Chapter 4- The New Psychology

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Külpe opposed Wundt by claiming that conscious thought processes can be carried out without the presence of sensations or feelings. Külpe’s view is known as

imageless thought

Wundt’s term voluntarism reflects his emphasis on the

power of the will to organize the contents of the mind

Other than Stumpf’s research, his greatest influence on psychology may have been

educating the founders of Gestalt psychology

The first system or school of thought in psychology was called

voluntarism by Wundt

Wundt classified sensations according to which characteristics?

intensity, duration, and sense modality

In his early work when he was his own experimental subject, the 29-year-old Wilhelm Wundt found that he could

not pay attention to two things at once

While Wundt had argued that learning and memory could not be studied experimentally, who soon proved him wrong?


Titchener noted that the first significant advance in the study of learning since Aristotle was

the development of the nonsense syllable

The subject matter of psychology is the act of experiencing, according to


Stumpf’s method of observation was


Research suggests that many psychology historians consider ____ to be the most important psychologist of all time.


Which of the following are the three dimensions of Wundt’s tridimensional theory of feelings?

pleasure/displeasure; tension/relaxation; excitement/depression.

Which of the following is NOT one of Wundt’s experimental conditions?

Observers must be able to describe the qualitative aspects of their experiences.

Stumpf and Wundt engaged in a bitter fight over the topic of

the introspection of tones

The Gestalt psychologists’ best-known tenet is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This same tenet was alleged in Wundt’s principle of


In Wundt’s laboratory, introspection was used to assess

immediate experience

Wundt’s theory of feelings was based on

his own introspections

For Wundt, the subject matter of psychology was


Which of the following methods is defined as "the examination of experience as it occurred without any attempt to reduce experience to elementary components."


In 1867, Wundt offered the first course ever given in

physiological psychology

Ebbinghaus’ curve of forgetting shows that

material is forgotten rapidly in the first hours after learning and then the forgetting slows down

Act psychology, in contrast to Wundt’s approach, claimed that psychology should

study mental processes or functions and not mental structure

Wundt’s system is most accurately identified as

experimental psychology

Given that many of his research findings remain valid today, ____ can be seen as more influential than ____

Ebbinghaus; Wundt

Ebbinghaus is important for the history of psychology because he

successfully challenged Wundt’s claim that higher mental processes, such as learning and memory, could not be studied in the laboratory

Brentano’s system of psychology was called ____ psychology


Wundt argued that cognitive processes such as learning and memory could not be studied by experimental methods because

they were influenced by language and aspects thereof

This person was influenced by Fechner’s rigid and systematic use of measurement in developing his own methods for researching higher level cognitive processes.

Hermann Ebbinghaus

For Brentano, the primary research method was


Wundtian psychology in Germany was slow to develop because

it was not seen as having practical value

For Wundt, feelings are

based on three dimensions including pleasure/displeasure

According to Wundt, there were two elementary forms of experience, namely

sensation and feelings

The fundamental purpose of creating nonsense syllables was to

control for previous learning

The ultimate fate of Wundt’s laboratory at Leipzig was that it

was destroyed by allied bombing raids in World War II

Wundt’s modification of introspection was the

use of experimental controls

The significance of Ebbinghaus’s work is in his

rigorous use of experimental control and his quantitative analysis of data

Wundt established psychology as distinct from philosophy primarily in terms of its

use of the experimental method

____ work on ____ was the first "venture into a truly psychological problem area" rather than on physiology.

Ebbinghaus’; learning

Wundt’s doctrine of apperception refers to

the process of organizing mental elements into a whole

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