Chapter 9 – Microbiology

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1. Which of the following microbial forms have the highest resistance to physical and
chemical controls?
A. naked viruses
B. protozoan cysts
C. fungal spores
D. bacterial endospores
E. yeast

D. bacterial endospores

2. The process that destroys or removes all microorganisms and microbial forms including
bacterial endospores on inanimate objects is
A. disinfection.
B. sterilization.
C. antisepsis.
D. sanitization.
E. degermation.

B. sterilization

3. The process of using a cleansing technique to mechanically remove and reduce
microorganisms and debris to safe levels is
A. disinfection.
B. sterilization.
C. antisepsis.
D. sanitization.
E. degermation.

D. sanitization

4. The use of a physical or chemical process to destroy vegetative pathogens is
A. disinfection.
B. sterilization.
C. antisepsis.
D. sanitization.
E. degermation.

A. disinfection

5. The use of chemical agents directly on exposed body surfaces to destroy or inhibit
vegetative pathogens is
A. disinfection.
B. sterilization.
C. antisepsis.
D. sanitization.
E. ionization

C. antisepsis

6. Scrubbing or immersing the skin in chemicals to reduce the numbers of microbes on the
skin is
A. disinfection.
B. sterilization.
C. antisepsis.
D. sanitization.
E. ionization.

C. antisepsis

7. Which of the following types of control agents would be used to achieve sterility?
A. virucide
B. bactericide
C. germicide
D. sporicide
E. fungicide

D. sporicide

8. The easiest microbial forms to kill or inhibit are \
A. prions.
B. vegetative bacteria and fungi.
C. endospores.
D. protozoan cysts.
E. mycobacteria and staphylococci.

B. vegetative bacteria and fungi

9. The method of removing vegetative microbial life forms from inanimate objects is termed
A. antisepsis.
B. disinfection.
C. sterilization.
D. decontamination.
E. degerming.

B. disinfection

10. The method of removing vegetative life forms from living surfaces is termed
A. antisepsis.
B. disinfection.
C. sterilization.
D. decontamination.
E. fegerming.

A. antisepsis

11. The removal of all life forms from inanimate objects is termed
A. antisepsis.
B. disinfection.
C. sterilization.
D. decontamination.
E. degerming.

C. sterilization

12. The betadine swab before blood donation is an example of
A. antisepsis.
B. disinfection.
C. sterilization.
D. decontamination.
E. sanitation.

A. antisepsis

13. The alcohol wipe before an injection is an example of
A. antisepsis.
B. disinfection.
C. sterilization.
D. decontamination.
E. virilization.

A. antisepsis

14. A cleansing method that mechanically removes microbes and other debris to reduce
contamination is
A. disinfection.
B. sterilization.
C. antisepsis.
D. sanitization.
E. degermation.

D. sanitization

15. Which is correct regarding the rate of microbial death?
A. Cells die at increasingly greater rates.
B. Only older cells die in a culture.
C. Cells in a culture die at a constant rate.
D. Upon contact with the control agent, all cells die at one time.
E. Cells become metabolically inactive, but are never killed.

C. Cells in a culture die at constant rate.

16. Which of the following factors will influence the action of microbial agents?
A. the number of microorganisms
B. the kind of microorganisms
C. temperature and pH
D. mode and dosage of the agent
E. All of these will influence the action.

E. All of these will influence the action

17. Microbial death occurs when there is
A. no movement.
B. permanent loss of reproduction.
C. a change in appearance.
D. a decrease in size.
E. All of these occur.

B. permanent loss of reproduction

18. Each of the following is the target of antimicrobial agents except
A. cell walls.
B. cell membranes.
C. ribosomes.
D. cellular proteins.
E. cytoplasm.

E. cytoplasm

19. Surfactants work by
A. coating the organism, preventing interaction with its environment.
B. blocking transport into the organism.
C. blocking transport out from the organism.
D. disrupting membrane integrity.
E. All of the choices are correct.

D. disrupting membrane integrity

20. Some microbial control agents are able to _____ cell proteins by breaking bonds that
maintain the native state (three-dimensional configuration) of the proteins.
A. denature
B. bind
C. dissolve
D. activate
E. All of the choices are correct.

A. denature

21. Agents that can denature microbial proteins include all of the following except
A. moist heat.
B. alcohol.
C. acids.
D. metallic ions.
E. X rays.

E. X rays

22. Which of the following does not affect microbial nucleic acids?
A. moist heat
B. ultraviolet light
C. X rays
D. ethylene dioxide
E. formaldehyde

A. moist heat

23. Physical agents for controlling microbial growth include all the following except
A. ultraviolet radiation.
B. boiling water.
C. HEPA filters.
D. pasteurization.
E. hydrogen peroxide.

E. hydrogen peroxide

24. Sterilization is achieved by
A. flash pasteurization.
B. hot water.
C. boiling water.
D. steam autoclave.
E. All of the choices are correct.

D. steam autoclave

25. Dry heat
A. is less efficient than moist heat.
B. cannot sterilize.
C. includes tyndallization.
D. is used in devices called autoclaves.
E. will sterilize at 121C for 15 minutes.

A. is less efficient than moist heat

26. The most efficient sterilizing conditions in a steam autoclave are
A. 121C at 15 psi for 15 minutes.
B. 63C for 30 minutes.
C. 160C for 2 hours.
D. 71.6C for 15 seconds.
E. 100C for 30 minutes.

A. 121 C at 15 psi for 15 minutes

27. The shortest time required to kill all the microbes in a sample at a specified temperature is
called the
A. thermal death point (TDP).
B. thermal death time (TDT).
C. sporicidal time.
D. death phase point.
E. None of the choices is correct.

B. thermal death time (TDT)

28. The lowest temperature needed to kill all microbes in 10 minutes is the
A. thermal death point (TDP).
B. thermal death time (TDT).
C. sporicidal time.
D. death phase point.
E. None of the choices is correct.

A. thermal death point (TDP)

29. Disinfection of beverages such as apple juice, milk, wine is optimally achieved by
A. pasteurization.
B. chlorination.
C. moist heat autoclave.
D. filtration.
E. boiling water.

A. pasteurization

30. Placing organisms at 4 C is
A. bacteriocidal.
B. bacteriostatic.
C. decontamination.
D. sterilization.
E. None of the choices is correct.

B. bacteriostatic

31. Pasteurization
A. kills all vegetative forms.
B. reduces the number of vegetative forms.
C. reduces the number of endospores.
D. increases food nutrient value.
E. None of the choices is correct.

B. reduces the number of vegetative forms

32. _____ heat is more rapidly effective and efficient compared to _____ heat.
A. High, dry
B. High, moist
C. Dry, moist
D. Moist, dry
E. Moist, high

D. moist, dry

33. A method for sterilizing milk, called _____ treatment, uses 134C for 1 to 2 seconds.
A. pasteurization
B. batch pasteurization
C. flash pasteurization
D. ultra high temperature
E. None of the choices is correct.

D. ultra high temperature

34. What instrument is most effective for pressure-temperature sterilization?
A. oven
B. autoclave
C. water bath
D. Bunsen burner
E. incubator

B. autoclave

35. Vials of microorganisms that undergo the freeze-drying process called _____ will remain
preserved and viable for years.
A. desiccation
B. flash freeze
C. lyophilization
D. pasteurization
E. sterilization

C. lyophilization

36. Removal of moisture by dehydration is called
A. desiccation.
B. flash freeze.
C. lyophilization.
D. pasteurization.
E. sterilization.

A. desiccation

37. _____ radiation excites atoms to a higher energy state within molecules such as DNA that
then leads to the formation of pyrimidine dimers.
A. Infrared
B. Ultraviolet
C. Gamma
D. Particle
E. Ionizing

B. ultraviolet

38. Which of the following items are typically irradiated in order to kill microbes?
A. meats like ground beef and pork
B. human tissues such as heart valves and skin
C. operating room air
D. surgical gloves
E. All of the choices are correct.

E. all of the choices are correct

39. Which control method would not be a suitable choice for killing Mycobacterium in a
capped culture tube?
A. ultraviolet (germicidal) light
B. gamma rays
C. 121C at 15 psi for 15 minutes
D. 160C for 2 hours
E. All of the choices are correct.

A. ultraviolet (germicidal) light

40. Which of the following forms of radiation is in order from the most penetrating to the
least penetrating?
A. gamma, cathode, X rays
B. gamma, X rays, cathode
C. cathode, gamma, X ray
D. cathode, X ray, gamma
E. X ray, gamma, cathode

B. gamma, X rays, cathode

41. HEPA filters are used to remove microbes from
A. air.
B. liquids.
C. human tissues.
D. medical instruments.
E. All of the choices are correct.

A. air

42. Filtration can result in sterilization of serum and blood products
A. by removing viruses.
B. by relying on gravity.
C. by removing toxins.
D. using high heat and filtration.
E. All of the choices are correct.

A. by removing viruses

43. _____ is a control method that removes microorganisms rather than inhibiting or killing
A. Boiling
B. Sterilization
C. Radiation
D. Filtration
E. Disinfection

D. filtration

44. Which of the following is not a factor that affects germicidal activity?
A. the material being treated
B. the length of exposure
C. the strength of the germicide
D. the microorganism being treated
E. All of these are factors.

E. all of these factors

45. All of the following pertain to hypochlorites except
A. release hypochlorous acid in solution.
B. cause denaturation of enzymes.
C. found in iodophors.
D. used to disinfect water, restaurant, and medical equipment.
E. found in common household bleach.

C. found in iodophors

46. _____ is a halogen used in gaseous and liquid form for large-scale disinfection of drinking
water and sewage.
A. Iodine
B. Chlorine
C. Bromine
D. Fluorine
E. All of the choices are correct.

B. Chlorine

47. The compound that is an organic base containing chlorine and two phenolic rings, and is
used increasingly for mucous membrane irrigation, obstetrical washes, hand scrubbing, and
prepping surgical skin sites is
A. carbolic acid.
B. chlorhexidine.
C. triclosan.
D. formalin.
E. quarternary ammonium compounds.

B. chlorhexidine

48. Alcohols
A. dissolve membrane lipids at concentrations of greater than 50%.
B. can be used for disinfection or antisepsis.
C. are skin degerming agents.
D. are limited in effectiveness due to rapid evaporation.
E. All of the choices are correct.

E. all of the choices are correct

49. The chemical agent that produces highly toxic and reactive free radicals is
A. cidex.
B. cationic detergents.
C. hydrogen peroxide.
D. chlorhexidine.
E. iodophors.

C. hydrogen peroxide

50. Hydrogen peroxide can be
A. sporicidal.
B. fungicidal.
C. bactericidal.
D. virucidal.
E. All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

51. All of the following disrupt the cytoplasmic membrane except
A. detergents.
B. quaternary ammonium compounds.
C. high concentration phenols.
D. iodine.

D. iodine

52. Heavy metals work by
A. rupturing the cell membrane.
B. inactivating proteins.
C. binding to DNA.
D. dissolving the cell wall.
E. mutating DNA.

B. inactivating proteins

53. Which of the following is not used as an antiseptic?
A. iodophor
B. chlorhexidine
C. 3% hydrogen peroxide
D. betadine (povidone-iodine)
E. glutaraldehyde

E. glutaraldehyde

54. Ethylene oxide is
A. sporicidal.
B. only effective with high heat.
C. the active agent in household bleach.
D. used as an antiseptic against anaerobes.
E. a halogen.

A. sporicidal

55. Which of the following acids is not used to destroy or inhibit microbial cells in food?
A. acetic acid
B. benzoic acid
C. lactic acid
D. phosphoric acid
E. propionic acid

D. phosphoric acid

56. In lab, inoculating loops are sterilized using
A. moist heat.
B. chemicals.
C. incineration.
D. filtration.
E. ethylene oxide.

C. incineration

57. Antimicrobial agents can target the cell wall by
A. blocking its synthesis.
B. digesting it.
C. inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis.
D. All of the choices are correct.

D. All of the choices are correct

58. Which of the following represents the use of osmotic pressure as a microbial control
A. bleaching a kitchen counter
B. salting meat
C. rinsing a cut with Betadine
D. Both bleaching a kitchen counter and rinsing a cut with Betadine are correct.

B. salting meat

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