Chapter 4 Biology

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methyl group (-CH3)

The chemical group that is involved in regulating DNA is the

organic carbon always has a hydrogen atom covalently attached to it

Inorganic carbon such as CO2 differs from organic carbon because __________.

abiotic compounds cycled through the apparatus and were sampled for organic compounds

In Miller’s 1953 laboratory experiment, ____

In the pharmaceutical industry, two enantiomers of a drug ____

In the pharmaceutical industry, two enantiomers of a drug ____

Structural isomers

Choose the term that correctly describes the relationship between these two sugar molecules:

water h2o

Biologically important chemical groups include all of the following except

Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphate, Sulfer

What are the six most important chemical elements of life?


When three phosphate groups are covalently attached to adenosine, __________ is formed.


The chemical group that helps stabilize protein structure is the

the same molecular formula but different covalent arrangements of their carbon skeletons

Structural isomers have ___

a variety of simple organic compounds could be spontaneously synthesized from components in Earth’s primitive atmosphere

Stanley Miller’s experiments were significant because he demonstrated that ______


Molecules that contain only carbon and hydrogen are _

Hydrophobic, nonpolar, and a good source of stored energy

Which of the following are properties of hydrocarbons?


Carbon’s atomic number is 6. This means that it has __________ electrons. After completing the first energy level, carbon has __________ valence electrons and can form __________ bonds


Which element is always associated with organic chemistry?

lacking hydrogen atoms

The carbon skeleton can vary in all of the following except ____

cis-trans isomers

When a double bond joins two carbon atoms, __________ can form.

all are hydrophilic and increase the organic compound’s water solubility

Although the structures of the functional groups that are most important to life vary, they share one thing in common: They ___


Molecules that contain only carbon and hydrogen are __

A carbon atom can complete its valence shell by forming four covalent bonds

The carbon atom is tetravalent; this means that ___

mirror-image isomers of a molecule

Enantiomers are ____

– 1 enantiomer may provide an effective treatment whereas the other may be ineffective or even toxic

Pharmaceutical companies are selling close to $200 billion worth of single-enantiomer drugs. Why might it be important to use only one form of an enantiomer?


Which chemical group is most likely to be responsible for an organic molecule behaving as a base?

-COOH and -NH2

Which of the following is found in all amino acids?


Which of the following molecules is a weak base?

ATP stores the potential to react with water, thereby removing a phosphate group and releasing energy for cellular processes.

What is ATP’s importance in the cell?

they contribute to the molecular shape of a molecule and its unique properties

Chemical groups are significant because ____

Acid … amino

Choose the pair of terms that completes this sentence about functional groups in organic chemistry: Carboxyl is to __________ as __________ is to base.

carboxyl group (-COOH)

The chemical group that acts as an acid is the __


Which of the following molecules is a weak acid

Parkinson’s disease

L-dopa is used to treat __


What kind of effect does R-dopa have on Parkinson’s disease?

Mirror Images

Enantiomers are molecules that ___

differ in the arrangement of their atoms about a double bond

Geometric isomers are molecules that ___

Hydrokyl group

what functional group is characteristic of alcohol

Amino group

Which functional group is characteristic of a base

Sulfhydryl group

Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?

Phosphate group

Which group plays a major role in energy?

Carbonyl group

what is a characteristic of a Ketone?

Carboxyl group

which group plays as an acid?

Isomers differ in the arrangement or bonding of atoms.

How do isomers differ from one another?


What is the effective enantiomer for Ibuprofen?


What is the effective enantiomer for Albuterol ?

Distinguish between the terms vitalism theory and mechanism.

Miller concluded that complex molecules could arise spontaneously under conditions thought at that time to have existed on the early earth.
Abiotic synthesis of organic compounds:
Amino acids, formic acid, urea, etc.

What was the result of Stanley Miller’s experiment?

Carbon has 4 bonds,has no charge difference and is very stable.

Explain how carbon’s electron configuration explains its ability to form large, complex, diverse organic molecules.

Hydrogen( Mostly) and Oxygen and Nitrogen Oxygen is the most electronegative

What are carbon’s most frequent binding partners? What is the valence associated with each? Which are electronegative?

Carbon chains form the skeleton of most organic molecules they can be straight, branched or even rings

Describe how carbon skeletons may vary and explain how this variation contributes to the diversity and complexity of organic molecules.

A hydrocarbon is a organic molecule consisting of only carbon and hydrogen

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. Fats contain large amount of energy, Hydrogen and Carbon

Trans The two X’s are on opposite sides
Cis The two X’s are on the same side

What is a hydrocarbon? What is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fat? What is the difference between a trans and cis configuration?

Explain how ATP functions as the primary energy transfer molecule in living cells.


A molecule is placed in aqueous solution. The pH of the solution decreases. Which of the following functional groups was most likely associated with this molecule?


What functional group is commonly used in cells to transfer energy from one organic molecule to another?

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