land cover of a city grow much faster than its population

Which of the following is the best description of sprawl? (a) people using too much land to build new housing (b) cities increasing in size (c) having the land cover of a city grow much faster than its population (d) pollution from cities negatively impacting rural communities

may become disconnected from nature and from the true costs of their needs and activities

People who live entirely within an urban environment ________. (a) may become disconnected from nature and from the true costs of their needs and activities (b) pay less for food and gasoline than rural areas (c) are never provided enough quality housing, even for those who can afford it (d) have insufficient choices for activities and lifestyles (e) have too many luxury goods at too expensive a price

Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for their residents.

Which of the following statements is true regarding sustainability? (a) Sustainable cities usually have more garbage accumulation. (b) Sustainable cities do not typically limit sprawl. (c) Sustainable cities usually have problems with sewage treatment. (d) Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for their residents.

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