Chapter 4 Psych

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The individual’s cognitive representation of the self, the substance and content of self-conceptions is called?


Ben knows that he is a baseball player, a member of his church, an older brother, and a fan of jazz music. This describes Ben’s?


Which of the following statements regarding adolescent self-understanding is TRUE?

All fo these choices are correct

Sari goes through many different emotions in one day. One minute she is laughing with her friends, and later she is edgy and snapping at her sister. Sari’s fluctuating self has been called the?

Barometric self

Carl Rogers argued that a strong discrepancy between the real self and the ideal self is a sign of?


Crystal wants to be an honor student, a member of the softball team, and a student intern. In reality, she is a B-/C+ student, did not make the softball team, and was placed in a career exploration course rather than an internship. Rogers would say that this discrepancy between Crystal’s actual and ideal selves can produce?

All of these choices are correct

Which of the following statements regarding possible selves is NOT true?

Possible selves that have a negative aspect are unhealthy and should be avoided.

Troy, age 16, is LEAST likely to show his false self to?

his best friend.

Most adolescents view social comparisons as?

socially undesirable

The "social mirror" for adolescents is?


In an effort to protect the self, adolescents tend to?

All of these choices are correct

What differences exist between the self-understanding of adolescents and that of emerging adults?

In emerging adulthood, self-understanding becomes more integrated

Researcher Labouvie-Vief asserts that the development of a coherent, integrated worldview does not happen until which ages?


What happens if youth from different ethnic backgrounds are unable to effectively navigate among their different worlds?

They can experience alienation from family, peers, and school.

Melody moved to the United States from the Philippines with her family. Although she has encountered some barriers related to language and racism, she also has made some close friends and, in general, moves easily between the two cultures. Which of the following is Melody LEAST likely to develop?

alienation from family

Markus and colleagues argue that?

all selves are culture-specific

The global evaluative dimension of self is known as?


Domain-specific evaluation of the self is referred to as?


What differences exist between Susan Harter’s self-perception measures for children and adolescents?

Adolescents are assessed on close friendships, but children are not

To construct the MOST accurate picture of adolescents’ self-esteem, one should look at?

All of these choices are correct

Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem is TRUE?

self-esteem reflects perceptions that do not always match reality

Which of the following statements describes narcissists?

They are excessively self-centered.

Which of the following terms describes a person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and who requires almost constant admiration?


Research has shown that narcissism combined with high self-esteem is related to?

High aggression

Research on trends in narcissism from 1980 to 2007 showed?

no increase in narcissism among high-school and college students

Which of the following factors is related to self-esteem?

All of these choices are correct

Don is a 24-year-old married teacher. His sister, Diane, age 20, is a single college student. Their cousin, Jude, age 23, is a single man who just lost his job as a bartender. Which of these young adults is likely to have the HIGHEST self-esteem?


Research indicates that self-esteem issues among females in emerging adulthood may be due to?

negative body image

What is the most likely impact of inflated self-esteem as a result of empty praise during childhood?

Giving up when faced with a difficult situation

Nick’s parents told him that he did a "good job" for everything, even when his performance was mediocre or poor. Nick’s college sociology teacher gave him a C+ on a paper and included constructive criticism on his writing and critical thinking skills. According to research, Nick will?

have difficulty handling criticism

Which of the following statements regarding high self-esteem and school performance is TRUE?

School performance and self-esteem are only moderately correlate

The most powerful contributor to global self-esteem in adolescence is?

physical appearance

How effective are family cohesiveness and family communication at increasing adolescent self-esteem?

quite effective; families that are close and have good communication tend to have adolescents with high self-esteem

Tyler is in the sixth grade and attends an elementary school. His brother, Jake, is in the seventh grade and is in his first year of junior high school. Research on self-esteem in adolescents would indicate who has higher self-esteem?


Low self-esteem in adolescents and emerging adults has been shown to be a factor in?

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following is NOT one of the outcomes associated with self-regulation?

High self-esteem

Which cognitive change(s) during adolescence has been proposed for the improvement in self-regulation?

All of these choices are correct.

Research has shown that effortful control is related to?

Number of years in formal education

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that the text lists as means to improve the self-esteem of adolescents and emerging adults?

Let adolescents and emerging adults cope with the causes of their low self-esteem on their own

It is extremely important to Sean, age 19, to make the Dean’s List in college. His twin brother, Seamus, is more focused on being chosen for the rugby team. According to Susan Harter, Sean and Seamus have each identified their?

domain important to the self.

Programs such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters provide _____ for adolescents?

Both C and D

Cassie’s soccer coach helps her to cope with her conflicting emotions about her parents’ impending divorce. The coach listens to Cassie and has allowed her to come up with her own plan to face this problem. As a result of this support for her coping skills, Cassie is likely to experience?

increased self-esteem.

Erikson believed that _____ was the central issue for adolescents?


Erikson called the gap between the security of childhood and adult autonomy?

a psychosocial moratorium

Trisha’s parents are concerned that at age 15, she seems to be unsure of what she wants to pursue for a career. Last month she was interested in nursing and now she is looking into social work. Trisha’s parents should know that her behavior is?

typical for adolescents of her age.

Two core ingredients in Erikson’s theory of identity development are _____ and role experimentation?

personality experimentation

Jodie, age 16, refuses to take a summer job working at her father’s grocery store and instead decides to volunteer at a camp for disabled children. She says she would feel "useless" bagging groceries. Erikson would say that Jodie’s choice reflects?

her desire to be true to her own identity

According to Erikson, which of the following factors is a component of identity?

All of these choices are correct

Jean tells you that she loves to go to garage sales and flea markets on weekends. She has described her?

interest identity

Contemporary views on identity development suggest that?

it evolves over the course of the life cycle.

Ruth, age 35, has decided to enter a convent after years of being a successful paralegal. She tells her family and friends that she has given this decision a great deal of thought and that she is open to this new experience. Contemporary theorists of identity development would say that Ruth?

has reorganized her identity

William Damon, author of The Path to Purpose, is concerned that too many of today’s youth are?

All of these choices are correct

Adam, age 28, is still "chipping away" at courses in graduate school. He works part-time as a van driver and freely admits that he doesn’t know what kind of work he wants to do once he finishes his degree. William Damon, author of The Path to Purpose, would say that Adam?

is missing a sense of purpose that gives meaning and direction to life

James Marcia uses the terms _____ and _____ to classify individuals according to four identity statuses?

crisis; commitment

James Marcia refers to a period of identity development during which an adolescent is choosing among meaningful alternatives a?


James Marcia uses the term _____ to mean a personal investment in what an individual is going to do?


Tony has very little interest in choosing a career path. James Marcia would say that Tony’s identity status is?

identity diffusion.

Tony has very little interest in choosing a career path. James MarcMyra’s parents have always told her that she will be an engineer like her grandfather. Myra never even considered any other career and she is now enrolled in a pre-engineering program at a community college. James Marcia would classify Myra in which identity status?

identity foreclosure

The term for the status in which adolescents have made a commitment but have not experienced an identity crisis is

identity foreclosure.

Bob has explored a number of career paths in his senior year of high school and he has decided that he wants to pursue a career as a forensic psychologist. James Marcia would classify Bob in which identity status?

identity achievement

Stacy has explored a number of careers that involve helping other people but she has not yet made a commitment to an identity. According to James Marcia, Stacy is in which identity status?

identity moratorium

A revisionist view of Marcia’s concepts has proposed that effective identity development involves?

All of these choices are correct.

Tracy is fairly sure that she wants to pursue a career in nursing. She attends a nursing career fair, interviews two family members who are nurses, and researches the different jobs that nurses can do. Tracy is in the _____ stage of identity development?

exploration in depth

What has been found to be a turning point in developing identity in late adolescence and emerging adulthood?

All of these choices are correct

Marcia identified at least three aspects of young adolescent development that are important to identity formation. They are an established sense of industry, a self-reflective stance towards the future, and?

confidence in parental support.

Which of the following statements regarding identity in adolescents and young adults is NOT true?

Most young adolescents are identity foreclosed.

What is the best explanation as to why college attendance is associated with positive changes in identity development?

Exposure to diverse experiences

College produces key changes in identity, due to a wide range of new experiences and?

increased complexity in reasoning skills

James Cote argues that a positive identity in emerging adulthood requires?


The process of refining and enhancing the identity choices made in emerging adulthood is known as?

identity consolidation

A common pattern of individuals who develop positive identities is called the?

MAMA cycle.

Which of the following parenting styles has been associated with fostering identity achievement?


Ross has parents who provide him with little guidance and who allow him to make his own decisions. Ross is likely to be?

identity diffused.

What is the main finding of Cooper’s research on the role of families in adolescents’ identity formation?

Identity formation is enhanced by individuality and connectedness

Which of the following statements regarding ethnic identity is NOT true?

Most adolescents resolve their ethnic identity dilemma by rejecting their own ethnic group

Carroll and Gloria are first-generation immigrants from Poland. The degree to which they begin to feel "American" may be related to?

whether or not they develop social networks beyond their ethnic group

Lito and Jose are second-generation immigrants from Argentina. Their ethnic identity is likely to be linked to?

None of these choices are correct.

Researchers have found that?

ethnic identity increases with age

Which of the following statements regarding ethnic identity is NOT true?

Positive ethnic identity is linked to lower school engagement

Low socioeconomic status (SES) urban settings may expose adolescents to?

All of these choices are correct

Research by Heath and McLaughlin show that an important aspect of the social context, increases the likelihood that they will develop a positive ethnic identity is?

youth organizations.

Carlos, age 23, is expected to live at home with his family until marriage. His parents emphasize family loyalty and interdependence. Carlos feels a conflict because he sees that the non Latino White culture, with which he also identifies, values?

independence and self-assertion.

Which of the following statements about gender and identity in the twenty-first century is TRUE?

Gender differences have begun to disappear

Erikson argued that _____ must be established before adolescents can develop intimacy?


A feeling that occurs when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to well-being is called?


During which stage do emotional highs and lows occur most frequently?

early adolescence

Christopher’s mother tells her friend that she does not understand why he is so moody and changeable. Christopher is most likely in?

early adolescence

Which of the following statements regarding hormones and emotions is TRUE?

Environmental experiences may contribute more to emotions of adolescents than hormonal changes

Janeece is aware of her emotions and can cover up negative emotions in social situations. Research has shown that Janeece may be LESS competent at?

managing her emotions

Poor emotional regulation can lead to problems with?

eating disorders

Emotional competence includes all of the following skills EXCEPT?

adequately coping with positive emotions by using strategies to moderate their intensity.

Jim is really angry with his friend for not returning a sports jacket that he borrowed. However, Jim puts on his favorite CD and distracts himself from his negative emotion. Jim clearly has some?

emotional competence

Gayle seems sad and withdrawn. When her friend asks her if she is sad, Gayle replies, "No; I am more hurt than sad that my so-called friends didn’t invite me to their barbecue." Gayle has the emotional competence skill of?

being aware of her emotional state

The _____ is the central aspect of the personality?


Breanna has been described as having liberal values, being appreciative of art and beauty having a vivid imagination, and interested in variety. According to the Big 5 theory of personality, she most likely would be rated high on the trait of?


Joanna is a social person. She enjoys hanging out with friends and always being on the go. She is fun-loving and affectionate. According to the Big 5 theory of personality, she most likely would be rated high on the trait of?


Which of the following statements regarding the Big 5 personality traits and aspects of one’s life is TRUE?

People rated high in extraversion were more likely to have a positive sense of well-being in the future

Which one of the following is NOT associated with developmental changes in the Big 5 personality traits during adolescence?

Increases in extraversion during late adolescence

Which of the following factors is NOT one of the Big Five factors of personality?


The BEST predictor of adjustment and competence in adolescents is?

the emergence of conscientiousness

Walter Mischel argued that personality?

varies according to the situation

Psychologists who believe that both traits and situations need to be considered in understanding personality are known as?


An individual’s behavioral style and characteristic way of responding is known as the person’s?


Which of the following statements about temperament is NOT true?

Negative emotionality is related to conscientiousness

Chess and Thomas concluded that there are _____ basic types or clusters of temperament?


Which of the following is NOT one of the basic temperament types identified by Chess and Thomas?


Parker reacts negatively to many situations and is slow to accept new experiences. Parker could be classified as a(n) _____ child?


The new classification of temperament includes all of the following EXCEPT?


Children who fret and cry often would be classified as having a temperament with

negative affectivity

Jasmine, age 16, becomes upset easily and often appears to be unable to control her arousal. In the newer classification of temperament, Jasmine would be seen as being low in?

effortful control

Tammy, age 17, was classified as an infant with as easy temperament. From the longitudinal research that was done on the relationship between temperament in childhood and adjustment in adolescence and adulthood, we might expect that?

All of these choices are correct

Dan, age 17, was classified as an infant with a difficult temperament. From the longitudinal research that was done on the relationship between temperament in childhood and adjustment in adolescence, we might expect that Dan?

is probably not a well-adjusted young man

Research suggests that, compared to uninhibited children, individuals classified with inhibition in childhood are?

more likely to be assertive as adolescents

Patrick, age three, seems to have good control of his emotions and handles most situations with ease. Research shows that as an adult, Patrick will most likely?

handle his emotions effectively

The match between an individual’s temperament and the demands of the individual’s environment is called?

goodness of fit

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