Chapter 8 History

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Who led American forces at the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

Thomas Jefferson believed that

people should learn to serve the government rather than expecting the government to serve the people.

Why did Thomas Jefferson favor sovereignty of state government over the federal government?

He believed that state government was responsive to popular will.

The purpose of the Adams-Onís (Transcontinental) Treaty was to settle border disputes between
the United States and


Who did Thomas Jefferson believe were the most vigilant and virtuous people?


How did President Jefferson plan to reverse what he perceived to be a drift toward despotism
that had occurred in the 1790s?

He planned to eliminate the national debt, thereby reducing the need for taxes.

Which ways did President Jefferson cut federal expenses?

-He closed various American embassies in Europe. -He reduced the size of the army. -He cut the federal debt. BUT He did NOT bribed the Barbary pirates rather than fighting them.

Why did President Jefferson advocate naval action against the Barbary pirates?

He believed that waging war would be less expensive than paying tribute.

In President Jefferson’s view, what did the Judiciary Act of 1801 demonstrate?

The Federalists were going to make the judiciary their stronghold.

Who were the midnight judges?

Judicial appointments made by President Adams in the last day of his presidency

What did the Supreme Court argue in Marbury v. Madison?

The Supreme Court had the authority to determine the constitutionality of a law.

The 1823 Monroe Doctrine argued that European countries

could no longer establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

Why did President Jefferson consider French ownership of Louisiana unacceptable?

–Ownership by a weaker nation than France offered more possibilities for the United States. –The French might join forces with the British and endanger American security. –If the French quarreled with the British, the United States might find itself caught in the middle. –French ownership interfered with Jefferson’s dream of an empire of liberty.

**Which of the following statements accurately describes the War of 1812?

–It occurred even though Great Britain had decided to seek peace prior to the U.S. declaration of war. –It was militarily indecisive but left the United States as a major power. –It witnessed the Battle of New Orleans after the signing of a peace treaty.

Why did Jefferson overcome his doubts about the constitutionality of the Louisiana Purchase?

He decided that a guarantee of land for American farmers was more important than a constitutional principle.

**What was the main reason that President Jefferson authorized the Lewis and Clark expedition?

He hoped to advance scientific knowledge.

The Lewis and Clark expedition produced which of the following results?

–New scientific information –Tall tales about gigantic Indians and a mountain of salt –Stimulation of interest in the West –New geographic information

What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution require?

There had to be separate ballots in the Electoral College for the presidency and vice presidency.

What were Aaron Burr’s intrigues during the period 1800-1806?

–He hatched a plot to form a pro-British northern confederacy. –He supported a duel that resulted in Alexander Hamilton’s death. –He formulated a plot for a southwestern confederacy. –He attempted to take advantage of a tie in the Electoral College to gain the presidency. –BUT He did NOT developed a scheme to become vice president as a Federalist.

How effective was the 1807 Embargo Act?

It severely hurt the American economy and had little influence on foreign countries.

What was the basic conflict between President Jefferson and the Quids?

The Quids believed that Jefferson was not true to their party’s country ideology.

What did the British Rule of 1756 state?

Trade closed in time of peace could not be opened in time of war.

What did the British Rule of 1756 state?

Trade closed in time of peace could not be opened in time of war.

What is impressment?

The seizure of purported British sailors from American merchant ships and pressing them into service

While still controversial, how has DNA evidence influenced our understanding of Thomas

Thomas Jefferson probably fathered at least one child with his slave, Sally Hemings.

Which region of the United States was hit the hardest by the Embargo Act?

New England

What were the terms of the Non-Intercourse Act?

America would trade with all nations except Britain and France and would restore trade with either nation if it ceased to violate neutral rights.

Which of the following actions of the American government reopened trade with Britain and France and determined that if either nation repealed its restrictions, the United States would halt all commerce with the other nation?

Macon’s Bill No. 2

*Who were the war hawks?

They were frontiersmen from New England who wanted to seize Canada from Great Britain.

Thomas Jefferson believed that the army should

be reduced in size to save money.

Where did William Henry Harrison’s forces defeat the Shawnee Indians?

Battle of Tippecanoe

What was the main source of votes in favor of war with Britain when Congress declared war in June 1812?

Republicans in populous states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia

Who composed the "Star-Spangled Banner"?

Francis Scott Key

The Rush-Bagot Treaty demilitarized

the Great Lakes.

Which of the following was not a reason the United States went to war with Great Britain in 1812?

REASONS US WENT TO WAR IN 1812-An economic recession affected the South and West after 1808. -Many Americans believed that British policy was damaging America’s economy. -President Madison believed that Britain wished to eliminate the United States as an economic revival -Britain was impressing American sailors and violating American neutral rights. Not a reason: New England merchants wanted the government to protect their shipping.

Why was Captain Oliver Perry’s victory at the Battle of Put-in-Bay (Lake Erie) significant?

The British lost control of Lake Erie and therefore pulled back from Detroit.

What did the Treaty of Ghent not do?

DID NOT: It outlawed the impressment of American sailors. BUT, IT DID: -It restored the status quo antebellum. -It ended the War of 1812. -It provided for no territorial gain or loss for the United States. -It referred boundary issues to a joint commission.

Which of the following ideas were proposed at the Hartford Convention?

-The United States should abolish the Constitution’s three-fifths clause. -The Constitution should be amended to require a two-thirds vote to declare war. -There should be a prohibition against two successive presidents from the same state.

Who helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific?


When Henry Clay called for an American system after the War of 1812, what did he mean?

The United States needed internal improvements that would make the nation self-sufficient.

In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the Supreme Court declare? **

A state cannot tax an agency of the federal government.

Why did the Supreme Court decisions in McCulloch v. Maryland and Dartmouth College v. Woodward dismay Republicans?

-They saw the decisions as an attack on state and popular authority. -They believed that the Court was giving away too much of its power. -They feared that too many states would begin to interfere with corporations. -They believed that the Court was exceeding its constitutional authority.

Who served as a Spanish agent while working for the U.S. government?


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