Chapter 9 – 11 Art Appreciation

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Artistic devices used to glorify a ruler’s image include an idealized image and ____.

Standing Side by Side

In the Egyptian sculpture Menkaure and His Wife, Queen Khamerernebty, the figures are shown ____


In this image, Justinian is shown as a(n)____.


This image is an example of a(n) ____.

The Twelve Apostles

The twelve figures flanking Emperor Justinian in this image allude to ____.


The Crowned Head of an Oni demonstrated the Yoruba and Benin skill in ____.


In ancient Hawaii, only royalty could own or wear precious objects made of ____.

Fly Whisks

Royal kahili were simply ____.


Triumph of the Will was a film glorifying ____.

Their Grand Size

Palaces are different from ordinary residences by ____.

Its grand use of columns

Achaemenid architecture is especially distinguished by ____.


Versailles was built in the ____ style.

Five Legs

The Lamassu was a figure that stood on

Gothic Revival

The Houses of Parliament were built in the ____ style


The Maori Meeting House represented the ____ of a great ancestor.


To remember military victories, the Romans built ____.


An apotheosis means that someone has become ____.


A warrior on horseback is called a(n) ____.


The Benin Plaque with Warrior and Attendants represented the king’s ____.

Spanish Civil War

Picasso’s Guernica dramatized the 1937 destruction of the Basque capital during the ____.


The Palette of King Narmer glorifies ____.

Ruthlessness and Brutality

The Assyrians dominated the Near East for over three hundred years and were known for their ____.


A fantastic creature, the Lamassu had the head of a ____.

Cast Iron

England’s Houses of Parliament used new building materials such as ____.

Mathew Brady

The first to photograph war, ____ made 3,500 photographs covering both sides of the U.S. Civil War.

All of the Above

____ have symbolized peace in Western art.


A ruler’s image is often ____, meaning it is depicted without flaws and often with youthful vigor.

Unification of Egypt

The Palette of King Narmer represents the forceful ____.


To emphasize Christianity in the image The Emperor Justinian and his Attendants, a soldier’s shield displays the ____, an ancient symbol of Christ.

The Triumph of the Will

The film ____ established Adolph Hitler as the first media hero of the modern age.


Abandoned prior to Spanish conquest, the ____ created Palenque, a large palace complex with high platforms and relief sculpture.

Forbidden City

The ____ in China was built as a sign of Imperial power and as an instrument to maintain power.


The seat of power for King Louis XIV of France, ____ was originally Louis’s grandfather’s hunting lodge.

Great Wall

The ____ of China, considered to be a "wonder of the world," is a monumental example of war architecture.


Known for its cinematic technique, the film The Battleship Potempkin used ____ to allow viewers to piece together the story from fleeting images.


Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Washington, D.C., was designed to glorify the Vietnam War


Guernica was a temporary memorial honoring the victims of September 11.


Emperor Justinian’s wife, Theodora, was depicted as having equal rank and power to her husband.


Hawaiian royal objects were made of materials that were taboo to all others except royalty.


The imagery in Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will was strictly documentary and was not manipulated by the director.


King Louis XIV of France was also called the Sun King because he identified himself with the god Apollo.


The Palette of King Narmer was used for mixing black eye makeup worn by ancient Egyptian men and women.

About two hundred years ago

Art protesting a particular war was first seen____.

The Spaniards

Francisco Goya’s The Executions of May 3, 1808, sympathize with____.

Protested against wars

Both Kathe Kollwitz and George Grosz____.

Nazi Germany

Much of John Heartfield’s art protested against ____

Spanish Civil War

David Alfaro Siqueiros protested against the ____.

The struggle between life and death

Robert Motherwell believed that abstraction communicated best____.


The Surrealists believed in automatism, which includes the idea of____.

The atomic bomb

Tomatsu Shomei’s photographs are of victims of ____.


Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People is ____ in its portrayal of fighting as thrilling, dangerous, and liberating

large size

Leon Golub’s Mercenaries I is particularly imposing because of its____.


Lewis Hine’s photos of child laborers have long ____, which fully documented their youthfulness.

African Americans

Jacob Lawrence did a series of paintings describing the tribulations of____.


The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti was done by ___.

Flat and Simple

Jacob Lawrence’s artistic style was____.


William Kentridge created charcoal drawings and film animations reflecting the causes and injustices of ____.

A mental hospital worker

Edward Kienholz’s work is based on his experiences as ____.


Ester Hernandez uses ____ to make her artistic protests.


Yinka Shonibare’s Mr. and Mrs. Andrews without Their Heads is a parody of a work by____.

A fresco

Abrogio Lorenzetti’s Allegory of Good Government was____.


The ____ Codex Borbonicus is a religious calendar that was made during the period of the Spanish conquest.

painted six years after the event from sketches the artist made

This painting was ____.

illustrate an event that occurred when Napoleon Bonaparte’s army occupied Madrid

The function of this painting was to ____.

Social Protest

This work is an example of art as ____.

The Peasant War in Germany in the sixteenth century

The subject matter in this work deals with ____.


The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti uses ____ as a protest strategy.


Osorio’s mixed-media ____ The Scene of the Crime (Whose Crime?) affirms the worth of Puerto Rican culture in New York, while depicting how the people are depicted in mass media.

Jacob Lawrence

____ did a series of forty-one paintings on the life of Francois-Dominique Toussaint-L’Ouverture, a slave who led a revolt in Haiti that resulted in the abolition of slavery there in 1794.


In Jacob Lawrence’s tempera paintings, the use of space and color, as well as the bright patterns of handmade rugs, indicate the influence of ____.

European Settlement

The Aboriginal Memorial commemorates all the native peoples of Australia who died as a result of the ____.

Kara Walker

____ is an African American artist who creates life-size, cutout silhouette figures based on racist imagery of the slave era in the United States.


Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Allegory of Good Government was painted when ____ was still a patchwork of city-states in constant turmoil, rather than a unified nation.


In The Ambassadors, Hans Holbein the Younger portrays Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve as ____, indicated by the objects on the table between them, which reflect their interest in culture, arts, mathematics, and astronomy.

Status Quo

The ____ is the normal, existing state of affairs, which appears natural or inevitable instead of constructed or evolving.

Honore Daumier

The nineteenth-century French artist ____ was known for his pointedly satirical, political cartoons.


Robert Motherwell was influenced by the Surrealist concept of ____, which incorporates intuition, spontaneity, and the accidental when creating artwork.


Robert Motherwell’s Elegy to the Spanish Republic was made in response to the influenza epidemic of 1918.


Tomatsu Shomei’s Senji Yamaguchi of Urakami is an example of documentary photography.


Most social protest works of art are designed to prescribe specific changes and actions.


Edward Kienholz’s The State Hospital uses ugliness to criticize the way society deals with people it deems incompetent.


Hatoum’s Light Sentence deals with personal identity, the body, surveillance, and control

Renaissance and Baroque

Viola’s series titled The Passions is based on ____ paintings of figures in sorrow, ecstasy, or astonishment.

flat shapes and contour lines

The Study for the Portrait of Okakura Tenshin showed the Japanese characteristics of ____.

Action Painting

In Pollock’s Lucifer, the style of painting called ____ involved the motion of the artist’s entire body.

Thick Paint

Van Gogh’s Portrait of Dr. Gachet featured ____ to show the artist’s state of mind.


Chuck Close uses ____ to convey importance in his portraits.

Unusual Faces

Nancy Burson’s Faces are portraits of children with ____.

A unique man

Lucian Freud’s Leigh under the Skylight is a portrait of ____.


Rembrandt’s portraits reveal that The Netherlands encouraged ____.


Frida Kahlo’s many self-portraits show her face as ____.


A Yakshi is a representation of ____.


According to Protagoras, man is the ____ of all things.


Doryphoros translates to ____.

Its restrained emotions

The Doryphoros is idealized in several ways, including ____.


Traditional African sculpture portrays the frontal view as ____.


Many African sculptures considered the head and ____ as most important.


Laocoön and His Sons revealed ____ Greek attitudes about the body during the Hellenistic period.


Medieval Christians felt the ____ was more important than the ____.


Eadweard Muybridge’s photos of human bodies revealed his ____ attitude towards the human body.


The Egyptian ____ style was a new aesthetic, which rejected the rigid, abstract style of the past for a more flowing, elegant, naturalistic approach.

the suffering inherent in modern, urban life

Vincent van Gogh’s Portrait of Dr. Gachet was a vehicle for commentary about ____.


the suffering inherent in modern, urban life


A(n) ____ pose depicts a figure standing naturally, with one foot forward and one leg bearing most of the figure’s weight.

Eadweard Muybridge

____ is known for the use of stop motion photography to document the physical movement of humans and animals.

Sigmund Freud’s

The publication of ____ theories of repression and neurosis influenced many artists of the late nineteenth century.

actions of the audience

In Marina Abramovic’s performance piece, The Artist Is Present, the artist’s body and the ____ are the art piece.


A successful portrait in art is usually considered someone’s likeness, not only in face but also in ____.


The first attribute of a specific portrait is usually ____ features, rather than the broadly stylized features evident in generic figures

group cohesion

Double Mask from the Ejagham People of the Cross River area of Cameroon was worn during rituals that promoted ____.

Rembrandt van Rijn

The Dutch artist, ____ made at least sixty-two self-portraits, often identifiable by the subject matter and his palette of earth tones, dull reds and luminous yellows.

Frida Kahlo

____ was known for using self portraits to comment on the factors shaping her life, including her ancestry and her chronic pain.


A(n) ____ figure, such as Doryphoros, is often used to represent ideas about the essence of humanity, rather than depicting a specific individual.


In ____ Greece, figures were often depicted in theatrical poses as though they were on stage in front of an audience.


During the Renaissance, the ____ as an ideal form became popular again.


In the nineteenth century, new technologies such as ____ changed the understanding of the human body and the way art was made.


Chuck Close is a painter known for making highly idealized figurative paintings based on classical notions of ideal beauty.


Nancy Burson achieved a grainy, fuzzy look in her photographic series Faces by using a cheap plastic camera.


A full-body portrait is always a life-size depiction of an individual.


Polykleitos invented and applied a system of mathematical proportions called the Canon for the depiction of Greek figures.


In Medieval Europe, human nature was held in high esteem, and images of the body symbolized the purity of God’s divine realm


Italian Renaissance artists were strongly influenced by Hellenistic and Roman sculptures that were being excavated in central Italy.


Many late nineteenth century European artists were strongly influenced by Japanese prints and paintings.


Ritual tattooing was often used on the eastern islands of the South Pacific as part of initiation rites that prepared an individual for adulthood.

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