Chapter 39 APUSH!!

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When he became attorney general, Robert Kennedy wanted to refocus the attention of the FBI on

organized crime and civil rights.

When he took office in 1961, President Kennedy chose to try to stimulate the sluggish economy through

a tax cut.

In the early 1960s, as leader of France, Charles de Gaulle

feared American control over European affairs.

The 1962 Trade Expansion Act

reduced American tariffs.

John F. Kennedy’s strategy of "flexible response"

called for a variety of military options that could be matched to the scope and importance of a crisis.

While it seemed sane enough, John F. Kennedy’s doctrine of flexible response contained some lethal logic that

potentially lowered the level at which diplomacy would give way to shooting.

American military forces entered Vietnam in order to

help to stage a coup against Ngo Dinh Diem.

The Alliance for Progress was intended to improve the level of economic well-being in

Latin America.

Which one of the following is least related to the other three?

Bay of Pigs

When the Soviet Union attempted to install nuclear weapons in Cuba, President Kennedy ordered

a naval quarantine of that island.

The Cuban missile crisis resulted in all of the following except

U.S. agreement to abandon the American base at Guantanamo.

In a speech at American University in 1963, President Kennedy recommended the adoption of a policy toward the Soviet Union based on

peaceful coexistence.

At first, John F. Kennedy moved very slowly in the area of racial justice because he

needed the support of southern legislators to pass his economic and social legislation.

John Kennedy joined hands with the civil rights movement when he

sent federal marshals to protect the Freedom Riders.

President Kennedy ordered hundreds of federal marshals and thousands of federal troops to force the racial integration of

the University of Mississippi.

By mid-1963, President John F. Kennedy’s position on civil rights can best be described as

supportive but unwilling to stake his political career on the issue.

At the time of his death, President John Kennedy’s civil rights bill

was locked in a filibuster in the U.S. Senate.

The official government investigation of John F. Kennedy’s assassination was led by

Earl Warren.

President Kennedy’s alleged assassin was

Lee Harvey Oswald.

President Johnson proved to be much more successful than President Kennedy at

working with Congress

President Johnson called his package of domestic reform proposals the

Great Society.

With the passage of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution,

Congress handed the president a blank check to use further force in Vietnam.

Voters supported Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential election because of their

all of the above.

Lyndon Johnson channeled educational aid

to public and parochial schools.

All of the following programs were created by Lyndon Johnson’s administration except

the Peace Corps.

In the final analysis, Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs

won some noteworthy battles in education and health care.

The landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplished all of the following except

prohibiting discrimination based on gender.

As a result of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,

sources of immigration shifted to Latin America and Asia.

The common use of poll taxes to inhibit black voters in the South was outlawed by the

Twenty-fourth Amendment.

Beginning in 1964, the chief goal of the black civil rights movement in the South was to

secure the right to vote

As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965,

white southerners began to court black votes.

The Watts riot in 1965 symbolized

the more militant and confrontational phase of the civil rights movement.

Black leaders in the 1960s included ___ , an advocate of peaceable resistance; ___ , who favored black separatism; and ___, an advocate of "Black Power."

b. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Malcolm X; Stokely Carmichael

By the late 1960s, Black Power advocates in the North focused their attention primarily on

economic demands.

Some advocates of Black Power insisted that their slogan stood for all of the following except


By 1972, integrated classrooms were most common in the


Aerial bombardment in Vietnam

strengthened the communists’ will to resist.

"Operation Rolling Thunder" was the code name for

American bombing raids on North Vietnam.

The most serious blow to Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam policy

was the Tet offensive of 1968.

During the Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson ordered the CIA, in clear violation of its charter, to

spy on domestic antiwar protestors.

The 1968 Democratic party convention witnessed

a police riot against antiwar demonstrators outside the convention hall.

The third-party candidate for president in 1968 was

George Wallace.

Both major-party presidential candidates in 1968 agreed that the United States should

continue the war in pursuit of an "honorable peace."

The skepticism about authority that emerged in the United States during the 1960s

had deep historical roots in American culture.

"three P’s" that largely explain the cultural upheavals of the 1960s are

population bulge, protest against Vietnam, and prosperity.

The site of the first major militant protest on behalf of gay liberation in 1969 was

the Stonewall Inn (New York City).

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