Drug Ed Chapter 8, Chapter 8- Medication for Mental Disorders, chap 7, ADA Midterm Notes Ch.1-Ch.9, chap 6, chap 4, Chapter 3-, chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 5

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The perspective that symptoms of a mental disorder lead to a diagnosis that illuminates both the underlying cause and a cure for the disorder is referred to in the text as
A. medical model
B. double-blind design
C. logical approach
D. inclusion criteria

A. medical model

The most recent (2013) version of the American Psychiatric Association’s classification system for mental disorders is called the
A. Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR)
B. Merck Manual
D. Treatment Guide


A major disturbance of intellectual and social functioning in which there is a loss of contact with reality is called
A. anxiety disorder
B. phobia
C. depression
D. psychosis

D. psychosis

Both depressed and manic symptoms appear in the general classification of
A. schizophrenia
B. mood disorders
C. obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. psychosis

B. mood disorders

Bipolar I Disorder refers to
A. panic attacks
B. agoraphobia
C. post traumatic stress disorder
D. manic episodes with possible alternating depression

D. manic episodes with possible alternating depression

Although electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was first used to treat schizophrenia, it is now used primary to treat
A. other forms of psychosis
B. anxiety
C. personality disorders
D. severe depression

D. severe depression

Phenothiazines and neuroleptics were terms used to describe the early forms of
A. antipsychotics
B. shock therapy
C. antidepressants
D. anticonvulsants

A. antipsychotics

The antipsychotic drugs that have been marketed int he past ten years, such as Zyprexa (olanzepine) are referred to as
A. conventional antipsychotics
B. nouveau antipsychotics
C. atypical antipsychotics
D. postmodern antipsychotics

C. atypical antipsychotics

What is the mechanism of action for typical antipsychotics
A. block serotonin reuptake
B. stimulate acetylcholine receptors
C. increase brain levels of norepinephrine
D. block D2 dopamine receptors

D. block D2 dopamine receptors

One side effect common with the older antipsychotics but less common with the newer ones is
A. pseudoparkinsonism
B. positive symptoms
C. a lag period
D. MAO inhibition

A. pseudoparkinsonism

Many of the new atypical antipsychotics are known to cause
A. liver disorders
B. manic episodes
C. significant weight gain and metabolic changes
D. very few side effects

C. significant weight gain and metabolic changes

A recent study of the long-term effectiveness of antipsychotics drugs found that
A. atypicals are much more effective than the conventional drugs
B. these drugs are very effective for over 90 percent of schizophrenic patients
C. there is a tolerance to the beneficial effects and doses must be increased after six weeks
D. three-fourths of the patients stopped taking their medication within 18 months

D. three-fourths of the patients stopped taking their medication within 18 months

People taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors for depression must avoid
A. exposure to strong sunlight
B. foods high in tyramine such as aged cheeses
C. strenuous exercise
D. grapefruit juice

B. foods high in tyramine such as aged cheeses

A patient presents with these symptoms: irrational beliefs, incoherent speech and a severe lack of emotional response. He has had these symptoms for over 9 months and they interfere with his social function. He would most likely be diagnosed with _____ and treated with ______
A. schizophrenia; aripiprazole
B. schizophrenia; paroxetine
C. bipolar disorder; lithium
D. bipolar disorder; amphetamine

A. schizophrenia; aripiprazole

Tricyclic antidepressants work by
A. blocking acetylcholine receptors
B. blocking D2 dopamine receptors
C. inhibiting reuptake of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin
D. inhibiting metabolism of GABA

C. inhibiting reuptake of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin

The perspective that symptoms of a mental disorder lead to a diagnosis that illuminates both the underlying cause and a cure for the disorder is referred to in the text as the

Medical model

The most recent (2000) version of the American Psychiatric Association’s classification system for mental disorders is called the


The major disturbance of intellectual and social functioning in which there is a loss of contact with reality is called


Both depressed and manic symptoms appear in the general classification of

Mood disorders

Bipolar disorder refers to

Alternating periods of mania and depression

Phenothiazines and neuroleptics were terms used to describe the early forms of


Tricyclic antidepressants work by

Inhibiting reuptake of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin

Prozac was one of the early

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

The FDA now requires a printed warning on several selective reuptake inhibitors because they increase the risk of

Suicide in children and adolescents

What is the average lag period for antidepressants to begin to be effective?

2 weeks

the CNS depressants include various prescription drugs referred to as


which of these is not one of the early sedative-hypnotics used in medicine?
chloral hydrate, paraldehyde, butyrate, bromide salts


what has kept paraldehyde from being widely used

bad taste and odor

how are barbiturates usually classified

duration of action

among barbiturates, when prescribing a sleeping pill, physicians would chose a

higher dose of a shorter acting drug

2 drugs that were introduced as being safer that barbiturates, but in the long run proved to not be much safer were

meprobamate and methaqualone

the major advantage of benzodiazepines over barbiturates seems to be the

greater safety margin

Librium and valium were the first widely sold


the "date rape" drug Rohypnol

is sold as a hypnotic agent in many countries other than the US

when benzodiazepines bind to their receptor site, they

enhance the inhibitory effects of GABA

Ambien is

not a benzodiazepine chemically, but has similar effects

the four most widely sold benzodiazepines are all longer acting drugs sold primarily as


sedative- hypnotic agents bind to which receptors in the brain?


animal self admin experiments and studies of drug choice among humans indicate that

short acting barbiturates are more likely to lead to dependence than any benzodiazepines

withdrawal from long term use of sedative hypnotic drugs us characterized by

anxiety, impaired concentration, insomnia, convulsions

one of the most dangerous acute effects of taking depressants in combination with alcohol is

respiratory depression

which of the following drugs could theoretically be used to treat barbiturate withdrawal?
meth, fluoxetine, alcohol, modafinil


one of the oldest gaseous anesthetics, populary known as laughing gas is

nitrous oxide

what household product contains nitrous oxide

whipped cream

the modern era of abuse of volatile solvent by young people can be traced to a 1959 newspaper report of

glue sniffing

inhalant use has traditionally been more common among

poor hispanic and native american youth

GHB occurs

naturally in the brain

the usual recreation dose of GHB when taken alone is about

1-5 grams

anecdotally, _____ are used to enhance sexual pleasure

amyl nitrite

Chapter 1

Drug Use: As An Overview

Which type of factor probably plays a bigger role in determining whether a person will try a drug in the first place, as opposed to determining which of those who try it will become dependent?

genetics personality individual reaction to the drug Correct Response: social

The questions who, what, why, when, where, how, and how much were introduced as a way to

understand the dependence potential of a drug. Correct Response : help us evaluate whether a particular type of drug use is a problem. determine the toxicity of a drug. track arrest data for drug law violations.

Some drugs have the effect that, every time you take the drug, you increase slightly the probability that you will take it again. This process is referred to as

Correct Response: reinforcement. altered perception. deviant drug use. drug misuse.

One personality variable that has been consistently associated with higher rates of substance dependence is

low self-esteem. extraversion. Correct Response: high impulsivity. passivity.

Despite the limitations of survey questionnaires, they can be especially informative

Correct Answer: if they are done year after year, because we can then look for changes over time. about use among those who are not included in the survey. about alcohol use, because it is not illegal. about misuse of prescription drugs.

Attitudes, family characteristics, and other factors that are correlated with lower rates of drug use are known as

antecedents. gender and age. deviates. Correct Response: protective factors.

Compared to young adults who finished high school only, those with college degrees

are more likely to use cocaine. Correct Response: are much more likely to drink alcohol and much less likely to use tobacco. are more likely to smoke marijuana. report similar rates of use of most substances.

There are some drugs that we should just define as being bad drugs.

True Correct Response: False

Deviant drug use is defined as use of a drug in greater amounts or for other purposes than intended by a prescribing physician.

True Correct Response: False

Attitudes, family characteristics, and other factors that are correlated with higher rates of drug use are known as

causal factors. drug profiles. Correct Response: risk factors. weaknesses.

Chapter 2

Drug Use as Social Problem

The U.S. government in the 1800s had few regulations on industry and in general took a "hands-off" approach to government that has been referred to by the term

crime. Correct Response: laissez-faire. toxicity. trends

The DAWN system tells us exactly how many deaths are caused by a specific drug each year.

True Correct Response: False

In comparing the relative toxicity of marijuana and cocaine, it is important to take into account

the user’s gender. availability and price. urban vs. rural environment. Correct Response: that many more people use marijuana than use cocaine.

In an annual study done by the U.S. Justice Department, people arrested for various crimes are given urine tests to detect the presence of drugs. In 2010, about ____ percent of the adult male arrestees tested positive for at least one illicit drug.

100 Correct Response: between 50 and 80 0 between 10 and 30

Brain scan studies with drug users

can show which people have developed dependence and which have not. can predict which people will later develop dependence. Correct Response: so far can only show changes in response to drug administration. are very strong predictors of alcohol use, but not for other substances.

About how many arrests are made in the U.S. each year for drug-law violations?

Correct Response: 1,500,000 200,000 50,000 5,000

The text lists three concerns that led to the adoption of the first U.S. laws regulating what we now call controlled substances. Which of these was NOT one of the three?

Correct Answer: high profits for drug sellers toxicity dependence association of drug use with crime

The DSM-IV-TR does not define addiction as such, but has diagnostic criteria for

habituation. Correct Response: substance dependence and substance abuse. chronic intoxication. drug-associated bipolar disorder.

Which drug is responsible for the most drug-related deaths in the 2009 DAWN data set?

GHB Correct Response: prescription opioids marijuana methamphetamine

When using a substance makes normal activities such as driving result in harmful accidents, this is called

behavioral tolerance. drug misuse. Correct Response: behavioral toxicity. laissez-faire.

Chapter 3

Drug Policy

From the 1920s to the 1970s, about 1 out of 1,000 Americans was in prison at any point in time. Due largely to changes in drug laws and drug enforcement, that rate has now

decreased to about 0.5 per 1,000. increased to about 1.5 per 1,000. doubled to about 2 per 1,000. Correct Response: increased to about 5 per 1,000.

Precursors refers to substances like pseudoephedrine that can be chemically altered to make a controlled substance.

Correct Answer: True False

A drug that does have an approved medical use but has a high potential for abuse would be listed on Schedule II.

Correct Answer: True False

According to current federal law, a fine of up to $10,000 and loss of all federal privileges (including student loans and grants) can result from conviction

only for sale of "dealer" quantities of crack cocaine. Correct Response: for possession of small amounts of a controlled substance. for using a controlled substance, but this only applies to cocaine or heroin. for advocating the legalization of drugs.

The year is 1907. A new drug has been marketed as a "blood energizer that will cure many ailments" with a label that accurately lists its ingredients. It has not been proven to be safe or effective. According to the laws of the time, this product is legal.

Correct Answer: True False

When the Pure Food and Drugs Act was first passed, drugs were legally required to be

safe. effective. Correct Response: pure and accurately labeled. all of the above.

One concern that led to the initial passage of federal drug-control legislation in 1906 was

amphetamine abuse. marijuana smoking. heroin use. Correct Response: patent medicines.

One example where the U.S. interest in international drug control has conflicted with national security issues is

Correct Response: opium growing in Afghanistan. coca growing in Peru. marijuana growing in China. MDMA (ecstasy) smuggling in Europe.

In the early 1800s, _____________ was the medical doctor’s most reliable and effective medicine that was used for a variety of conditions, but mainly for pain relief.

alcohol marijuana barbiturates Correct Response: opium

The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

Correct Response: established schedules of controlled substances and moved enforcement to the Justice Department. was the first to distinguish prescription from over-the-counter drugs. established harsh penalties for first-offense possession of an illicit drug. included control over alcohol and tobacco products.

Chapter 4

The Nervous System

Suppose you wanted to prescribe a hypothetical drug that would have an overall excitatory effect on the nervous system. Which would you choose?

a glutamate metabolizer a dopamine metabolizer Correct Response: GABA antagonist a norepinephrine antagonist

The disease ______________ results from a loss of myelin wrappings.

Parkinson’s disease Correct Response: multiple sclerosis schizophrenia Alzheimer’s disease

Unlike neurons, glial cells in the brain are purely for support and are incapable of communicating with each other.

True Correct Response: False

Neural centers controlling vomiting and respiration are found in the

Correct Response: brain stem. frontal lobe. cerebellum. pituitary gland.

Specialized structures that recognize neurotransmitter molecules and, when activated, may cause a change in the electrical activity of the neuron, are called

pons. Correct Response: receptors. medulla. autonomic.

Cocaine selectively blocks Na+ (sodium) channels, which is the mechanism that leads to

CNS stimulation. increased heart rate. Correct Response: local anesthetic effects. cocaine dependence.

The complex branching parts of a neuron that receive information from other neurons are called dendrites.

Correct Response: True False

One of the main ways that drugs can affect neurotransmitter systems is by cutting off blood flow to a specific brain structure.

True Correct Response: False

MRI and PET are two types of neurotransmitter chemicals.

True Correct Response: False

Which of the following neurotransmitters is found in most parts of the brain and is considered inhibitory?

serotonin dopamine Correct Response: GABA norepinephrine

Chapter 5

The actions of drugs

What kind of name is Provigil (an alerting drug)?

chemical name generic name Correct Answer: brand name none of the above

After oral administration, most absorption of the drug molecules takes place in the

Correct Response: small intestine. kidneys. heart. lower bowel.

The story of the Michigan police officer who ate marijuana-laced brownies and then called 911, is a good illustration of which basic psychopharmacology fact?

Drug laws only apply to those outside of law enforcement. Marijuana produces paranoia in the majority of users. The oral route of administration produces the fastest onset of effects. Correct Response: Different routes of administration can producing markedly different drug effects.

Most of our drugs originally came either directly or indirectly from

South America. Correct Response: plants. petroleum. German chemists.

Because the effects of stimulants and depressants counteract each other, taking these drugs in combination does not produce intoxication.

True Correct Response: False

If repeated exposure to a drug increases the activity of the CYP450 enzyme that is responsible for metabolizing that drug, then later doses will be less effective than the first few doses. This is an example of

Correct Response: drug disposition tolerance. behavioral tolerance. an active metabolite. a prodrug.

A drug’s generic name can only be used by one company.

True Correct Response: False

The time course of a drug’s action depends on

how the drug is administered. how rapidly the drug is absorbed. how the drug is eliminated from the body. Correct Response: all of the above.

The blood-brain barrier

is fully developed in humans when they are born. is designed to allow all drug compounds into the brain. cannot be penetrated, even with trauma to the brain. Correct Response: prevents many drugs from entering the brain.

Which of these is given its own classification category, due to its complex effects at different doses?

cocaine Correct Response: marijuana Abilify caffeine

Chapter 6


The ability of stimulants to improve mental performance

has never been demonstrated in controlled studies. is a myth—all the evidence shows that amphetamine and similar drugs impair performance. is so clear that these drugs are routinely used to treat Alzheimer’s dementia. Correct Response: depends on the complexity of the task and the dose.

Sigmund Freud was always opposed to the use of cocaine for treating psychiatric conditions.

True Correct Response: False

What is cocaine still used for medically?

It is prescribed for weight loss. Correct Response: It is used as a local anesthetic for nasal, laryngeal, and esophageal surgeries. It is used as a local anesthetic for dental surgeries. Cocaine has no medical uses currently.

Illicit use of intravenous amphetamines first became a big public concern in

2002. the 1930s. Correct Answer: the 1960s. Incorrect Response: the early 1990s.

One major similarity of freebase and crack cocaine is that they can both be smoked.

True Incorrect Response: False

The passage of the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act

Correct Answer: came after over a thousand stories about cocaine had appeared in the national media. did not focus on any particular drug. came in response to increasing concerns about methamphetamine. did not differentiate between crack and powder cocaine.

The effect of amphetamines on weight control:

Correct Response: is real, but small and limited in duration. is usually to increase weight rather than decrease it. has never been demonstrated. is both medically and cosmetically significant for most patients.

Which of the following is true about the current use of amphetamines to treat depression?

Amphetamines are never used because of their abuse potential. Correct Response: Amphetamines are used as mostly as an adjunctive therapy. Amphetamines are more widely used than newer antidepressants, such as SSRIs. Amphetamines are rarely used because they take too long to produce positive effects.

Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are characteristics of

depression. narcolepsy. autism. Correct Response: ADHD.

When laboratory animals are given unlimited opportunities to self-administer cocaine injection

most eventually become bored with it and stop taking it. they become completely tolerant to it and it loses its effect. they only inject enough to keep themselves awake. Correct Response: they will readily self-administer it.

Chapter 7

Depressants and inhalants

The four most widely sold benzodiazepines are all longer-acting drugs sold primarily as

Correct Response: anxiolytics. analgesics. hypnotics. antidepressants.

The major advantage of the benzodiazepines over the barbiturates seems to be the

lower cost. greater effectiveness. shorter duration of activity. Correct Response: greater safety margin.

Volatile solvents that act as CNS depressants are found in a wide variety of household products.

Correct Response: True False

Among the sedative-hypnotic drugs, short-acting barbiturates seem to be the most likely to lead to drug dependence.

Correct Response: True False

How are barbiturates usually classified?

Correct Response: duration of action price chemical structure strength of hypnotic effect

Ambien (zolpidem) is a popular benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety.

True Correct Response: False

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid)

is derived from morning glory seeds. Correct Response: occurs naturally in the brain. is a gas used to make whipped cream. blocks the intoxicating effects of alcohol.

The usual recreational dose of GHB when taken alone is about

10-20 milligrams. 100 micrograms. Correct Response: 1-5 grams. 100-200 grams.

One of the most dangerous acute effects of taking depressants in combination with alcohol is

the "cheese reaction". Correct Response: respiratory depression. seizures. slurred speech.

When barbiturates were the most popular sedative-hypnotics, low doses of the long-acting types were used as sleeping pills.

True Correct Response: False

Chapter 8

Medication for Mental Disorders

One of the symptoms of a major depressive episode is decreased or increased appetite.

Correct Response: True False

One side effect common with the older antipsychotics, but less common with the newer ones, is

Correct Response: pseudoparkinsonism. positive symptoms. a lag period. MAO inhibition.

People taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors for depression must avoid

exposure to strong sunlight. Correct Response: foods high in tyramine, such as aged cheeses. strenuous exercise. grapefruit juice.

What is the average lag period for antidepressants to begin to be effective?

1 day Correct Response: 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks

Current theories of the antidepressant action of drugs focus less on the initial biochemical effects of the drugs and more on the

patient’s personality. levels of brain serotonin. electrical potential of the membrane. Correct Response: delayed reaction of the neurons to repeated drug exposure.

All selective reuptake inhibitors work primarily by blocking serotonin reuptake.

True Correct Response: False

The MAO inhibitors are considered to be atypical antipsychotics.

True Correct Response: False

Both depressed and manic symptoms appear in the general classification of

schizophrenia. Correct Response: mood disorders. obsessive-compulsive disorder. psychosis.

Phenothiazines and neuroleptics were terms used to describe the early forms of

Correct Response: antipsychotics. shock therapy. antidepressants. anticonvulsants.

The perspective that symptoms of a mental disorder lead to a diagnosis that illuminates both the underlying cause and a cure for the disorder is referred to in the text as the

Correct Response: medical model. double-blind design. logical approach. inclusion criteria.

Chapter 9


Scientific evidence supports both parts of Shakespeare’s 400-year-old statement concerning alcohol and sex: "It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance."

Correct Response: True False

National prohibition of alcohol sales in the U.S. from 1920-1933 reduced alcohol-related hospitalizations and deaths, and apparently reduced overall per capita consumption of alcohol.

Correct Response: True False

Although the exact mechanisms for alcohol’s action in the brain are not completely understood, it is now believed that the most important of its many effects is

Correct Response: enhancing GABA’s inhibitory effects. blocking serotonin receptors. releasing norepinephrine. stimulating glutamate receptors.

Over one thousand people die in the U.S. each year from alcohol overdose. It is particularly dangerous to

mix beer and hard liquor. Correct Response: begin drinking again after vomiting. drink wine with a meal. combine alcohol and caffeine.

Before 1988, several states had minimum drinking ages lower than 21

Correct Answer: True False

Breath samples to determine BAC

only work well at BACs above 0.15 percent. are inaccurate at all blood levels. Correct Response: provide an accurate indicator of BAC across a wide range. don’t work if the drinker uses breath mints.

Growth retardation, small head circumference, small eyes, flattened bridge of the nose, and mental retardation are signs of

Correct Response: fetal alcohol syndrome. Wernicke’s disease. cirrhosis of the liver. alcoholic dementia.

In balanced-placebo experiments with drinkers who meet the criteria of alcohol dependence, if they are given a beverage that they are led to believe has no alcohol, but that actually does have a small amount of alcohol in it, they

start to drink more and more of the beverage until they "lose control." report feeling intoxicated, even at BACs too low to detect. Correct Response: do not report intoxication and do not increase their drinking. can detect any amount of alcohol, when normal drinkers cannot.

Which of the following are signs of alcohol poisoning?

Breathing rate is slow or irregular Skin is cold and clammy Vomiting and then loss of consciousness Correct Response: all of the above.

Total per-capita consumption of alcohol

has increased steadily since 1965. has remained relatively constant over the past 40 years. increases and decreases about every five years. Correct Response: has declined considerably from its peak in 1981.

the use of cocaine by members of the general public in europe was initially in the form of

drinks, such as coca wine

Dr. W.S Halsted the father of american surgery, experimented with cocaine’s ability to produce

local anesthesia

which famous physician studied cocaine as treatment for morphine dependence and depression

sigmund frued

the 1914 new your time article, "Negro cocaine ‘fiends’ are a new southern menace,"

said that cocaine increased homicidal tendencies and improved marksmanship

what did the 1914 Harrison act do?

taxed importation and sale of coca, cocaine, and opium

most illicit cocaine in the US is powder cocaine which is

too stable to be smoked

although national survey on drug use and health data indicates greater prevalence of illicit drug use among white americans, black americans represented more than 80% of those arrested for

violation in federal crack cocaine laws

int the text, the discussion of media depictions of powder cocaine use in the early 20th century and crack cocaine use in the 1980’s was used to illustrate that

the US media and drug policies may target people of color disproportionately

cocaines effects in the brain

result from : blocking serotonin reuptake, blocking dopamine reuptake, blocking norepinephrine reuptake

the most common way cocaine is used recreationally is by


what is cocaine still used for medically

local anesthesia for nasal, laryngeal, and esophageal surgeries

cocathylene is formed in the body when

cocaine and alcohol are used together

when lab animals are given unlimited opportunities to self-administer cocaine injection

they will readily self administer it

illicit cocaine come to the US primarily from

south america

amphetamine was developed initially as a substitute for a closely related chemical derived from the chinese herb plant ma huang. that chemical is


which of these was not one of the early medical uses for amphetamine first studies in the 1930’s

treating anxiety

during world war II, amphetamines were used to

decrease fatigue by several nations militaries

Illicit use of intravenous amphetamines first became a big public concern in

the 1960’s

crystal meth refers to

meth crystals, which may be smoked

studies of the mechanism of action of the amphetamines have focused mainly on

release of norepinephrine and dopamine

which of the following is true about the current use of amphetamines to treat depression

amphetamines are used mostly as an adjunctive therapy

the effect of amphetamines on weight control

is real but small and limited in duration

inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are characteristics of


one non-stimulant medication that has been approved for ADHD does not appear to have abuse potential, Atomoxetine is sold under the brand name


one of the more disturbing side effects of treating ADHD with amphetamines or ritalin is

decreased height and weight gains in children

the ability of stimulants to improve mental performance

depends on the complexity of the task and the dose

paranoid psychosis can be produced by

high doses of amphetamines

in addition to neurons, the brain contains an even larger number of another cell type known as


which of these is not one of the four important regions found in every neuron?


gated ion channels for sodium and potassium open an close in rapid succession, causing the neuron to depolarize and then return to its normal resting level, during each

action potential

cocaine selectively blocks Na channels which is the mechanism that leads to

local anesthetic effects

____ results from a loss of myelin wrapping

multiple sclerosis

parasympathetic and sympathetic refer to the 2 branches of the

autonomic nervous system

the neurotramsmitter at the end organ of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is


the _____is an important link between the brains and the pituitary gland, and is involved in feeding, drinking, temp regulation, and sexual behavior


neural centers controlling committing and respiration are found in the


which chemical pathway appears to be important both in some types of psychotic behavior and in reinforcing properties of various drugs?

mesolimbic dopamine pathway

weight control, aggression, impulsivity, and psychological depression have all been associated with

serotonin pathways

natural chemicals in the brain that produce effects similar to those of morphine and other opium-derived drugs are called


the process in which enzymes within neurons convert precursors intro neurotransmitter molecule is called


neurotransmitter molecules are released into the small space between 2 neurons called the


specialized structures that recognize neurotransmitter molecules and, when activated, may cause a change in the electrical activity of the neuron are called


which of the following neurotransmitters is found in most parts o father brain and is considered inhibitory


whether the effect of a neurotransmitter is excitatory or inhibitory depends on

type of receptor

drugs can affect neurotransmitter systems in 2 main ways, either by alternating the availability of the neurotransmitter in the synapse or by

acting directly on the receptors

suppose you wanted to prescribe a hypothetical drug that would have an overall excitatory effect on the nervous system. which would you choose?

GABA antagonist

the brain imaging tech that involves injection of radioactive chemicals in order to measure brain function is called


in the early 1800_____ was the medical doctors most reliable and effective medicine that was used for a variety of condtions, but mainly for pain relief


one concern hat led to the initial passage of federal drug control legislation in 1906

patent medicines

in the early 1900’s in the US, fears about opium and cocaine were closely linked to

minority racial groups

the 1906 US law that prohibited interstate commerce in adulterated or misbranded food and drugs was called

pure food and drugs act

the harrison act of 1914

required pharmacist and physicians to register and pay taxes on drugs

pure food and drugs act and the harrison act were originally administered by the US

agriculture and treasury

when the pure food and drugs act was first passed, drugs were legally required to be

pure and accurately labeled

Before the FDA approves an IND for human testing of a new drug

the drug has been tested in at least 2 species of nonhuman animals `

before a new drug is released to the market, the FDA requires

3 phases of clinical testing, each phase involving more people

in any given year, about ___drug compounds are studied and about ___ are approved by FDA


the single most important legislation that has shaped the federal gov’t approach to controlled substances was

alcohol prohibition

according to the text, which of the following most accurately describes the recent drug laws in portugal

posession for personal use of all drugs is decriminalized

the comprehensive drug abuse prevention and control act of 1970

established schedules of controlled substances and moved enforcement to the justice department

substances with high abuse potential and no currently accepted medical use are listed in

schedule 1

according to current fed law, a fine up to 10000 and loss of fed aide can result from conviction

for posession of small amounts of controlled substance

according to the text, what drug use is currently at the center of a conflict between state and fed laws

marijuana for medical use

the fed, governments budget for drug control

about $25 billion

one example where the US interest in international drug control has conflicted with national security issues is

opium growing in afghansitan

an economic study of the US efforts to eradicate coca fields in south america indicated

that even if we produced massive disruption of one country’s supply, market forces would replace the supply within 2 years

it is estimated that ___ percent of illegal drug supply is seized by fed. agencies each year


methamphetamine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, and glue sniffing were given as examples of

the drug du jour

one of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that

drugs are not good or bad

one of the general principles of psychoactive drugs is that "every drug has"

multiple effects

one of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that "the effect of any psychoactive drug depends on _____"

the individuals history and expectations

the use of a substance in a manner, amounts, or situations such that the drug causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problems occurring is


drug use that is not common within a social group and that is disapproved of by the majority, causing members of a group to take corrective action when it occurs, is

deviant drug use

a drug that is unlawful to possess or use is defined in the text as

an illicit drug

drugs have played a significant role in human society

for thousands of years

in the past 100 years, the intro of vaccines to prevent diseases and antibiotics to cure some type of infections laid the foundation for

our acceptance of medicines as the cornerstone our health care system

much of our info about rates of drug use come from survet questionnaires. one important limitation of such questionnaires is

people might not answer honestly

despite the limitations of survey questionnaires, the can be especially informative

if they are done year after year

among college students, fewer than one-forth have ever tried


based on 2 large surveys, it appears that the percentage of young people reporting current marijuana use

is about half the percentage reporting current use in the late 1970’s

when we examine changes over the years in percentage of high school seniors who say they have smoked marijuana, we find a clear inverse (mirror-image) relationship to

perceived risk of harm in using marijuana

the national survey on drug use and health revealed that current alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use

factors that are correlated with higher rates of drug use are known as

risk factors

one of the most important risk factors for drug use is

having friends who use marijuana or other substances

one of the most important protective factors for drug use is

believing that there are strong sanctions against substance abuse at school

one very consistent finding is that students who report ____ are less likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or use any type of illicit drug

having more involvement with religion

according to results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which of there ethic groups reports the highest rate of use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana?

compared to young adults who finished high school only, those with college degrees

are much more likely to drink alcohol and much less likely to use tobacco

one personality variable that has been constantly associated with higher rates of substance dependence is

high impulsivity

an example of a longitudal study of drug use would be

following the same group of people at intervals over several months or years

in one study, adolescents who smoked cigarettes were about twice as likely as nonsmokers to later use marijuana. for this reason, cigarettes have been referred to as

a gateway substance

some drugs have the effect that, every time you take the drug, you increase slightly the probability that you will take it again. This process is referred to as


which type of factor probably plays a bigger role in determining whether a person will try a drug in the first place, as opposed to determining which of those who try it will become dependent?


suppose a person is prescribed an opiod medication to treat painful injury. but after her injury heals, she takes the drug primarily to feel euphoria. based on this information alone, which term would you use to describe her drug use?

drug misuse

the US government in the 1800s had few regulations on industry and in general took a hands off approach to government that has been referred by the term


the text lists 3 concerts that led to the adoption of the 1st US law regulating what we now call contolled substances. which of these was not one of the 3?

high profits for drug sellers

when using a substance makes normal activities such as driving result in harmful accidents, that is called

behavioral toxicity

acute drug effects are those that:

are caused by the immediate presence of the drug in then body

which is an example of chronic physiological toxicity?

high blood pressure from smoking

the drug abuse warning network is

monitored by drug-related medical emergencies

according to recent DAWN data, which of these substances is near the top if the emergency room visits

alcohol in combination

what is a drug recognition expert?

a 2010 analysis of drug related deaths conducted by the CDC indicated that ___is responsible for more than half of drug overdose deaths

in comparing the relative toxicity of marijuana and cocaine, it is important to take into account

that many more people use marijuana than use cocaine

DAWN data provides all of the following except

since 1990’s, HIV transmission rates among intraveneous drug users have beens reduced from about 50% to about 10%. according to the text, which of these factors led to this decrease?

syringe exchange programs

when repeated exposure to the same dose results in a lesser effect, this is called


the occurrence of a withdrawal syndrome is evidence of

physical dependence

the drugs with which people are most likely to develop psychological behavior dependence are generally also found to have

reinforcing effects in lab animals

the DSM-V does not define addiction as such, but has diagnostic criteria for

substance abuse

as views of substance dependence have changed based on scientific research, the real driving force behind repeated excessive drug use is now believed to be

psychological dependence, based on reinforcement

which of these substance has the highest lifetime estimate of dependence


Brian Scan studies with drug users `

changes in response to drug admin

those who are diagnosed with a personality disorder, such as antisocial personality disorder,

have an inc. likelihood of also having a substance abuse disorder

in determining whether using a drug causes people to become criminals, it is important to remember that

longitudinal studies find that indicators of criminal/ antisocial behavior usually occur before the first use of any illicit drug

which of the following drugs has clearly linked to crimes and violence


in an annual study done by the justice department, people arrested for various crimes are given urine tests to detect the presence of drugs. in 2012, about ____percent of the adult male arrestees tested positive for at least one illicit drug


about how many arrests are made in the US each year for drug law violations

1.5 mil

rank the following drugs according to the number in 2009 DAWN emergency department dataset (high to low)

The data suggest that marijuana use increases the likelihood of a person committing a violent crime. (p42)


To receive diagnosis of substance use disorder an individual must satisfy at least 2 diagnostic criteria, one which has to be a symptom of physical dependence (tolerance or withdrawal). (p37)

False, 3 of the 7 must be met

Physical dependence is often defined by the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped. (p33)


(p. 26-27) Chronic drug effects refer to those that are due to prolonged exposure to the drug.


(p. 62) The Marijuana Tax Act was passed in


p. 66) Precursors refers to substances like pseudoephedrine that can be chemically altered to make a controlled substance.


(p. 64) A drug that does have an approved medical use but has a high potential for abuse would be listed on Schedule II.


(p.86) Parkinson’s disease produces tremors and muscular rigidity because of damage to

dopamine neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway.

Unlike neurons, glial cells in the brain are purely for support and are incapable of communicating with each other.


(p. 80) In the neuron, neurotransmitters are stored in the myelin sheaths.

False they are in vesicles

(p. 84) Newer local anesthetics are simple modifications of the cocaine molecule that do not pass the blood-brain barrier and thus do not produce cocaine-like feelings of euphoria.


(p. 85) Parkinson’s disease patients are often treated with dopamine because L-dopa cannot cross the blood-brain barrier.

False its the other way around

most of our drugs originally came either directly or indirectly from


most drugs have 3 dif kinds of names. which of them belongs to a specific manufacturer?

brand name

the group of psychoactive drugs called stimulants includes


among psychoactive drugs, alcohol can be classified as a


which of these is given its own classification category, due to its complex effects at different doses


nonspecific effects of taking a drug are those that do not depend on its chemical activity. they are sometimes referred to as

placebo effects

the threshold on dose response cure is

the lowest dose at which there is an observable effect of the drug

with increasing doses of any useful drug, there is usually an increase in the number and severity of

side effects

the potency of a drug is defined in terms of

the amount required to produce an effect

the story of the michigan police officer who ate marijuana brownies and then called 911 is a good illustration of which basic psychopharmacology fact?

different routes of admin can produce markedly different drug effects

the time course of a drugs action depends on

how the drug is administered, how rapidly it is absorbed, and how the drug is eliminated from the body

regardless of the route of admin, psychoactive drugs reach the brain tissue by way of


after oral admin, most absorption of the drug takes place in the

small intestine

if you want to get very high concentration of cocaine to the brain very rapidly , which route would you use


alcohol has a low tendency, but THC has a high tendency to

bind to proteins

the blood brain barrier

prevents drugs from entering the brain

some drugs may act on all types of neurons by

altering the electrical potential across the cell membrane

the most common way for drug molecules to be deactivated is by

CYP450 enzymes in the liver

if repeated exposure to the drug increases the activity of the CYP450 enzyme that is responsible for metabolizing that drug, then later doses will be less effective than the first few doses. what is this?

drug disposition tolerance

when use of a drug interferes with normal behavior, experienced users may learn to compensate and show less impairment than new users. Example of what?

behavioral tolerance

in some cases, repeated use of a drug leads to pharmacodynamic tolerance which is based on

reduced sensitivity of neurons

what kind of name is Provigil

brand name

(p. 109) According to the text, inexperienced drug users should avoid taking a drug via a route that increases the drug’s potency.


(p. 118) Because the effects of stimulants and depressants counteract each other, taking these drugs in combination does not produce intoxication.


(p. 129) Most illicit cocaine in the U.S. is powder cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride), which is

Too stable to be smoked

Crack cocaine is a very stable form of the drug also known as cocaine hydrochloride.


Some of the emotional justification for the 1914 Harrison Act can be found in a New York Times article from that year, called "Negro Cocaine ‘Fiends’ are a New Southern Menace."



is formed in the body when cocaine and alcohol are used together.

Paraldehyde is a CNS depressant that is currently available in several over-the-counter medications.


Ambien (zolpidem) is a popular benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety.


Modern antidepressants cure depression by treating the known underlying biological cause of the disorder.


A chronic psychotic condition with no known physical cause is likely to be diagnosed as schizophrenia.


The first antipsychotic drugs were the phenothiazines, introduced in the 1950s.


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