Chapter 5 Biology

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Which will reduce competition within a species’ population?
a. fewer individuals
b. higher birthrate
c. fewer resources
d. higher population density

a. fewer individuals

Countries in the first stage of demographic transition have
a. a low death rate and a high birthrate.
b. a high death rate and a low birthrate.
c. a slowly growing population.
d. more old people than young people.

a. a low death rate and a high birthrate.

Which density-dependent factors other than the predator/prey relationship affected the populations of moose and wolves on Isle Royale?
a. extreme temperatures for the moose and flooding for the wolves
b. parasitic wasps for the wolves and clear-cut forest for the moose
c. a hurricane followed by drought for both moose and wolves
d. food availability for the moose and disease for the wolf

d. food availability for the moose and disease for the wolf

Which of the following is NOT likely to be a limiting factor on the sea otter population?
a. disease
b. competition
c. drought
d. predation

c. drought

The human population grew slowly from the beginning of human existence, and then began to grow exponentially about 200 years ago.


Which of the following is a density-independent limiting factor?
a. earthquake
b. disease
c. emigration
d. parasitism

a. earthquake

Resource shortages triggered by increasing population size are density-independent limiting factors.


In countries like India, the human population is growing
a. exponentially.
b. transitionally.
c. logistically.
d. demographically.

a. exponentially.

Which would be least likely to be affected by a density-dependent limiting factor?
a. a small, scattered population
b. a population with a high birthrate
c. a large, dense population
d. a population with a high immigration rate

a. a small, scattered population

The human population experienced exponential growth after
a. agriculture began.
b. plowing and irrigation began.
c. the bubonic plague began.
d. the Industrial Revolution began.

d. the Industrial Revolution began.

A disease resulting in the deaths of one third of a dense population of bats in a cave would be a
a. density-dependent limiting factor.
b. result of exponential growth.
c. density-independent limiting factor.
d. nutrient-limiting factor.

a. density-dependent limiting factor.

The population of a country whose age structure has many more children than people over 40 years of age will probably decrease rapidly in the future.


The anticipated human population by the year 2050 is about
a. 7.8 billion.
b. 9 billion.
c. 9 trillion.
d. 78 billion.

b. 9 billion.

Which of the following would NOT be a limiting factor to the size of a large, dense population?
a. a struggle for food, water, space, or sunlight
b. predator/prey relationships
c. a struggle to find shelter from a natural disaster
d. parasitism and disease

A biotic or an abiotic resource in the environment that causes population size to decrease is a
a. carrying capacity.
b. limiting nutrient.
c. limiting factor.
d. growth factor.

c. limiting factor.

A limiting nutrient is to ecosystem productivity as a limiting factor is to population
a. birthrate.
b. density.
c. growth rate.
d. immigration.

c. growth rate.

Demography is the scientific study of
a. parasitism and disease.
b. modernized countries.
c. human populations.
d. economic transitions.

c. human populations

How can a diagram of a population’s age structure predict how it can grow?
a. It shows how many people are at reproductive ages.
b. It shows how many people will probably die within a few years.
c. It shows how many people are entering the population by birth.
d. all of the above

About 500 years ago, the world’s population started
a. decreasing.
b. to reach carrying capacity.
c. growing more rapidly.
d. to level off.

c. growing more rapidly.

Predators can limit the size of populations by weakening their hosts, resulting in disease or death.


Water lilies do not grow in desert sand because water availability to these plants in a desert is
a. a limiting factor.
b. the carrying capacity.
c. a competition factor.
d. none of the above

a. a limiting factor.

Human population growth has slowed down in
a. China.
b. the United States.
c. India.
d. Africa.

b. the United States.

Demographic transition begins with changes in society that
a. lower the birthrate.
b. increase the birthrate.
c. lower the death rate.
d. increase the death rate.

c. lower the death rate.

Which country has not yet completed the demographic transition?
a. United States
b. India
c. Great Britain
d. Japan

b. India

One of the best-known mechanisms of population control is the parasite-host relationship.


Demographic transition is change from high birthrates and high death rates to
a. exponential growth.
b. a low birthrate and a low death rate.
c. a low birthrate and a high death rate.
d. indefinite growth.

b. a low birthrate and a low death rate.

Each of the following is a density-dependent limiting factor EXCEPT
a. competition.
b. seasonal cycles.
c. crowding.
d. disease.

b. seasonal cycles.

The size of the human population tends to increase with time.


In Rwanda, there are more young children than teenagers, and more teenagers than adults. This age structure indicates a population that
a. has stopped growing.
b. will double in 30 years.
c. has a steady growth rate.
d. will decrease in 30 years.

b. will double in 30 years.

An indication that a country has completed the demographic transition is a low birthrate and a low death rate.


Most of the worldwide human population is growing exponentially because
a. human populations have not reached their exponential curve.
b. human populations have not yet completed the demographic transition.
c. human populations do not conform to the logistic model.
d. science and technology have made it possible.

b. human populations have not yet completed the demographic transition.

Density-dependent limiting factors affect all populations, whether the population size is two or a hundred.


Human activities, such as damming rivers, are density-independent limiting factors.
Select one:


All of the following are limiting factors EXCEPT
a. immigration.
b. competition.
c. predation.
d. human disturbances.

a. immigration.

There are 150 Saguaro cacti plants per square kilometer in a certain area of Arizona desert. To which population characteristic does this information refer?
Select one:
a. growth rate
b. geographic distribution
c. age structure
d. population density

d. population density

Which are two ways a population can decrease in size?
a. immigration and emigration
b. increased death rate and immigration
c. decreased birthrate and emigration
d. emigration and increased birthrate

c. decreased birthrate and emigration

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that play a role in population growth rate?
Select one:
a. immigration
b. death rate
c. emigration
d. demography

d. demography

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