Chapter 6 Us History

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Social Darwinists believed that

The best country would win any international competition.

The triple alliance nations were

Germany, France, and the United States.

The build-up of the U.S. Military in 1916 was and example of


Who was responsible for the agricultural policies of the United States during world war 1?

Herbert Hoover

which organization specifically promoted support for the war among the American people?

The committee on public information

One reason for the German surrender in 1918 was that

Many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight.

Convoys were used to

Prevent submarine attacks on ships.

The League of Nations can best be described as a

Mutual defense agreement.

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were


When world war 1 began, President Wilson wanted to United States to remain neutral because of the nation’s

Ethnic diversity.

Which event was most influential in turning american public opinion against germany?

The invasion of Belgium

What hastened the entry of the United States into world war 1?

The Zimmerman Note

What was the effect of the Sedition Act of 1918?

It limited freedom of speech.

How did world war 1 change the lives of American Women?

It broadened job opportunities for women.

How did world war 1 contribute to the African American Great Migration?

By creating jobs in the north.

World war 1 brought increased immigration to the United States from


What major event shocked the American people and led Wilson to no longer call for peace?

Zimmerman note exposed

Why did congress pass the national defense act and the Naval construction Act in 1916?

Congress passed the acts to prepare Americans for the possibility of U.S. Involvement in the war

About how many American troops served in combat during world war 1?


What did President Wilson mean by the phrase "peace without victory"?

That the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.

What was the result of the U.S. Senate’s refusal to approve the Treaty of Versailles?

the League of Nations was ineffective

Which group believed the language of article 10 of the treaty of Versailles contradicted the power of congress to declare war?


What did Wilson hope to accomplish with the League of Nations?

He hoped to create a world organization where countries could gather and resolve their quarrels peacefully.

What was one cause of labor strikes in 1919?

Rising prices

What international event led to the Red Scare?

A revolution in Russia

Which nation was the world’s economic leader after world war 1?

The United States

In 1920, American voters elected a president who promised

A return to simpler times

The postwar period was difficult for farmers because of

Falling food prices

What did Stanton’s writings suggest about the status of women during world war 1?

Women’s roles increased in industry

Women’s efforts and sacrifices during world war 1 led to U.S. Government support for which reform?

Universal suffrage


Payment for war damages

Creditor nation

A country that owes less money that it is owed


British passenger ship

Western front

Section of French border that was critical to winning the war

Bernard Baruch

Head of the war industries board.


A viral illness

Espionage act

Banned certain printed materials


Soldiers killed, wounded, and missing

John J. Pershing

Commander of American forces in Europe.

Selective service act

Authorized a military draft

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